
Thursday 06.27.13

5 rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
9 Push-ups

Compare to 02.16.12

no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
finish strong!


  1. 22:42 as RX'd. Boy push-ups. Beautiful morning here!
    Outdoor workout. Used Garmin watch to measure distance. Funny it said 2.6 miles at end.

  2. 16:11 for 3 rounds. I still really sucked it up today, but not nearly as bad as yesterday!

  3. 22:55 did all bpu but only ran 4 rounds for 2 miles. Did it outside at track and got to hot so had to walk back home. (little less than 1/2 mile away) Lesson for today, don't sleep in it's hot and humid now! 🙂

  4. 25:11
    4 rounds
    ran 1025 meters
    9 BPU
    I knew I was going over 800 but didn't realize it was that much. Then had to stop so hubby could get to work.

  5. I felt like I needed to give myself a break from running, so I only did 3 rounds and I did some more strength training afterwards.
    15 regular pu/round to make up for only doing 3 rounds

  6. 21 or so minutes. At a place I couldn't get exact distance, so I ran 4 minutes each round. That is my current 800 meter pace.
    All boy pu.

  7. Forgot to time myself.
    Just did push-ups but also did a HIIT arm workout with it

  8. I made it through 3 and 1/2 rounds. The humidity got me dang it!!

  9. 33 min and ran out of time…
    4 rounds
    Power walked 1 & 2
    Ran about half of rounds 3 &4

  10. 32:04 as rx'd. It was so so hot.. felt like 100 degrees lol. Definitely slowed me down.

  11. 27:51 as rxd. Still 102 degrees outside @9pm! Way dying & so dripping! Glad i got it in tho, dogging it this week.

  12. Can't run this distance today (no jogger) so I just did the push ups. All military in rounds of 9 with short break in between.

    I ran 3.67 Tuesday so I'll call that my cardio. 🙂

  13. 35:15 slow today. I've never been so grateful to do push ups, HA! Maybe one day I'll love to run.

  14. 28:23 with 5:00 min spin instead of running. Too hot here, even at night it's over 100 out.

  15. 29:25
    Subbed push ups with pull ups
    Loved this workout!

  16. 24:50
    Did Oct 20/13
    Realized to increase stride length on elliptical must increase intensity so ran a lot faster.

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