
Thursday 05.30.13


5 rounds for time of:
Butterfly sit-ups (new name, same as CFSU 😉
20 Sumo-deadlift high-pulls, 20 lbs

Compare to 02.07.12

Happy Birthday to my 
sister-in-law Clair!!
no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce sugar intake 
3 glasses of water a day
no fried food


  1. 10:02, not what I was hoping for, but I'll just have to kick it up a notch for the next one! Thx for the workout : )

  2. 7:39 with dumbells as RX'd. Arms crossed on butterfly sit-ups (BSU 😉
    Ran 2 miles before workout

  3. 9:26
    Dumbell for kettlebell. Otherwise as rx'd!!

  4. 9:46
    Arms crossed on about 75% sit-ups.
    Probably could have used heavier weights on sumo dl.

  5. 7:54
    Arms crossed BSU
    35lb sumo deadlift

    Once kids wake up take them on a 3 mile run, park, 1 mile walk home.

  6. 11:37 with 10# dumb bells
    Arms crossed on sit-ups
    Legs are super sore from Monday-Wednesday so sumo DL were slow.

  7. 9:50 with regular dead lifts. Still nursing my neck/shoulder.
    Going to do a speed workout later tonight.

  8. 12:00 or less (due to 5yr old asking me 20 questions about impending trip to the pool)
    Sit ups as rxd
    dead lifts as rxd

  9. 16:42
    Accidentally used 20lb KB in each hand! for total of 40lbs for the first two rounds…ooops!

    Ran 30min before workout

  10. 5:57 only 15# sumo deadlift though. Legs super sore. All sit-ups done correctly. Wish I had time for cardio today. Off to work. Enjoy your day! Perfect day for a super quick workout!

  11. 7:50…..arms crossed on BSU, 45 lb bar on SDLHP

  12. 11:25. It's been a couple of weeks, but I'm back at it again. Yikes!!

  13. 10:45

    20# kettlebell
    first time doing all sit-ups without putting feet under chair to hold down,

  14. 7:58
    My legs were soar yesterday, they ached last night after the run. I couldn't walk this morning! My kids hug my legs and I wince. I love it.

  15. 15# weight and mod reverse situps (diastisis).

    This was yet another great example of how deceptive these workouts are – 5 rounds, easy. Ugh!!! LOL!!

  16. Roughly 8 mins just used digital clock with out seconds or stopwatch

  17. 6:10 with 40 lb sdhp. wanted to lift 65, but arms didn't want to. Crazy how I deadlift 135 or 140, but add the high pull and I wimp out quick

  18. 6:26
    Standing alternate knee to elbow for sit ups
    23 weeks pregnant

  19. ~10 mins. Didn't have timer. Used wall clock
    25 lb DB instead of kettlebell

  20. 14:56. have no core muscles
    used 10# weight instead of kb

  21. 8:45 as rx'd (cross arms for bfsu)
    Hello QUADS from the 150 40lb squats the other day!!!

  22. 5:58

    Modified BSU for my diastasis. SDHP as rx'd. Maybe next time I will try a higher weight!

  23. 10:33 as rx'd
    Then did a really good 20 minute arm workout!

  24. 15:42 as rx'd 20# instead of in, was able to do two full rounds of bday w/o my feet under something whoop whoop

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