Thursday 04.11.13
21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlift, 40-60 lbs
Compare to 11.30.12
Post time to comments.
*The original WOD is done with handstand push-ups. If any of you are there physically, I encourage you to do them. If you are like me and you wonder if you might be ready to start trying, be careful, watch form, and attempt 1 handstand push-up per round. If you are new to HIIT, stick with push-ups for now. 😉
no caffeine
no caffeine
5:38 had double up on the dead lifts only own a set of 10# dumbells so I figured double up the amount to get hopefully what 20# would feel like. Did the push-ups as required. Feeling stronger from the last 90 day!!!
4:40–60 lb deadlifts, push ups on knees
4:27 20lb deadlifts that's all I have and push up on knees arem are feeling like Jello.
3:01 as Rxd with 50#. Plus elliptical and upper body strength.
2:33 with 60 lbs but girl push ups. I did a different workout yesterday tat included lots of push-ups.
Did yesterday's WOD before this. Fun! 18:18 for that.
4:02 20# dl, all guy push-ups except last 5. Thanks!
4:02 20# dl, all guy push-ups except last 5. Thanks!
I've been following your post for a few months now and have done the WOD on and off. I'm starting to follow everyday but have a question….For the RX weight for today (40-60lb), is that TOTAL weight or per dumbell?? I did the squat cleans yesterday with 20lb in each hand.
It's total weight 🙂
3:23 20# dl. All bpu 🙂
4:01 with 40# and "girl" push ups
Great video to show handstand push-up progression:
Thanks for sharing the video link!
40 lb deadlifts
All boy push-ups!!
3:19 with 30# deaf lift.. Its all I have, real push ups
4:16 13lbs each arm or 26 lbs total- I think we count the total from a post above… Is that correct?
4:14. 30# (all I have), gpu
3:45 with a 30 pound weight and girl push ups.
Thanks for a great workout!
4:50 with 24 lbs (my heaviest dumbbells are 12 lbs)
4:16 40#,reg PU, attempted hand stand PU w/ ea. round followed by sprint WOD:)
Awesome workout
Completed. 4:14
4:46 pu on wall, 15# for dl so added squats each round because my lifting weight was so low
Round 1- 15# dumbbells; boy push-ups
Round 2- 10# dumbbells; boy push ups
Round 3- 15# dumbbells: boy push ups
Now I'm breathing hard and I'm shaky! 😉 good WOD.
3:21 with girl push up…I'm new and have no upper body strength yet! Day 5 no caffeine!
5:43 with 20 lbs. And a run after
3:03 55# dl
3:34 a few boy push-ups, 60# dead lifts
20lb dead lifts
50# only 5 girl pushups
3:27 with 50lb DL
Five bpu per round rest gpu
30 # dl- all I have, needed heavier 🙁
Think it was 5 min but forgot to time it. Did lift #20 each arm and never lifted that before!! Woohoo. Girl push ups though. Day four…..
4:51 with 60# and gpu's, going to do the sprints from yesterday tonight, can't wait! My husband and I are going to race 🙂
20#db's for total of 40lb
3:16 with girl pushups
3:37 with 20# (got to get some heavier weights for lower-body work!)
30# deadlift
One day I would really like to do handstand push ups, so I did the modified version. I put my knees on a box like they showed in the video. My arms are jello.
2 mile run
4:44 25# dumbells
1 mile run
20# DL, girl pu
Shoulda doubled up, darnit!
20# DL, girl pu
Shoulda doubled up, darnit!
20# for dead lift – all I had
Girl push ups-
1.59.4 35lbs as RX'd
3:52 as Rx'd 40#
3:57 60# and all boy push ups
30# dl
girl pushups
5:30 45 lb DL
6:33 30# that's all I have
4:47 40lb and 1/2 girl pu's
CFM Northglenn
Shawntae 1:29 45lb bpu compared to 2:20
Jenelle 1:49 53lbs 1/2 bpu compared to 3:08
Megan 2:03 40lbs bpu
Leslie 2:10 50lbs gpu
4:35 40lb dl, gpu
3:35……30 pounds, knee pushups
3:22 girl push
ups. and20lbs.
4:44 60lb barbell, and p/u on toes! I love when the short workouts make you sweat a LOT!
4:02 50# gpu
4:50 40lb deadlift and girl push-ups. Legs were still sore from previous workouts but hubby says keep doing whatever I'm doing cause it's working. Yay for encouragement and progress 🙂
50# dl
15 pu, 30mpu
3:45 40# deadlift and all gpu
5:10 40# dl, gpu (struggled with final set)
Ran 4 miles
75lb DL (should have done a little more weight)
Unmodified Handstand pushups against wall–towards the end I could only do 2 at a time. I can't go all the way to the ground yet, I put one abmat under my head.
