Friday 04.05.13
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
15 Thrusters, 20 lbs
15 Pull-ups (assist as needed)
If 90 reps (3 rounds) are completed in under 4 minutes, time extends to 8 minutes.
If 180 reps (6 rounds) are completed in under 8 minutes, time extends to 12 minutes.
If 270 reps (9 rounds) are completed in under 12 minutes, time extends to 16 minutes.
no caffeine
no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce refined sugar intake
drink at least 3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
get 8 hours of sleep
finish your second to last day STRONG!!
look hot this summer!
There will be a special post tomorrow to finish off our 90 Day Challenge and to provide information for our next challenge starting on Monday.
2 rounds so sad not sure if its because the past two days I did 2 a days. But I just couldn't push out another round. Not within the 4 min. But I tried to finish strong.
5 rounds in 7:25. Did push ups instead of pull ups. My arms are dead!
Finished 2.5 rounds in 4 min. Used pull-up bar but jumped up and went slowly down. I took too much time on pullups.
2 rounds ugh, that's it, legs were like jello! Thanks for the workout!
2.5 rds in 4 min.
Thanks for the wo!
2.5 rounds :(. 75 reps
Thought I would do better than that. Very much assisted pull ups.
3 rounds thrusters, 2 rounds +5 very assisted pull-ups
2 rounds and 12 thrusters though I seriously have to work on my pull ups (they aren't really worth calling true pull ups)
180 reps, 6 rounds with :44 seconds left. Couldn't go anymore! 20# thrusters, chair assist pull ups
3 rounds thrusters
2 rounds of assisted pull-ups plus 4
2complete rounds, on third round I did 15 thrusters and 4 pull ups. 79 reps
Assisted pull ups for it all.
10# dumbbells
Any of you who think you are slow for not making it past the first 4 mins… Rich Froning, lay years winner of the crossfit , and leader in the open this year, just barely got past 8 mins… If I can do half what he does I think im doing ok 🙂
He had a total of 226… Not to shabby, I can't do that, that's for sure 🙂
After watching that video, I work too hard on "perfect" pull-ups. I've always been all about form, not time.
2 rounds
16# dumbells
No pull-up bar– burpees instead
3 rounds thrusters 20#
2 rounds plus 8 chair assisted pull-ups
7 rounds in 8min
10lbers for thrusters
Push-ups for pull ups – not there yet
3 rounds in 3:54 so on we went…
6 round finished at 8:07
12#db's for first 3 rounds then 10#db's for last 3
pu/gpu combo for pull ups
2.5 rounds with 6 seconds left. Used 30lbs and jump assisted pull ups. So happy for Friday this week, my body is SORE!!
88 reps
3 rounds thrusters 25# bar
2 rounds plus 13 jumping pull-ups
Ugh,so close to finishing 3 rounds!
3.1 mile run
5 rounds + thrusters and 4 pu
Jumping pullups.
88 reps
75 reps
40# thrusters
Assisted ups
60 reps, 2 rds
assisted pu
85 reps, 30 # thrusters, jumping pull ups
2 rounds in 4 minutes. Holy cow.
Subbed push ups for pull ups.
2 rounds + thrusters & 10 pullups. chair assisted.
4 rounds
2 rnds + 15 thrusters and 9 pu
10# and assisted pu's
2 rounds plus 15 thrusters.
After 2 rounds had to switch to 10lb for thrusters, tricep dips instead of pull ups.
70 reps
Assisted pull ups
I think my.body is worn out this week! that was hard even with a tiny bit of weight! so glad its friday!
3 rounds! Cant waitto start strong on Monday!!
Two rounds plus third round of thrusters and first five of pull ups
15lb dumbbells
Did this right after yesterday's WOD.
88 reps. Damn those pull ups!
25 shoulder press
25 push ups
25 hollow rockers
25 tricep lifts
25 kyaks
3x for time
Knee injury
2 full rounds + thrusters in 4 minutes, but went over time for last set of pull ups. Jump assisted pull ups
345. Gpu for pull ups. 2 10# dumbbells.
24# thrusters
1st round attempted real pull-ups
2nd round reverse pull-ups
Great week! Looking forward to an awesome weekend! Hope y'all have a great one as well!!
2.5 rounds = 75 reps.
Pull ups were suuuuper slow. Mostly it was me, halfway up, looking longingly at the bar and mentally shaming my biceps. I gave in and assisted for the 2nd round pull ups and just made it through 3rd round thrusters when the timer went off.
Congrats everyone!!!
2 rounds, push-ups for pull-ups. Arms are dead.
3 rounds os squat thrusters but i forgot the thrust part aafter the first set. 2 roundabout plus 12 fully assisted chest to bars with fingertips on ibeam…need a bar for the basement!
surprising for my first time i thought, minus the misstep and assisted pulls!!
65 reps
Assisted pull-ups
2 rounds plus 5 pull-ups in 4 minutes
33 reps. RX pull-ups and 45# bar for thrusters
45 reps.
Made it through 2 rounds plus 15 thrusters.
Jumping chest to bar.
Butt to floor thrusters.
Way harder than I expected.
That would be 75 😉
5 rounds plus 5 thrusters in 8 min
20# thrusters
20# bench press for pu (need to get stronger to be able to do a pull up)
2 rounds, excited to even get that. Subbed push ups in 2nd round due to hornet occupying the pull up bar. Also did super sets:
Shrugs 30# 12 reps
Leg raise on stability ball 10 reps, 3 seconds to lower
4 sets total
2 rounds plus 7 thrusters with pull-up assist on machine
2.5 rounds in 4 minutes with assisted pull ups. I have a long way to go with the pull ups
240 reps, 8 rounds. Gpu for half of pullups. Other half assisted pullups.
2 rounds. Did pull-ups and they killed me. Had one pull-up left at 8 min but stuck with strict rules.
9 rds in 11 min
Pitiful pull-ups, 3 rds w k2e on floor
15# thrusters
2 rounds exactly.. pushups instead of pullups.. (still cant find bar)
2 rounds, push-ups instead of pull-ups
85 reps in 4:00 (5 pull up short of 3 full rounds)
As rx'd with jump/slow down pull ups
2 rounds plus 15 thrusters and 5 pull ups
All pull ups were jumping assisted with stool
I got 12 rounds done in 15:47, my arms were jello and I tweaked my back on a thruster, so I stopped.
20# thrusters
Half BPU/ Half GPU for the pull ups (no bar)
5 rounds. jump to pull up. 7 min.
2 sets assisted pu
1 round in 5:25- weak today : (
1 round in 5:25- weak today : (
54 reps. Didnt even finish 2 rounds had 6 more pu to go! Band asstd pu. 20# db
2.5 rounds
30 lb thrusters
3 rounds
20 lb thrusters
3.5 rounds pull downs
I was apparently confused on how to time this. I did 180 in 9:31.
2 full rounds plus 15 thrusters and 2 pullups= 77
10 lb dumbbells and assisted p.u. with legs out on chair
90 reps exactly and then realized (after I showered) that my time should have gone to 8mins. I was thinking 4 for some reason.
Single leg thrusters (ouch)
Band pullups
Wow, thought I was the only one that couldn't get through 3 rounds. I was 30 seconds shy, so I continued on. I did 5 rounds in 8 minutes.
20# thrusters
Assisted pull ups with weight machine (140/150#)
through 2 rds plus thrusters
we finished the 3 rds anyways
Pat – #55
Maria – #25
2 rounds plus 14 thrusters in 4 minutes
Assisted pull-ups