
Monday 08.05.13

Welcome to Hiit Mamas! 

For those of you who don’t know, Hiit stands for High Intensity Interval Training which is another way to describe what we have always been doing without using certain key words, if you know what I mean. I hope all of you like the new name. This one will not be changing. You can find us for now at www.hiitmamas.blogspot.com. You can contact me at hiitmamas@gmail.com.

Tabata Somethin Somethin

32 rounds- 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest of:
8 rounds Back extensions (supermans)
8 rounds Push-ups
8 rounds Butterfly sit-ups
8 rounds Squats

There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 32 intervals to comments.

Compare to 01.09.13

no caffeine
no soda
fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol


  1. Thanks again for all your hard work. I love your blog and the supportive community of women that follow it.

  2. Done!! But I didn't write down the reps. Thank you for this site!! It keeps me from getting into the boring rut routine! I have been slacking a little bit lately, but I still love knowing I can come on here and there will be a good different workout 🙂

  3. 373
    Mix of boy push-ups and girl push ups.

    Thanks for keeping the site going!!

  4. Thank you for your perseverance with this site! Great job!

    405 was my score.

    (Note to self: went to free session at a crossfit gym on Sat for some coaching and learned how to do better push-ups with hands in closer to torso to recruit more muscle groups and they are tough for me)

  5. I follow your site everyday. I tell everyone I know about it too. Have to say I love the name. I'm on a running team called the Hot Mommas and I work out with HIIT Mommas. It's perfect. 'Id HIIT that' should be your next tank.

  6. Can someone give a little more detail on the how to of this workout?? I get that it is essentially 16 minutes total but it's how to incorporate the exercises into each 20 second burst.

    1. You start with back extensions. Do as many as you can for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Repeat this for 8 rounds and then immediately move to your next exercise for 8 rounds.

  7. Back extensions: 81 total
    Push-ups: 57 total– these were harddddd!
    Sit ups: 63 total
    Squats: 87 total
    288 reps all together.
    Great WOD

  8. This is how i did the workout today

    Do back extensions for 20 sec then rest for 10 sec. Record score for each interval. Repeat for 7 more intervals. Continue with remaining exercises in the same manner.

  9. 369-

    I tried bringing my arms in closer- much harder! Thanks for the tip Denise!

  10. 465 total
    Sub 20# row / rev fly for back extension
    47 boy push ups / 48 girl
    62 crunches / 30 sit-ups (tailbone!!!!)
    138 squats

  11. Jenni- I so appreciate your commitment and dedication with all your "difficulties " lately. Know you are apprciatated and you are doing good for others!

  12. BE 132
    PU 95
    BFSU 58
    Squat 103
    TOTAL 388

    Compared to:
    BE 146
    PU 97
    SU 67
    Squat 155
    TOTAL 465

    This time my back was absolutely killing me, need to work on that. PU started off 2 rounds boy, last 6 girl. BFSU were with arms crossed on chest today. Squats were butt to ground. Even though my number is lower I am pleased because of the strength I have gained to go deeper and harder with the exercises!

    Thanks again Jenni for all the effort you put into this site! I know that I wouldn't be where I am physically without it!

  13. 408
    Had to do girl push ups after round three 🙁

    Jenni- thank you for fighting for us by not giving up throughout this frustrating fiasco! I am so grateful for these workouts! Thank you!

  14. Total:340
    Supermans:126 (these are getting easier!)
    Push-ups:74 (gpu)
    Squats:84 (past parallel)

  15. Jenni, thanks for the workouts!! I've always gone through periods of being active then inactive off and on. But since I've found your blog, I've been exercising an average of 5 days a week since the beginning of January. This is the longest I've stayed with anything ever!! I love the variety of the workouts. Thank you so much for all you do! Thanks to your blog I'm in the best shape I ever have been!

  16. CF Mamas Northglenn
    Shawntae bpu 676
    Jenelle gpu 653
    Karissa gpu 595
    Holly gpu 573
    Robin bpu 606
    Jina gpu 690

  17. Ran 4 miles then…

    PU–79 (all boy)

    Total: 476

    I had my teenage daughters do this workout with me.

