
Wednesday 11.06.13

Run 5K

Compare to 10.02.13

no caffeine
no soda 
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol


  1. 25:10 as RX'd
    10 seconds faster and I had rain and wind this time. I expected to be slower but I felt great!

  2. 26:00

    Grr I hate to run but it was such a beautiful morning. Leaves are finally falling and the trees are so colorful.

  3. About 27 min phone died so I ran in house and checked time it was 12 degree glad I got up! Yippee!

  4. Super short on time and not running any decent distance yet. Did last Fridays workout and still running short distances. 4:05 as rxd

  5. 14:02-Last Thursdays WOD

    2 rounds for time of:
    50 Push-ups
    75 Butterfly sit-ups
    50 Front squat, 40 lbs
    75 Jump rope

  6. 28:52
    Another mile PR 8:40!!! Which also meant this was my fastest 5k!

  7. 32:30 and I got stopped by a couple of stop lights and part of a sidewalk was all torn up so I had to walk through that part.

  8. 28:55
    4 sec short of being a full 2:30 min faster then last time!
    Then did 30 30# push press, 25 push ups and 25 leg lifts to finish out a great 30 min workout!

  9. Ran 4 miles in 34:25, didn't push myself too hard (coming down with a cold)

  10. Didn't run. Can't with my three year old and too much going on tonight. I did, however, request my brother's WOD from his gym down in the KC area.
    power cleans 65lbs
    wall balls 8 lbs

    Every minute on the minute you stop and jump rope 40 times. Took me 11:28. Very tough.

  11. I can't believe I actually did the workout without even knowing what it was! I alternate running distance with the workouts and I just happened to run a 5K this morning. It wasn't a stellar time, but it was done.

  12. Did this today! 🙂

    52:44 – run/walk combo (obviously!) I haven't dug through all of my blogs to see what my last 5k was, but I did a 6k on July 4th in 72:20. Averaged out the 6k was 17:08/mile and today's 5k was 16:88/mile. I'll take it!

    And on a side note…only 37 comments? Looks like everyone else didn't want to do this workout either, which makes me even happier to know that I did! 🙂

  13. 43:08 still do slow, but I consistently did 5:1

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