
Monday 07.01.13


4 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
24 Front squat, 40-60 lbs
24 Cleans, 20 lbs

Happy Birthday to my Tyce
 who is 3 today!

no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
finish strong!


  1. 20:05
    Outdoors. 40 lb front squat.
    Wanted to be done after 3 rounds so must be a good one 😉

  2. 21:13
    Inside workout, 40# front squat, 30# cleans (first wod with the increased weight, definitely can tell a difference).
    I agree Denise! I was ready in the third round as well!

  3. 23:35
    Subbed push presses for cleans. I can seem to get the hang of cleans with dumbells. I always feel awkward.

  4. 23 minutes. 38 pound squats (heaviest I had) everything as rx'd. Happy Birthday Tyce 🙂

  5. 20:40
    2 rounds of 30# squats and 2 rounds of
    40# squats

    1st 2 rounds 20# cleans
    Last 2 rounds push press 20# (I agree-cleans are more awkward with dumbells- can't seem to get the right grip)

    Happy Birthday to your little boy 🙂

  6. Still can't run so I did Friday's workout since I missed it … about to go swim laps for at least an hour

    5 rounds:
    5 Deadlifts, 30 lbs for 4 rounds until I realized it was 30 :-/ (I'm on a machine) 40 lbs for last round
    25r/25l Oblique crunches

  7. 18:42. Treadmill won't start, doubled distance on stationary bike. Last round did standing. 40# squat 30# cleans

  8. 23:10….only got one other wod in in 2 weeks and i could tell. i knew it was going to suck coming back today.

  9. 5 mile run

    front squats(30#)

    It was so hot and dry this morning in AZ, it really took a toll on me.

  10. 32:10 outside
    Round 1 30# squats and cleans
    Rounds 2-4 20# squats and cleans
    Walked 300meters of last round

  11. 20:06.
    20lb squat cleans. Whew, running is rough when you're recovering from a cold. Super winded and drenched.

  12. 28:38
    Squats: Rnd 1 @ 60#, Rnds 2-4 @ 48#
    Cleans: Rnd 1 @ 40#, Rnds 2-4 @ 28#
    (Started too much weight @ Rnd 1-think that slowed the remaining squats & cleans)

  13. 25:36-
    20 lb. front squats and cleans : )

  14. 27:37
    Slow today! Probably shouldn't have eaten those two cookies before the workout!

    Happy birthday Tyce! I remember when you were at the 4th fireworks 2 days after having him Jenni! Crazy! And I was ready to pop!

  15. 23:02 – 3 rounds

    Ran 1, walked 2, started choking so ended after 3 rounds
    20# front squats, cleans as rx'd

  16. 20:00
    10 lbs on squats 20 lbs on cleans. Not sure I would have made it thru with more

  17. 22:34. 45# bar for front squats & hang cleans. Its too hot in Az even waiting until 9pm!

  18. 22:56 20# cleans this one was tough. The runs were the easy part!

  19. 23:28 as rx'd

    Ran with the stroller today. I really need to work on moving from exercise to exercise and not taking such long breaks in between. I know I would save myself a few seconds in the end.

  20. 18:45 with #30 for both. Squats should've been a bit deeper.. did this after doing Tuesday's wod.

  21. 22:49

    20# squat, 30# clean (done on 7.2.13)

  22. 28:18
    40lb squats
    20lb cleans

    Legs felt like jello during runs!!
    Happy 4th!!

  23. 28:18
    40lb squats
    20lb cleans

    Legs felt like jello during runs!!
    Happy 4th!!

  24. 24:49 with 2:00 min spinning instead of outdoor (HOT) 400m running.

  25. 24:30

    20# front squats
    tried cleans, but really unsure of proper form (plan on going for some personal training soon) so did 30# push press instead, which were faster, but felt tougher.

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