
Friday 08.23.13


5 rounds for time of:
7 Dumbbell squat clean thrusters, 20 lbs
10 Butterfly sit-ups

Compare to 03.14.12

no caffeine
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day


“Deep-fried foods may be tasty, but
they are definitely not healthy. Foods like french fries, onion rings,
fried wontons and deep-fried candy bars
offer little in the way of nutritional value while putting you at
higher risk for certain health conditions. However, you don’t
necessarily have to give them up totally to have a healthy diet.

Nutrition Concerns

Deep-fried foods
are usually high in fat, particularly the types of fats that are bad
for your health. Many restaurants fry foods in oils containing trans
fats, and since many deep-fried foods are coated in batter, they absorb
more fat than they would without the batter coating. Because of the high
fat content, they are also high in calories, making it more likely you
will eat more calories than you need and possibly gain weight.

Health Risks

saturated fat and trans fat in deep-fried foods increase your risk for
high cholesterol and heart disease. If you eat a high-fat diet, you are
also at higher risk for certain cancers and for obesity. Deep-fried
foods also may contain acrylamide, a possible carcinogen, with foods
fried at higher temperatures or for longer containing more than those
fried for shorter times at lower temperatures.

Healthier Deep Fried Foods

you can’t give up fried foods, you can make them healthier. Use
unsaturated oils to fry your foods, such as canola, corn, peanut,
safflower, soybean or sunflower oil. Heat the oil to the proper
temperature, as oil that isn’t hot enough leads to increased fat
absorption by the food. Make sure the oil returns to the right temperature in between each batch of food you fry in it.


long as your overall diet is low in fat, saturated fat and trans fat,
you can eat deep-fried food in once in a while. Eat just a small amount
of deep-fried food, and pair it with healthy foods, such as fruit and vegetables, that are low in calories. In a healthy diet, all foods are OK in moderation.”
Mamas, I don’t
believe in extremes that are unmaintainable or that leave you feeling
like you are always failing or cheating. I believe in moderation. I want
all of us to try to cut out fried food for the rest of this challenge.
If you steal a french fry from your hubby’s plate or eat a chip from
your kids lunch, you aren’t cheating or failing, you are just living. We
are cutting back. We are trying to be heathier every day and making
changes that can last longer than 90 days. Next time you go to your
family’s favorite burger place, don’t order your own fries, just steal 1
or 2 from someone else at your table. 😉


  1. 6:39 with 30 lbs for SCT
    Yay-Friday!!! Have a good one girls!

  2. 4:28
    20# -kettlebell snatch followed by squat thruster alternated arms on rounds (don't have heavy enough dumbbells)
    arms crossed on bsu

    Happy Friday Mamas!

  3. I meant to say kettlebell clean! Really glad it's Friday 🙂

  4. 3:40
    28# for sct
    Sub'd bfsu with reverse crunch (diast. Recti rehab)

  5. 5:25 with arms crossed and #30. Did lateral shoulder raises instead of thrusters after squat clean.

  6. Hiit mamas northglenn
    Shawntae 6:09 roman chair 22#
    Karissa 5:14
    Jennifer 6:46
    Jen 4:34
    Robin 3:48
    Sharadee 6:something
    Holly 4:53
    Audra 5:49

  7. 5:06 30lb squat clean thrusters!! Have a great weekend gals!

  8. 6:53 with 2-20# db's
    Followed by a cardio HIIT workout- trying to lose the pregnancy lb's 🙂
    It felt good! Have a good weekend ladies!

  9. 3:35 accidentally did thrusters 20# instead of squat cleans, read it wrong dang it! So i ran 1.05 miles extra after this. I'm not a runner @ all, originally hated it & dreaded wods with it but now im getting in these moods where i want to run!

  10. 8:05
    45# thrusters
    I read wrong and did 20 sit-ups 🙂

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