Thursday 11.28.13
Happy Thanksgiving!!
3 rounds of:
Turkey, 20 lbs
Rolls with butter
Mashed potatoes
Cranberry sauce
Brussel sprouts
Apple pie
Pumpkin pie
Deviled eggs
Chubby apple dip
10 meter run to the couch for football and a nap
We aren’t WODing today… are you kidding!?!
Have a great holiday. 🙂
no caffeine
no soda
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
3 glasses of water a day
Happy thanksgiving everyone!!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Jenni, I am thankful for your blog and the amazing WODs everyday! Because of your hard work and dedication to this blog, I am leaner and stronger than I've ever been.
Ha ha!
Ha! Luckily I still need to do the WOD from yesterday- that way I can feel ok about an extra round of my Grandma's famous stuffing! I too am thankful for you Jenni and this awesome community of Mamas! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Happy thanksgiving
Happy thanksgiving mamas! Thank you again, Jenni!!
Giving thanks to your mamas today. Happy thanksgiving! I'm in Canada , so no turkey for me today lol. Will do a wod I missed.
I am thankful for all that you do! Have a great Thanksgiving Day!
Happy Thanksgiving mammasThankful for this blog&Jenni!
Hugs&kisses to you all from Dallas, Tx
So thankful for this blog and all of you Mamas who motivate me everyday! Enjoy the day with your families 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy thanksgiving!!! Did 3 rounds for time of:
Run 800 m
Dead lift 30 lbs x20
Time: 15:19
So thankful for this site!!!!! Love it love it love it!!! The only thing I can keep going with, even if I don't do it or post it everyday 😉
I had to do a WOD so I could earn an extra piece of cheesecake. Ugh. Too many rounds of Turkey!
Happy Turkey Day!