
Tuesday 03.12.13

For time:
Run 2 miles
Rest 2 minutes
20 Squat clean, 20-30lbs (total)
20 Box jumps, 18 inch box
20 Walking lunges (total steps)
20 Box jumps, 18 inches
20 Squat cleans, 20-30lbs (total)
Rest 2 minutes
Run 2 miles

Compare to 01.03.12

no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce refined sugar intake
drink at least 3 glasses of water a day
no fried food
get 8 hours of sleep
keep up the good work and finish strong!


  1. This time change is getting me- woke up late. I will report back after school.

  2. Call me crazy, but – what's the difference between a squat clean and a hang squat clean?

  3. With a squat clean you start at the floor and deadlift it up, then clean it. The hang squat clean starts at the standing position with the bar hanging at your thighs. Clear as mud??

  4. 42:06 – didn't run last half mile, ran out of time and energy (ran 5m 2 days ago)

  5. Any of you runners out there have any suggestions for building speed while running? I'm one of those that dread the running workouts every week because I'm sooooo slow. Even a half mile is a lot of effort for me, so on these relatively longer runs, the thought of tackling two miles is intimidating and will probably take me a half hour. How do you run those long distances in such short amounts of time? Wat do you do with your mind when you're wanting to stop?

  6. Rachel- Don't be frustrated! I've run over 20 marathons and Ultras using the Galloway method – run 5 minutes and walk 1 minute. You can do anything for 5 minutes – look forward to that 1 minute. Don't compare your time to ANYONE on this board! Compare your time to yourself next time we do a similar WOD. (btw, I expect my time to be well over an hour)

  7. rachael (and any others wondering the same thing) – here's my 2 cents:

    i didn't start running until i was 30 years old. i could not run 1/4 of a mile when i started. i gradually worked up to 3 miles and have run 3-4 days a week ever since…right now i run 25-30 miles/week. BUT, just this past year i wanted to get FASTER. the ONLY way to get faster is…to run faster! but you don't have to run long. once a week i do a "fast" run. you can make this be what works for you. i run 3 miles fast. but you could run 2 minutes fast, 1 minute "slow", 2 minutes fast, 1 minute "slow". you have to train your legs to run faster. it has improved my avg pace by almost a minute! it's not fun…but it works. and, like i said, you just have to do it once a week or so.

  8. Rachael: I agree with Kat and Courtney, and on top of that, you need to change your internal dialog, I know it sounds a little crazy but it definitely helps! If your mind is telling yourself to stop, you need to tell it to shut up, that you can do it! Keep running, you are breathing, don't slow down…etc etc! It's amazing how just changing whats going on in your head can help with your running! Good luck!

  9. So I haven't seen this question asked, and I guess I need the clarification.

    When you say xx lbs total, does that mean bar + just those pounds, or is that including a bar/dumbbell??

  10. Thank you for your comments and encouragement! Do you ever get where you can run long distances and not fight your mind the whole way? Does it eventually become, dare I say, enjoyable?

  11. Thanks for the running help, too, I haven't learned to love it yet, either!
    I skipped the running today (still figuring out where to run with four kids while pregnant)but everything else as rx'ed

  12. Rachel..I am not a runner either..I am slow and find it hard to keep going..2 months ago I could only run one mile..I am now up to running three..not nearly as fast as the women on this site but hey I'm doing it! some days for me it is enjoyable and I don't have to fight my mind the whole way but then there are other days that it just feels terrible and I have a ton if internal dialogue going on..trying to stay positive and push myself to finish..it would be nice if we could see everyones internal dialogue in a little bubble over their heads..lol..don't get discouraged..keep going..you can do it..you can prob even beat me! lol I'm a turtle ! but I refuse to quit!

  13. Rachel…..I am not a runner, but my goal is completion. There are days that I have to walk a bit more than others. I have been doing Jenni's WODs since Dec 31st and the running still isn't my favorite, but it is improving and becoming more tolerable. I focus on my breathing the whole time (just like labor!). Deep breaths—-breathe through the pain! As soon as I lose focus and start panting….my rhythm is done for and I struggle to keep going.

