
Wednesday 10.23.13

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
Run 250 meters
25 Butterfly sit-ups

Post rounds completed to comments.

(sorry for the late WOD this morning…..I guess this proves I am not a robot. 😉

no caffeine
no soda 
fruit or veggie snacks


  1. 7 rounds
    Sub run for 100 jump rope. Husband already gone for work and didn't want to run with baby in 26 degree weather.

  2. 6 rounds and sprinted out the last 35 seconds.

    I think my tailbone has finally toughened up enough to endure the sit-ups!

  3. I did WOD from 10/14 that I missed. Will save this 1 for a later date. Thanks for all you do, Jenni!

  4. 10 sit-ups shy of 8 total rounds. Subbed 100 jump ropes for each run.

  5. 6 rounds plus 125 jump rope and 10 BFSU.
    Subbed 125 jump rope for the run since I ran 2.37 mi before the WOD. Ran a new PR of an 8:46 mi!!!! It just keeps getting faster!

  6. Kept checking for WOD this am and there was no new work out?! Weird. Had to make up my own.
    5 rounds of:
    20 chair lifts legs extended
    20 butterfly su
    10 side crunches each side
    20 reverse lunges

    1. No problem and no sorry needed. Thanks for your hard work with this blog!!!

  7. Here in Finland it was already Evening when this was posted. No Sorry, Did a 50 min bleacher workout with dumpbells and a 2000m swim. Loved the long workout for a change. But I just might get to do thisone as well later 🙂

  8. 3.5 rounds.
    Subbed jumping jacks and running in place for run.
    So tired and didn't feel fueled properly.

  9. 9 rounds exactly.

    I wasn't able to map my round so I ran across a field and back.
    Also did leg lifts and crunches because I was away from home and did not have any back support with me.

    Ran 3.35 miles after.

  10. 6 rounds plus 250m.

    7 weeks postpartum. Doing butterfly crunches instead of situps. Anyone know how to get back in to situps? Don't want to hurt myself. Thanks.

  11. Subbed running for double unders – 150 total
    Sit ups – 150 total
    Then 150 thrusters w/ 20# – 12 mins

  12. 6 rounds in 15:30 (I wanted to finish the round)

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