Tuesday 07.02.13
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 Burpees
25 Double-unders (sub: 100 single jump rope)
Post rounds completed to comments.
no caffeine
no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
finish strong!
5 rounds burpees to plank & singles – hard time getting out of my own way today.
4 rounds with burpees of round #5; burpees to ground and single jump rope
5 rounds plus burpees and 77 jump ropes
Single jump rope
5 rounds with singles plus 5 burpees
My feet kept getting in the way of my rope 🙂
12 min 10 sec
6 rounds (100 count jump rope)
7 rounds
Single jr
Finished w/ 13:00 plank holds
4 full rounds
5th: 10 burpees, 25 single jj
MAN it's HUMID outside!
4 rounds minus 25 rope. Single unders. I hate the jump rope. Finally back after slacking off for a few weeks.
7 Rounds + burpees and 20 singles on 8th round.
Holy Cardio!!!
6 rounds + 8 burpees
(100 singles)
I finally got my butt in gear and worked out this morning. It's been all most two months, ugh. 5 rounds minus 30 jump ropes. Subed singles.
2 mile run
6 rd +1 burpee
Single jumps
6 rounds plus 10 burpees
single jump rope
6 rounds, single jumprope.
6 rds
Single jumps
1 mile run
5 rounds plus 5 burpees single jumps
5 complete rounds with 10 seconds to spare. Did single jump ropes.
6 complete rounds and 6 burpees.
also 45 pull ups and 30 min spin.
shoulders will be sore tonight!
My 2 year old reset the timer around round 4, so I finished it out with 6 rounds. No idea how long….
5 rounds-
100 single jump ropes : )
5 rounds plus 10 burpees. This was tough starting this morning.
4 rounds-singles plus burpees and 67 jump ropes
5 rounds with 2 seconds to spare:). Sub singles
11:50 5 rounds and made it all the way to floor on burpees and singles. Then did an ab workout
5 rounds + 10 burpees to plank
single jump rope
4 full rounds with 5th round of burpees
single jump rope
5 rounds with single jumps
6 rounds plus burpees and 15 double-unders.
6 Rounds
3.5 rounds with all double under attempts. Outside in light rain, on concrete. Did 1 set of burpees with push-up, one in grass and others on concrete.
Also did HIIT workout this morn.
Way to dbl under—cannot get that!!
6 rounds +5 burpees
burpees to plank
single jump rope (100)
5 rounds with single jump ropes
Ended up doing another round because I needed it!
6 rounds plus burpees and 77 single jump rope.
Burpees to plank.
No jump rope, but mimicked execution.
6 rounds plus 3 burpees. Single jump rope.
6 rounds + 5 burpees
"indoor" single JRs
7 rounds + 10 burpees and 76 single jr
4 rounds (single jumps)
40 single jump roles shy of 5 rounds. Completed 5 rounds in 12:20. Burpees with boy push-ups, no jump. Then 6/25 wod then group power.
3 rounds plus 7 burpees (plank no jump, single jump ropes)
UGH!!! plenty of room to improve that time 🙂 at least I'm doing real jump ropes and not single leg skip overs anymore
5 rounds (singles) plus burpees and 50 singles
5 rounds plus the 10 burpees
5 rounds, 10 burpees & 25 single jump ropes. All single jumps. Thx!
4 mile run then 5 rounds with single jumps in 11:30 then 2 30 second planks
5 full rounds plus 10 burpees and 34 single jump rope.
All jump ropes were single
4.5 rounds, single jump rope
6 rounds single jumps
4 rounds plus 6 burpees
I meant 5 rounds plus 6 burpees 🙂
3 rounds plus a fourth set of burpees and 15 DU. First round did singles. The last three sets I did DU attempts.
I copied Denise and attempted all 25 DU. I wad surprised I was able to actually do the majority lf them! Now I just have to do them consecutively!
5 rounds plus burpees of round 6.
Single JR
4 Rounds
3.5 rounds. Wow I'm out of shape haha.
did half of this on top of today's….3 rounds in 5:41
One day late, but 6 rounds of burpees, 5 rounds single jump ropes.
5 rounds
5 rounds
3 full rounds doing singles
5 rounds completed + 8 burpees.
100 singles each round
Pat and Maria –
full 7 rds burpees – 6 single jr
+ 76 – pat jr and + 60 – maria jr
6 rounds as rx'd