  14. 32:45 but I only rested 1 minute for each rest break bc I just wanted it to be over! Great sweat..

  15. 1:01:39
    35# squat cleans
    14" box jumps
    knee to ground walking lunges

    run : 24:27
    Work : 12:25
    Run: 24:47

    As you can see I'm a slow runner!!

  16. 33:30
    20" box

    This does not include the break because I forgot there was suppose to be a 2 minute rest.

    I wish I had advice for you non runners. I have always loved to run and so I don't know what it is like to dread it. One this is for sure you need to have a positive mental outlook. If you think negatively about it before hand, dread it while you are doing it, think about "when is it going to be over"–you will definately not enjoy it. Think good thoughts. Just like with anything in the life, the more you do it the easier it becomes and the better you will get at it.

  17. 43 minutes,
    5 km XC skiing freestyle for 2 mille run,
    12 kg squat clean.

  18. 48:47
    I love running outside but I had to run on a treadmill today, which I hate. The first 2 miles were great. The second round was slow. I had to switch between running and walking.

  19. 56:53 with rests. I timed all three sets separately though.
    Run 1 – 19:05
    Work – 14:45
    Run 2 – 19:03
    my work segment is slow, but I used 65# for squat cleans and held a 25# plate over my head for the walking lunges.

  20. 53:04
    Ran first two miles at a 9:40/mi. pace which was really pushing myself

    Used 20# for all the squat cleans except for last 9 where I switched to 10#

    7" box jump but jumped all 40 which is a first for me

    Walking lunges as rx'd

    Last two miles where slow and tough but I got them done!

  21. 56:09 30# cleans. Walked some the last two miles. Definitely a good workout!!

  22. 22 min for first 2 miles
    5 min rest, 8 min for middle
    Didn't have time for last run.

  23. 35:03
    ran 2miles then used KBs for weight lifting part. Didn't run the second 2 miles…working my way up to that! 🙂 really good work out tho!

  24. Am I the only one who is HURTING today?! (6 mi run Sunday, then spin and yesterday's wod then today's wod… HURTING!)

  25. 30 min, but only did one run. With the time change I didn't get up early to do this, so I had to fit it in at lunch. I had to still have time for a shower.

  26. 49:33
    Holy crap!
    I remember this was one of the first wods I tried, before I started posting. I couldn't finish then!

    1. Somehow forgot the lunges. Took me 49 s for those. My legs are incredibly sore from yesterday and today. That was hard, total time 50:22

  27. 24:51 – MAJOR modifications!

    I planned on cutting the running segments to 1 mile each, but did not have a lot of time to work out today due to a meeting that ran late.

    1 mile on treadmill – run/walk 50/50 was 14:19.

    I did hang squat cleans w/31# since I have dumbbells – too awkward doing just plain squat cleans. Not sure if I was doing them right or not.

    Box jumps w/11" box.

    Lunges as rx'd. Tired!

  28. 49:25

    1st run portion was on an elliptical (only 1 treadmill at hotel and it was taken); completed 20 min. which is how long it takes me to run 2 miles.

    Great workout, I needed a big one like that.

  29. 41:26 was my time used 10 lb dumbells for squat cleans.

  30. 48:53 as RX'd. 20lbs total. For some reason the work part was killing me today. I am still sore from the burpees yesterday, the box jumps were killing me. Such a good one though!

  31. 45:04 20# squat cleans and subbed box jumps for jumping knee tucks. Having hubby build me a box! Whew thank goodness that's over!!

  32. 50:02 – ran 3 miles, then 1 to take advantage of our neighborhood loop. 20# for squat cleans, 16" box jumps.

  33. 50:14
    Had to take a 30 second break between miles. 2 miles felt like forever.
    10# squat cleans.

  34. 57:51

    Pushed my 3-year-old in the stroller for mile 3 an that slowed me down a LOT. Didnt walk at all for the other 3 miles which is a huge achievement for me.

    12" box jumps.

  35. Training for a sprint triathlon so as apart of that, I swam 300 m and did a run/walk mix for 30 minutes then did the sequence (minus running) for about 9 minutes (paused half way through to fix my shoe and forgot to restart). Squat clean 20#, smallest box for box jump.

