
Wednesday 11.27.13

“Love It”

5 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
21 Deadlifts, 40-60 lbs

Compare to 02.14.13

Post time to comments.

no caffeine
no soda 
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day 
no fried food


  1. 15:57
    50# deadlifts

    Decided to continue on and do a round from fridays WOD and finished at 28:21. I'm excited for my husbands smoked turkey tomorrow!

    Raining cats and dogs here in NC but at least the temp is back up to 66 degrees!

  2. 20:44 Runing slow this week because I have been getting side cramps :/

  3. 16:13 45# DL. Outside run, as rx'd. Feeling all this time off…need to get it back in gear!

  4. 17:45
    30# dl
    Tweaked knee, last round thrusters
    Back after stomach virus , still a bit dizzy/dehydrated.
    Jogged rest to complete 2 miles

  5. 20:29…..really bad chest cold so had to stop between rounds to re-group. Super glad I pushed through though!!

  6. 14:32
    60 lbs
    Outside workout and cold (14 degree windchill)

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  7. 20:29….fighting nasty cold so had to stop for a bit between each round

  8. 13:56 last year 🙁
    But I've undergone 2 knee surgeries and I'm already jogging again 😉

  9. Pat 18:27 #115
    Maria – got thru 2 full rounds on 3rd round at deadlifts did not concentrate and pulled my back #75

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