Wednesday 06.12.13
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 rep rounds of:
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 20 lbs
Push press, 20 lbs
Post time to comments.
no caffeine
no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
8 hours of sleep
finish strong!
Started out using bands instead of weight… then switched to 15 lb med ball.
Really need to get some dumbbells.
8:06 as Rx'd.
7:58 as rx'd
4:31 as RX'd
Used my new 20 lb KB for deadlift high pull. I liked that much better than using dumbells.
I'm going to have to redo this one. I had to have made a counting error.
6:11…did the first round with 10 pound weights in each hand, that was too heavy, switched to 8 pound weights each hand after 5 of the sumo deadlifts second round.
15# dead lift
10# push press
7:28 as rxed
7:29 as rx'd
30# sumo deadlifts
25#push press
Hope to get in run today. Having a tough time getting in extra cardio on non- running days.
Any tips out there for running with little ones?
Depends on how young and how many little ones – I have done a variety of things to accomplish a run with little ones.
I have a 4 year old & 18 month old. Mostly they just get bored being in stroller for to long. I'm having problems finding the right schedule/ time of day to fit runs in.
9:21 20 lbs on thrusters and 10 lbs for sumo dl only have 10 lbs for a kb. Also after a 2 mile run in the blazing heat and humidity. Smoked!
Started with 50# dropped to 40# then 30#
6:08 as rx'd
7:55 as rx'd
10 weeks pregnant
(Thank goodness you count down and not up!!!)
Ran 4 miles
25# sumo deadlifts
25# push press
20lbs both-probably should've done 30#
6:00 as rxd
Shawntae 5:04
Leslie 7:19
Holly 8:09
Wtf? How did I do that?
Morning run then
35lb SDHP
35lb Push press (should have gone heavier)
7:21 Rx'd
5:11 as rx'd.
Holy shoulders!
6:12 with 45# SDHP and 30# PP….helps my time to have my 3 teenage boys to compete with
4:08 as Rx'd
4:59 for my 10 year old son (he did the weight as Rx'd, getting strong! Glad I can still beat him in an occasional WOD!)
Thanks for the short one today!
8:25 with 28lbs
6:12 as rx'd
25lb sumo deadlift high pull
30lb push press
ran 3 miles after
The sumo deadlift high pulls are definitely easier with a kettlebell or just holding one dumbbell with both hands instead of one in each hand. When I tried doing weights in each hand, I felt like my form wasn't as good.
6:13 As Rx'd. Three Mile Run First
6:06 as rxd
back after 5 days off recovering from a nasty stomach bug!
7 mins as rx
8:03 as rx'd : )
Taught step class did 6/11 wod then 6:42
8:21 as Rx'd
45# Bar for each.
20 lb dumbbell for sumos
24 lbs for push presses
5:43 as rxd
8:32 #30 for both exercises
6:48, as rx'd (I think!)
10 pound weights for sumo deadlifts
12:12.3 – used 10# for both
3 mile run then did it in 10 minutes as rx'd
7 minutes, using lighter weights preggo 🙂
5:42, 30# Sumo DL, push press as rx'd.
20 lb sumo
20 lb PP
with 7 year old son. 🙂
15 # sumo
14 # pressed, subbed 3 rounds of bicep curls (12, 9, 6 reps)
6:54 as rx'd
4:33 as rx'd
8:28 as rx'd
7:34 as rx'd
I love this! I was lying in bed and scrolling through all your times (thought I'd just go to bed cause I didn't get a lot of sleep last night) and I was like c'mon it's less than 10 min just go do it!!! So thank you for posting this wod and thank you to all of you that post on here!!
7:37 as rx'd
5:39. Sumo 20# kb, 40# pp until 12 reps then switched to 30#
10:11 as rx'd
35# SDHP
40# / 20# Push press. Did 40# until I couldn't then switched to 20#. Did sets 9, 6, 3 with 40#.
Had to take a quick break. Cracked myself in the nose with my kettlebell and had to stop the bleeding. Stupid!
15 lb kettlebell – wish I had heavier weight for the workout. glad I didn't due to the nose injury.
10 min running hiit wkout
40# for all
(Haven't been feeling very sore after the WODs lately so I ramped it up today & felt a little "jell-o-ee" after. Love that!)
Duh-did squat thrusters instead push press, oh well.
6:19 as rx'd
7:57 12# kettlbell
3/4 20# db, 1/4 10#
Completed 6/13
30lbs for everything, 5:39
10:55. 30# sdlhp, 20# pp.
WOW! Amazing what we can do in just a few short minutes!
Let's Go Girls!
Switched to 10lb for the push press the 2nd round, then back to 20lb the last 2 rounds.
20# SDHP
20# push press
8:15 21dl@2×15#db, rest@1×20#db, all pp@2×15#db, on 6/17 after running 4.25mi with hubby
Pat 9:56 #65
Maria – 8:51 #30 (need to increase weight)
7:39 – 15# deadlift hi pull
6:18, as rx'd plus a one mile warm up.