    Tip's score 412 (113,98,90,111–subbed lunges for pushups since she hyperextended her arm yesterday)

    T's score 376 (131,35,80,130 all boy push ups)

  18. Total: 385

    Back extensions: 101
    Push ups: 88 (35 toes, the rest knees)
    Subbed seated ball twist for sit ups: 92
    Squats: 104

  19. Katie-362, switched to gpu half way through. Those were super hard!

  20. 563
    Gpu's after round 3
    Crunches instead of bf sit-ups (sore bum!!)
    Great WOD!

  21. 104 supermans
    119 all boy pushups
    72 situps
    121 squats

    416 total
    Thanks so much for all that you do, i love this website! I wouldnt be running & pushing myself if it wasn't for you & all the people inspiring me when they post!

  22. Back extensions 233
    Push ups 65
    Sit ups 94
    Squats (butt to floor) 105

    Total 492. Very pleased with progress since January. I have abs again! 🙂

  23. 498
    Compared to 560 in January but this time I was doing BFSU and butt to floor squats so I am good with that. 🙂

  24. Supermans= 86
    Push Ups= 81
    BFSU= 116
    Squats= 106
    Total= 389
    I can only get better! =)

  25. BE 101
    PU 75, first 3 rounds bpu
    CFSU w/feet anchored 52
    Squats 97

    Liked this one!!

  26. Oh and thank you for all your hard work and dedication. I don't get here as often as I would like, but when I'm itching for a workout this is the first place I come! Thank you!!

  27. 356 as rx'd (on vacation too 🙂
    Love the we name too!!!

  28. Didn't get the email for the workout today. Last time it changed I had to email to get back on also. That would be great to keep getting them !!!

  29. Love the new name!!! Thanks for keeping us in the loop Jenni!! Today my total score was 451, with 142 super mans, 97 gpus, 80 bfsus, and 132 squats.

  30. 394 compared to 464 in January. I also have much better form now, so I'm not upset with that.

  31. 6 mile run in 50:46

    then 376. Half bpu, half gpu.

    I have been having trouble posting my comments. Anyway this is on pinterest again? That is where I was previously posting from and never had an issue.

  32. I wa going to take a break while on vacation this week, but I couldn't stay away :). Dragged my mom, husband & bro in law along as well!
    336 (114, 59, 59, 104)

  33. 401 – 88 FEWER; However….

    BE's were W/arms out, superman style VS under chin
    PU's were All Unmodified and up by 5 VS all Modifieds…
    SU's were Butterfly style rather than arms stretch to toes
    Squats fewer by 19… a little deeper but should have been greater improvement here….

    Love these Tabata's!

    Thanks again for all of the time and thought you put into this blog. I really look forward to the workouts! With little to no preparation, I was asked to hike Half Dome because somebody cancelled…. It was no problem and I am coninced it's due to Heather Foster and your blog! Thanks again ladies!

  34. Back Ext: 111
    Push Up: 80
    BSU: 54
    Squats; 96

    Lowest for each:
    Back: 13
    Push Up: 10
    BSU: 5 (ugg!)
    Squats: 10
    total: 38

    Thanks again for your blog – I've actually stuck with this for almost 5 months, and can't believe how strong I see myself now! Can't wait each day to see the workout and see how much further I can take this.

  35. 419. Definitely need to work my back more-superman killed me!

    Jenni-thanks for all the effort you make. This site does much more than kick our butts. 🙂

  36. Total 506
    Did worse than January but I've had two knee surgeries so not bad… I was close to my previous 😀

  37. 324 total the back extensions killed!

    Jenni, Thank you sooooo much for this blog. It has given me incredible confidence and I love my toned look.

  38. 387
    Saturday wod, was working Monday. Not bad after a long week!
    BE 104
    PU 90 (28bpu)
    SU 81
    SQ 112

  39. Pat – 189 BE
    90 PU
    102 SU
    134 Squats
    total 515

    Maria 181 BE
    78 PU (all boy)
    102 SU
    108 Squats
    total 469

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