
Thursday 11.28.13

Happy Thanksgiving!!

3 rounds of:
Turkey, 20 lbs
Rolls with butter
Mashed potatoes
Cranberry sauce
Brussel sprouts
Apple pie
Pumpkin pie
Deviled eggs
Chubby apple dip
10 meter run to the couch for football and a nap

We aren’t WODing today… are you kidding!?!
Have a great holiday. 🙂

no caffeine
no soda 
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
3 glasses of water a day 


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Jenni, I am thankful for your blog and the amazing WODs everyday! Because of your hard work and dedication to this blog, I am leaner and stronger than I've ever been.

  2. Ha! Luckily I still need to do the WOD from yesterday- that way I can feel ok about an extra round of my Grandma's famous stuffing! I too am thankful for you Jenni and this awesome community of Mamas! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  3. Giving thanks to your mamas today. Happy thanksgiving! I'm in Canada , so no turkey for me today lol. Will do a wod I missed.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving mammasThankful for this blog&Jenni!

  5. So thankful for this blog and all of you Mamas who motivate me everyday! Enjoy the day with your families 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!!

  6. Happy thanksgiving!!! Did 3 rounds for time of:
    Run 800 m
    Dead lift 30 lbs x20
    Time: 15:19

    So thankful for this site!!!!! Love it love it love it!!! The only thing I can keep going with, even if I don't do it or post it everyday 😉

  7. I had to do a WOD so I could earn an extra piece of cheesecake. Ugh. Too many rounds of Turkey!

    Happy Turkey Day!

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