
Wednesday 07.03.13

21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlift, 60 lbs
Front squat, 40-60 lbs

Post time to comments.

no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
finish strong!


  1. 4:48 (incl time to unrack and rerack bar)
    60# DL
    45# front squat

  2. 5:40 used my almost 30# daughter… a few breaks to adjust her and start again

  3. 4:27 as RX'd
    60 lb deadlift (worked on better form)
    40 lb FS

  4. 4:39
    50# deadlifts with bar(not sure how much bar weighs)
    40# FS with Smith Machine

  5. 3:48, but 30 lbs on the deadlifts and 20 lbs on the squats

  6. 4:45 30# for all
    Then WOD from yesterday

  7. 7:12 (Inc time to adjust weights on DB)
    40# DL
    20# FS
    Moving slow…legs are jello from this week

  8. 6:16 using #60 for all dead lifts and first 21 fs. Then for the next two rounds of fs I had to switch to just #30, the #60 was too much on my wrists.

  9. 4:09
    40# DL and FS -followed this with an ab workout

  10. 4:19-
    With 20lb. weights (all I have cause I'm on vacation 🙂
    Then ran 1.5 miles

  11. 3:41
    30lb deadlifts, 20lb front squats. I'm slowly able to increase the weight, those 30lb were making my arms jello-y though.

  12. Completed 6/26, taught step class then today's wod at 3/57…52lbs bar dead lifts. 33lbs bar front squat.

  13. 3:20. 40# front squats, 65# deadlift. Did some light exercise with the kids @ their speed camp, 20 pushups, 30 squats & some tire flipping.

  14. 4:11 as rx'd

    Including repositioning a few times when the baby decided she needed my yoga mat more than I did. Lol! Walking around with the 55# kb didn't help my lower back for the last two sets. Oh well!!

  15. 5:32 with 60# deadlifts. Did 60# front squats for 1st one but it was too much. Spent the time changing the weights from 60# to 40# for rest.

  16. Pat – #95 – 5:52

    Maria – – #35 – 7:39, hate that I had to lower my weight but my back protested this morning!

  17. 4:58 with 20# weights. 19 weeks until baby comes!

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