
Tuesday 08.20.13


For time:
100 Lunges (50 each side)
100 Push-ups
100 Butterfly sit-ups
100 Squats

Compare to 07.04.13

Butterfly Sit-ups
no caffeine
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day


  1. I added 15 lb kb for walking llunges and went chest to floor for push-ups (all girl)

  2. 16:10
    Walking lunges knee to floor, gpu and butt to floor squats

  3. 14:56
    Broke up pu and bsu into 25- all boy pu/arms crossed on half
    100 lunges- knee to floor
    100 squats

    Compared to time of 15:13 before

  4. Felt really slow today but my time was faster than the last time we did this… and I stopped for a minute with the clock running to put my dog out. Woohoo.

  5. 12:27
    Broke up bpu and bsu into 2x sets of 30 and 2x sets of 20.
    Broke up lunges (walking) and squats into 2x sets of 50.

    Improved by 2 min, but my bsu were more sloppy this time.

  6. 15:24
    Did bpu in 3 sets between other exercises (34-33-33)
    Compared to 16:59

  7. 17:16. Knee to floor lunges, gpu and butt to floor squats. Slow but fine with time because I really wanted to focus on form.

  8. 16:35 (right after yesterday's WOD)
    4#dbs overhead for 50 lunges/50 regular
    100 diast. recti rehab exer. for bfsu
    50 bpu/50 gpu

    Compared to 17:20 (difference: 50 bfsu arms crossed/50 kte for 100 bfsu)

  9. 11:24.52
    Sets of 20
    Wpu, no sit ups, knees to ground on lunges

  10. 11:24.52
    Sets of 20
    Wpu, no sit ups, knees to ground on lunges

  11. 8:45
    slower than last time, but 25 pushups were boy
    subbed crunches
    stationary lunges
    a million interruptions from kids 🙂

  12. 20:09 vs. 21:12
    Walking lunges
    50 arms crossed bsu, 25 arms extended, last 25 crossed again

  13. Ugh, been outta game too long, lol. (Note for self when looking back… starting Sun. modifying WODs, though not recommended, in hopes of not being so sore to discourage and hopefully stick with it again)

    10 min 50 of each instead of 100, CFSU for 25 with feet anchored, felt using legs to much so crunches for last 25 to isolate abs. GPU so could get through 50 with good form.

  14. Hiitmamas Northglenn
    Shawntae 14:09
    Holly 15:23
    Karissa 17:02 11bpu
    Courtney 60s 50 pu 25 s 9:10
    Megan 19:30 bpu

  15. 14:10
    Walking lunges
    *I still can't do the bfsu without a lot of pressure- how long after having a baby did that go away for you guys? I'm 1 month post-partum…

    1. I would recommend waiting until you are cleared at your 6 week post patten appointment to begin any abdominal exercises, or any strenuous exercise for that matter. Give yourself a little time to heal, recover and for your muscles and joints to get back to normal after all those hormones. I think we rush ourselves and give in to social pressure to look hot straight from the hospital. Give yourself 6 weeks and then start slow.

  16. 14:26 compared to 15:39. Done the same way but with arms crossed on all bfsus. Love having a time to beat!

  17. 16:36. I got really out of practice with pushups. All on knees, but am trying to get better with form…still.

  18. 15:19
    split the push ups and sit ups into sets of 25
    all regular push ups
    30 lbs on squats
    (I did it all the same as last time and took 1:40 off my time!)

  19. 12:14
    Subbed crunches and bicycles for bfsu.

  20. 17:51 Back after a few months of triathlon training… split into two sets of 50. GPU and last 30 crunches for bsu. My legs are j-e-l-l-o!

  21. 22:31

    First day back after 4 week break taken when we moved.

    Felt awful awful awful. Dragged my deliriously tired self through most of it. Only did 50 squats because I had to go pick up daughter but truthfully I was toast anyway. Wrong time of day? Too long since bfast? Too long since last WOD? Wrong day of my cycle? I thought I might actually cry.

    Lost a lot of strength dusting the time off, which I expected. Had to break up lunges when i used to be able to do them straight through. I know I can do over 100 mil pu but today could only squeak out 20…and not all in a row. Crossed arms on 25 sit ups which is about how many I could do before, so in that regard I maintained.

  22. Jenni-
    She cleared me to start already- I made sure that I got the okay from her before starting anything! I feel good other than that- I guess it just takes time! Thanks!!

  23. 12:10 4 sets of 25. First 20 of first set boy push ups. Then first 10. Then hour long core strength class.

  24. 22:10

    Didn't break up sets
    Scaled push ups
    Stationary lunges
    Beat last time by 7 min!

  25. 17:23 – I split this into 4 rounds of 25 reps. I did 50 front lunges and 50 rear lunges, girl push-ups, CF sit-ups, and squats. I'm happy with my time and hopefully next time I won't have to split it up!!

  26. 11:46 compared to 12:00. Yeah shaved off a liitle bir, ill take it!

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