
Thursday 11.21.13

For time:
15 Dumbbell burpee box-overs, 20 pounds, 18″ box
15 Deadlifts, 40-60 lbs
15 Front squats, 40-60 lbs
15 Pull-ups (assist as needed)

Post time to comments.


no caffeine
no soda 
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day


  1. First day – just found this through a friend…finished in 5:52 – pullups were killer, but they are done!

  2. 4:47
    Only had 20# total in dumbbells so doubled the squats and dl
    Jumping pullups

  3. 4:58 20# Box overs, 50#DL, 45# FS, Jump up slow lower PU.

    Went ahead and did 3 rounds since the pull-ups were assisted and ran an 800 to end at 20:00 even.

    I enjoyed the Burpee Box-overs!

  4. 3:30 40# dB burgers, 40# squats and deadlines, assisted pull ups with boy pu

  5. 8:10 20# on all. 1/2 pull ups, 1/2 pull downs. Used stool for step ups.

  6. Made up my own WOD so I could get it in before work
    3 rounds
    15 straight leg chair lifts
    20 push press 20#
    30 ab twists 10#
    30 squats 20#

  7. 5:09
    The burpee things weren't as scary as I thought, even when modified by using a rickety kitchen chair (that would describe all of ours) so that I had to do it verrrrry slowly! 30# for burpees, 65# for dl and squats, skipped pull-ups

  8. 5:48
    Felt very uncoordinated with the box over burpees. Did at least one extra and then had trouble keeping track on the first couple. Haha

  9. 5:14
    Jumping pull-ups
    Two WOD in one day the day after being sick. Wasn't easy but I did it , yeah!

  10. 4:27 as rx'd
    + 25 bicycle kick sit-ups
    + 5 x 30 sec. plank

  11. 4:16
    30# burpees, 60# DL, 40# front squat, band asst pull ups.
    Haven't worked out since Monday due to being sick. Still not 100%, but needed a workout!

  12. 4:55
    10 lbs over 12" box
    40 lb lift and squat
    Very assisted pull-ups

  13. 5:48, used a rickety kitchen chair also, thanks for the idea! All as rx'd, used 60 #'s for the dl and for the front squats, first time to use that much weight on the front squats!

  14. Did my own wod this am before work:
    5 RFT of 21 box jumps 21 push-ups
    I did it in 10:39- 2 rounds were modified handstand pu
    Did this wod when I got home-
    Only had 20# so I doubled DL & squats( butt to floor)
    3 pull ups unassisted- rest were jumping.
    I liked this one!

  15. Shawntae: 4:10
    Lauren: 7:33
    Sharadee: 6:58

    We liked this one, it was surprisingly hard!

  16. I think I did double the burpees. I counted a burpees over the chair and another burpee as 1 rep. But, since my time is 8:53, I'm assuming everyone else did not.
    70lb dead lifts
    45lb front squats
    Jump up pull ups

  17. 6:50
    30 burpee cross covers
    30 dead lifts 30#
    30 squats 30#
    8 unassisted pull ups, 7 chair assisted

  18. I did two rounds. 30 lb burpee box-overs. 50 lb deadlifts, so I did 20 of those each round. 50 lb front squats. Jumping Pull-ups.

    1st round: 4:28
    2nd round: 4:19

  19. I liked these burpees better. 16# on burpees highest I have(Santa I would love some more;)). 50# DL and squats. No pull-ups no bar. Did do 15 push-ups. 4:34

  20. 2:48 – plain old burpees (no dumbbells or box)

    horizontal pulls for pullups

  21. 4:01 used 60 lb deadlifts and 40 lb squats
    Still love that one!

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