I would encourage other mammas to try to atleast do the modified handstand push ups because it totally works different muscles than a regular pushup. Just my 2 cents.
Thanks for your 2 cents! I am interested in trying the most basic modification.
2:42 20lb dl, bpu
30# DL
3:24 20# DL, all boy push ups except 5
4:10 60# DL, all regular push ups
4:08 with 30 lbs (that is all I have) with boy push ups-those are tough.
4:23 50# DL GPU's
Husband did 105#DL BPU's
3:08 with 60# DL and 34 boy pu/9 girl pu
compared to 3:09 with 60# Dl with 28 boy and 13 girl ( i must have done the math wrong) in November
did not try hand stand or do more weight since i wanted to compare to november. but going to try some hand stand pu's tonight and start using more weight on DLs going forward
4:18 50 lb deadlifts all push ups on toes.
3:13. 30 lb deadlift.
30# dead lifts
push-ups on knees
Deads @ 30lb db
9 hs pushups/11 regular
9 hs pushups/6 regular
9 hs pushups
*Unmodified hs pushup position but pretty limited movement. Working on this!
5:31. 50lb+ dead lift, depending how heavy bar is. Pushups on feet.
3:31. 13# (all I have), gpu
4:20 2nd Set
Did another entire set since my weight was so low for the deadlifts
Thanks for these workouts! After the last 4 days, I hurt everywhere 🙂
5:12 60lb dl
I tried the set of 15 pushups modified hand stand pu. I just put my legs on my couch. Don't know if it counts. But worked for me 🙂
4:40 with 10 lbs and girl pushups. I had bengay on my abs all night since they hurt from Tuesday! But I did do it with proper form and will try to get a run in tonight for some extra umph! Love this…trying for higher weights, gonna push myself harder. Didn't know how this first week would go but I love it!
4:39 modified handstand pu… did three the first round, 1 the last two. girl pu's for remaining. 40lbs.
That was a lot harder than it looked! Glad I challenged myself though.
20lb for deadlifts. 10 boy pushups the first round 5 for the next two, the rest were on my knees.
4:40. Added 10 burpees to warm up. Ended with 100 crutches….girl push ups all the way! 30 on the elliptical still to come…who am I. Love this website. Thanks!
3:14 as rx'd 40# dead lifts
50# & GPU
30# DL (the heaviest dumbbells I have are 15# each)
25 military push ups (10/10/5) and the rest from knees.
I couldn't see the hand stand push up video from my phone (for some reason it didn't show up) but now that I've seen it I will try them next time. For sure.
3:41 50# DL
4:08, with 40# and all boy push-ups.
2:31 with 30 lb dl (should have gone heavier), boy pu
3:40 with 7 bpu, 38 gpu. 50# dl. Gives me room for improvement, but I'm glad I attempted some bpu. Progress! Blessings!
6:35 with 50#
My first day…looking forward to many more!!
45# GPU (mostly…did as many boy push ups as I could at the start of each new round)
oh and time! 5:12
2:41 30 lbs ( 15 lb db is all I had)
Regular push ups until I couldn't get off the floor!
3:41 with 50# deadlifts
*Compared to 11/30/12 time of 5:32, also with 50# deadlifts.
I knocked 51 seconds off of my time!
3:24 30 lb and bp
3:06 w/ 40 lbs. total weight.
3:16 35#- just use one dumbbell
Modified handstand push-ups. Those are hard!
60 lb deadlift
I only have #5 and #10 dumbbells so for more weight I hold one of each in each hand.
girl push ups
2:20 40# DL and Knee Push-ups. I need to up the DL weight and try full push ups next time.
5:08 as rx'd with 45lb bar.
38 of the 45 were boy pushups!! Yay!! Getting stronger.
2:49 50#, gpu. Need to up weight.
5:52, 40# girl push ups.
5:13. 60# DL's. Attempted the handstand pushups with 1 abmat down. Could only do 5 each round, very hard! Love the challenge!
4.14 with 40lbs
4:23 Bpus! 60# DL
6:28. 40# dead lifts, girl push-ups.
Followed with 20 min on treadmill alternating running and walking with incline
3:28 It wore me out definitely could do more sets though!
40lb dead lift
3:41 with 30# and knee pushups
2:33 25# dead lift, gpu
50# Dead Lifts
Standard Push Ups (getting stronger/slowly by surely)
Completed ONE Hand Stand, No Push Up;
No crash and burns either. Pretty scary for this big mama
3:05, 40# all real pushups (refuse to call 'em boy pushups)
4:57 3 bpu each round and the rest gpu
I did them all. I forgot to time myself though. The last one for 15 on pushups I fell down haha! and #4 for the last nine for pushups I fell again HA!!! But I did it!!!
