
Tuesday 07.02.13

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
10 Burpees
25 Double-unders (sub: 100 single jump rope)

Post rounds completed to comments.

no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
finish strong!


  1. 5 rounds burpees to plank & singles – hard time getting out of my own way today.

  2. 4 rounds with burpees of round #5; burpees to ground and single jump rope

  3. 5 rounds plus burpees and 77 jump ropes
    Single jump rope

  4. 5 rounds with singles plus 5 burpees
    My feet kept getting in the way of my rope 🙂

  5. 12 min 10 sec
    6 rounds (100 count jump rope)

  6. 4 rounds minus 25 rope. Single unders. I hate the jump rope. Finally back after slacking off for a few weeks.

  7. 7 Rounds + burpees and 20 singles on 8th round.
    Holy Cardio!!!

  8. I finally got my butt in gear and worked out this morning. It's been all most two months, ugh. 5 rounds minus 30 jump ropes. Subed singles.

  9. 6 complete rounds and 6 burpees.
    also 45 pull ups and 30 min spin.

    shoulders will be sore tonight!

  10. My 2 year old reset the timer around round 4, so I finished it out with 6 rounds. No idea how long….

  11. 5 rounds plus 10 burpees. This was tough starting this morning.

  12. 4 rounds-singles plus burpees and 67 jump ropes

  13. 5 rounds with 2 seconds to spare:). Sub singles

  14. 11:50 5 rounds and made it all the way to floor on burpees and singles. Then did an ab workout

  15. 3.5 rounds with all double under attempts. Outside in light rain, on concrete. Did 1 set of burpees with push-up, one in grass and others on concrete.

    Also did HIIT workout this morn.

  16. 5 rounds with single jump ropes
    Ended up doing another round because I needed it!

  17. 6 rounds plus burpees and 77 single jump rope.
    Burpees to plank.
    No jump rope, but mimicked execution.

  18. 6 rounds + 5 burpees

    "indoor" single JRs

  19. 40 single jump roles shy of 5 rounds. Completed 5 rounds in 12:20. Burpees with boy push-ups, no jump. Then 6/25 wod then group power.

  20. 3 rounds plus 7 burpees (plank no jump, single jump ropes)
    UGH!!! plenty of room to improve that time 🙂 at least I'm doing real jump ropes and not single leg skip overs anymore

  21. 5 rounds, 10 burpees & 25 single jump ropes. All single jumps. Thx!

  22. 3 rounds plus a fourth set of burpees and 15 DU. First round did singles. The last three sets I did DU attempts.

    I copied Denise and attempted all 25 DU. I wad surprised I was able to actually do the majority lf them! Now I just have to do them consecutively!

  23. 5 rounds plus burpees of round 6.
    Single JR

  24. did half of this on top of today's….3 rounds in 5:41

  25. Pat and Maria –

    full 7 rds burpees – 6 single jr
    + 76 – pat jr and + 60 – maria jr

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