Tuesday 04.02.13
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
3 Hang squat clean, 20-40 lbs
3 Knees to elbows
6 Hang squat clean, 20-40 lbs
6 Knees to elbows
9 Hang squat clean, 20-40 lbs
9 Knees to elbows
12 Hang squat clean, 20-40 lbs
12 Knees to elbows
15 Hang squat clean, 20-40 lbs
15 Knees to elbows
18 Hang squat clean, 20-40 lbs
18 Knees to elbows…
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.
no caffeine
no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce refined sugar intake
drink at least 3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
get 8 hours of sleep
finish your last 4 days STRONG!!
Got interrupted by a phone call, paused the time but forgot how many clean reps I had done on the 18-round, so started tahtoen over again…
Just made it up to 21 cleans.
That's 147
35lbs, 16 kg
Did for 10 min started at 21 through 3 reps and finished!!
126. Did floor k2e and 45# bar for cleans.
Hi Denise!
Nearly theough the 18,s= 112
Finished remaining k2e after timer
2 5# dumbbell per arm
Two 10# dumbbells
K2e on floor
Only got to 18 reps
Almost finished the 18 HSC
100 reps
30lb HSC
20lb squat cleans
143 reps
126 with 35lb booooo thought I'd do better but hate k2e!!
Finished 18 reps then did 12 more squat cleans before time was up
Used 40# up to 9 reps then 20# for remainder
K2e on floor
Completed the sets of 15
40lb deadlifts
Through sets of 18 + 21 hang squat cleans
50# squats in rack
K2e on floor
Finished 18 reps
40# for the cleans
Last two sets of k2e on the ground because my hands were killing me
92 :(. Not feeling it today…disappointed with my outcome.
K2e on bar first 2 rounds then on floor
20 lb squat cleans
This one wasn't pretty
21 10lbs k2e on floor.
Ran 2 miles
Finished 15 reps plus 10 HSC
30# HSC
k2e all on bar
Then ran another 2 miles
Made it through the 18's with 12 seconds left.
99 with 24lb hsc
My 2nd WOD, only got up to 15 and did k2e on floor
now off for interval run
almost through the 18's (made it to 12 k2e)
2 10# dumb bells
assisted k2e
(if assisted means I had to use a little kick from the floor – not sure if that's right or not -can't seem to find youtubes on modified versions of this?)
18 + 10 hsc's
assisted k2e
20 lb hsc
81 reps total. used 40lbs on cleans.
101 reps. 45 lb bar and KTE on bar
Ran 4.5 miles
120 reps total
(almost finished 18's)
40lb cleans
KTE on bar
blister formed on my weaker left hand…so sad! Atleast it didn't rip.
28# – 20# on last 2 sets
1/2 KTE on floor
tougher than I had expected!
Only 51 reps with 35# but hey I got off my bottom and did it!
Made it through half of the 18 round, so my total score was 108. 20lb hang squat cleans, bar for KTE.
Made it to round 12… +7 hsc.
Does anyone else have a hard time with K2E with their hands??? I did yesterdays work out right before this one, I think that is why I went so slow because my hands were killing me! help!
Chalk! Other than that, its just part of crossfit.
Got to 6 cleans on round 18. Kte on floor
18s. Did half of the knees to hips on unfinished doorframe and half on the floor. Woohoo!
80 reps
hang squat cleans @ 30#
K2es from rings (5 k2armpit, the rest mod to knee lifts)
HSC with 40 lbs
KTE on bar
I am pretty sure I repeated the round of 9…ugh
97 reps was my total.
25lb dumbbells
Completed x 18 reps
Arms are gassed!
108 reps (got through the kte for round 18):
knees to elbows on floor
25 lbs. for hang squat clean
K2E on floor
finished round 18 with few seconds left
Finished 18 reps of each.
17.5 lb weight.
K2e on bar. Knees getting to chest height this time!!
126 reps total 🙂
Made it thru 18 reps, did k2e on floor starting at 15 reps
114. Did 20 lbs. This mama found out today she will be a mama again n 9 months. 🙂
Great news!
Got through 15 squat cleans and 10 K2E's, so I guess my score was 85. I finished up the last 5 K2E's after time. Seems slow, but I did all hanging K2E's, so I'm pretty proud of that.
116. 2 10# dumbbells. K2e on floor
Finished 18s plus 6 additional k2e's
Jen Morse – would you use chalk if the bar is padded? Mine is a padded bar, but my hands were beyond painful today!
Total score – 79
Finished the 18 round. Knees to waist (getting stronger!). Should have done 40# but did 20# hang power cleans. Next time!