Oh, and I used a 10 and 8 lb weight in each hand, it was all I had, total of 36lbs!
6:41 40# dead lifts, girl push ups
6:41 40# dead lifts, girl push ups
3:49 with girl pushups
then 2 miles on elliptical
4:09. 40#. Handstand pushups 15,12, 9. The rest boy push ups. Very hard on the wrists!
3:14 20# dl all bpu
5.17 with 20 lbs (doubled the reps), boy push up for almost all push-ups
4:15; 40# deadlifts, first half push-ups full push-up, then to knees
5:58 45lb dead lifts, all boy push ups except the last few. 🙂
5:58 45lb dead lifts, all boy push ups except the last few. 🙂
2:40 compared to 2:32
as rx'd
I was able to do 1 handstand pushup
3:41…only had a 40# bar. Mix of girl and boy push-ups.
5 handstand push-ups each round but didn't watch the video first and was doing incorrectly….
3:37 with 40# bar and girl push ups.
should have added more weight.
40# dead lifts and girl push ups. 3:50 amyp
4:25, 38lb deadlift
2:50 20lb deadlift
3:09, 32 lb, boy pu
3:58 40lbs
Some bpu and mostly gpu
3:07 40lbs. Man I impressed myself with how fast I could do those push ups!
4:21 50 lbs
About half bpu/ half gpu
5:58.2 First rep with 40 lbs. Second and third rep with 20 lbs. 15 real push-ups and 30 girl push-ups.
5:02. 55#deadlift. Handstand pushups. I walked myself up the door into handstand position but did a shallow pushup. Still proud that i tried that way it truly works so much more than regular pushups!
40# DL
1/2 pu mod hspu w/ feet on floor & 1/2 mpu
4:59 40# DL, all boy PU, plus one modified handstand (knees on a box ) PU per round.
Haven't tried the handstand push-up yet, but excited to try!
4 m 4 s
20 lbs (I have 2 10lbs dumbells)
3:06 60lb deadlifts half boy p/u
Compared to:
45lb dead lifts
All boy p/u
Disappointed in my push ups but still feeling weak from a stomach bug this week
3:34: 40# and regular pushups… Oh, and after an hour bike workout.
Drat, my post never posted.
7:35 30# DL, all I have. GPU
I feel like s tortoise compared to you all!!
I finished with 3 rounds AMRAP of hamstring curls on SB and 3 rounds of 12 12# pull overs on SB
3:11 wit 40 lb deadlifts and 1/2 boy 1/2 girl push-ups.
First time doing dead lifts with a bar (20lbs added to the bar)
Modified handstand push ups
drat! comments today not posting – don't remember time – pretty sure it was under 4 min. did single leg dl with 20 lbs (21 each leg) and knee push ups – long way to go to hs push ups1
40 lbs. deadlift
Modified hand stand push ups…ouch!
75# dl's (kinda wimped out on those!)
3:09 15 lb kettle bell for DL's
2:53 40lb DL and GPU.
2:48 105# deadlifts and boy pushups. After a couple years doing CF I still haven't tried handstand pushups because even during wall climbs I'm afraid of falling on my head (I'm a flight nurse and broken necks scare me) I'm gonna have to suck it up and try.
21 @ 55#, 15 & 9 @ 40# DL, "lady" PUs
Please add me to the challenge roster, Tracy D. (MB, CAN)
You can join the challenge here:
Email me with questions:
only had 2 10 lb dumbells
1st round 9 boy pu
2nd round 3 boy pu
3rd round 3 boy pu
60 lb deadlift, last 9 pu were girl push-ups
4:15 gpu and 50 lb dead lifts
2:45 half gpu and 45# deadlifts
4:00 did all boy pushups! 30 lb deadlifts
30lb deadlifts
Modified push ups
16 weeks pregnant
girl push ups
DL 40#
Can't wait to be able to do handstand push ups!
3:58 – 45#, should have used heavier weight for deadlifts. Did push ups on 36 inch box like in the video (5 each set). The video was super helpful.
Did more lifting and then practiced handstands. I will do handstand pushups one day!!!
5:00- 50# barbells for deadlifts. I was able to do all pushup rounds with NO girl pushups!!!! Personal accomplishment!!
4ish (forgot to post time )
girl push-ups
Pat – #85 – 4:20 (knees on chair)
Maria – #65 – 4:42 (knees on chair)
3:27 40# deadlifts
half real pushups/half girl pushups
as RX
5 BPUeach round then GPU
50# d/l
4:24.1 all boy pushups
2:26 65 lb deadlift
4:48, all bpu! 40#dl. 🙂