Hello! I am new to your site. Quick question — what is the substitution for K2E or T2B or pull-ups if you don't have a pull-up bar at home? Thanks.
Tracy – check this out…
You can also do them from the plank position, bringing your right knee up to your right elbow, then left knee to left elbow, etc.
First day EVER doing crossfit! Finished through the set of 12s (40# and knees to waist), then did set of 5s to finish out the 7 minutes. Looking forward to tomorrow!
Correction…20# for squats.
Correction…20# for squats.
finished through set of 15 plus 18 hsc
12#db for hsc
floor k2e
81.. on the round of 15s I only made it to 6 toes to bar. I was expecting better but used 30lbs with deep squats and toes to bar instead of k2es. All these bar exercises have left my arms like jelly!!
Knee to chest on forearm platform
f/b 100 jump ropes
15 minute elliptical
Lol Berta, I doubt chalk will help with padding… 🙂 Gloves maybe
Did this closer to the original 13.4
75# clean and jerk (original is 95#)
and K2E's (original is toes to bar)
Got through round 9 plus 9 more clean and jerks…
I've tried gloves, but they're even worse. The glove gets all twisted and feels like they're digging into your skin. I guess I'll just keep suffering. My hand should toughen up soon. 🙂
Second week of crossfit for me…I'm still slow. Finished through 12s, but was focusing a lot on form since I'm just learning OL. Did really deep squats though, almost butt to floor, which slowed me. Also, K2E on floor. 20# cleans.
Finished 18's. 8 lb dumbells, did standing oblique crunches instead of k2e
Finished 15's.
40 lb cleans
Score- 90
50# clean and jerk
k2e on bar
score : 52
got thru 12 rounds of clean and jerks and only 4 of 12 k2e
I find gloves really help my hands and I've learned to take my rings off! you can google proper grip on your bar too, but mostly you gotta work up some calluses on Ur hands lol
Yeah… it just hurts… there's no way around it… 🙂
Through 1/2 of 15 round with #45 bar on cleans
Round 18. 30 lb hang squat cleans and modified knee to elbow. Can only get to chest.
#26 squat cleans
Bar KTE's (to chest)
Got through 15's + 12 squat cleans
Score 102
100 with 30#. About half k2e on bar and half on ground
made it through 15 after a hard interval running workout
18 with 20lbs
plus 10 squat cleans
KTE on ground
Made it through the round of 18's
16# and k2e on the floor
got to #10 kte (on floor) in round 18
left the squat out as my shin really hurts from yesterday! Maybe should have started with step ups for the box jumps.
Made it to round 18
30# bar
140 (got 14 extra hangs before buzzer)
But just realized I was doing knees to elbows on the ground wrong. I'll get them right next time.
117. Made it to 21s with sq cleans finished. Some reason forgot 15s guess cant count by 3s.
45# bar
Ran 2 miles then…
96 (finished 15s plus 6 k2e). 25 lb sq cleans. Attempted 9 k2e on bar, rest on floor.
Then ran 1 more mile.
18…25 lbs and k2e on a bar
I couldn't find video for example and still can't figure out what knees to elbow on the floor is. Help!!!
80 reps (15 rounds squat clean & 5 kte) in 7:00
Finished last 10 kte in 20 more sec. to complete total of 90 reps in 7:20
Copy and paste this into your browser for knees-to-elbows on the floor:
Got through 5 k2e of the 18 round
Finished through the 15 reps. Then did 15 HSC.
Also ran 2 miles
Made it through 12 hang squat clean and knees to elbow. Did 6 of the 15 hang squat cleans. Thought I did pretty decent since I haven't worked out consistently in a few years.
completed rounds of 15 and did 15 more hang squat cleans. need to go faster on those in the beginning but was trying to get the hang of it.
90 reps (finished the 15's)
Finished 18's right after the timer went off.
30# cleans
K2E on floor
Made it to the 15 round plus 11 more hang squat cleans. 20lb. Did knees to elbows on the floor.
45# bar for HSC
K2E on bar
Made it through 15 plus 4 more HSC, 50#
K2E on the floor
Finished 18 round and started on 21 round – 24# squat cleans
90 reps, 25#
I did real k2e for the first two rounds! (A first:). The rest were pathetic attempts to jump up for each individual rep. Ha.
Made it through 15 reps plus 10 cleans
total: 100
10k bike to start
Through 12 reps plus 4 cleans @ 30lb
K2E on floor
126 reps
KTE on the floor
15lb KB for cleans
108 reps. Finished hang squat cleans of 18's @ 40#
Finished 15 hang squat cleans.
Pat #70 = 96 thru 15's +6HSC
Maria – #35 – 95 thru 15's +5HSC