    And yes, I'm still hurting from last week!

  36. 35:29 for the first run and work out. Did not do the last run because I was dying. 20# squats.

  37. YYYEEEAAA! After a really rough weekend, I did not want to come back to this WOD… But really knew I should and… I did it!!

    Subbed step ups on 18" chair

    I nearly quit but had a great coach by my side the whole time 🙂

    get it ladies! You can do this!!!!

  38. Ugh…awful. Between kids, my motivation and my poor hydration today was not a success.
    20 minutes, 2 miles total and all reps done.
    My goal is to repeat this on Saturday. At least I tried.

  39. Oh and my SC were with 25# and my BJ were on a tractor tire…I need to go out and measure it. I'm guessing it's 14".

    1. Mary- ha ha! You said BJ on a tractor tire! That paints a picture. 😉

  40. I haven't posted my times in a while but have been doing all the wods. Time today was 47:52. I am not what I consider to be a runner but have seen major improvement. I like to do speed work in 0.1 mile increments then back down again. It makes the time go faster when I am focusing on small distances at a time. Great workout!

  41. 38:36
    Only did the first run. Didn't have time for the second. Slow runner

  42. Big adaptation for today- knee surgery
    20 push press 20 lb
    20 crossfit sit-ups
    20 bench dips
    20 push press
    20 back extensions
    20 push ups
    3 rounds in 12 minutes

  43. 49:49 20# squat clean. Did run on treadmill had to walk some 2nd run

  44. 1 hr flat. Step ups for box jumps. Thanks for all the input today. You ladies are so helpful and motivating!

  45. 29:56 Subbed 4 miles on bike @ <101 rpms for each 2 mile run & step ups for box jumps.

  46. Short on time and intimidated by the run, so I cut the runs to one mile each. Did step ups for box jump and 20lbs. for squat cleans. Total time around 35 min.

  47. 1:06 minutes- did step ups for box jumps ad 20 lbs. for squat clean. That was a tough one!

  48. 2.0 Miles

    3 Rounds in 11:48:

    20 Push Ups
    20 CFSU's
    20 Bench Dips
    20 Back Ext
    20 Push Ups
    20 Back Ext

  49. 39:04
    As RXed.
    18" box jump
    SC with full squat
    Knee to the floor lunges

    Great running advice. I was not a runner. I still don't look forward to it or necessarily enjoy it but as I have mentally pushed myself and never allowed myself to walk or stop, no matter what, I have gotten stronger, my endurance went though the roof, my speed improved and it turn, it gets easier and easier, which makes me hate it less and less. It is all about attitude and determination. Sometimes my internal dialogs asks myself, if your child was abducted and was in that car ahead of you, how fast would you run? How far would you run? Forever!! It just tricks my mind into not setting a limit on what I can do or when I should stop. You have to stop yelling yourself that you can't. You can go farther, you can go faster, you can finish. Come what may. Don't stop. Don't walk. Don't quit. Your body will surprise you.

  50. My gps running tracker stopped @ 1.92 miles on the last run & no matter how much more i ran i couldnt get it to update so i called it good @ 54 : 14. 20# cleans & 18" box. Feel proud because i hate running especially long distance, thought id take 1 1/2 hrs!

  51. Was in a hurry so had to do bike instead of the run. 20# for squat cleans. Highest box jumps yet for me! 26:52

  52. 47:37
    Nothing like a tough workout to show my I've got to get my butt in gear and do a few more WODS!!
    30lb Squat clean

  53. 38, but I couldn't run because I couldn't leave my son. Instead I swam for 16 minutes on either side of the weight workout. Didn't count the rest time.

  54. 42:34 with the 4 min break! Good workout! Feelings it in the buns this morning!

  55. 41:06
    Step ups for box jumps
    30lb first set s.c. Then 20lb second set

  56. 55:54 with mods:
    10" box jumps, but jumped them ALL
    Second run was 3 miles.
    Finished with 50 CFSU

    I'm a runner so I loved this WOD! It was so tough but I did it and now I feel so strong!

  57. 49:51
    Subbed 8lb kettlebell swing for squat cleans
    Stairs for box jumps — more like one- legged hop ups

  58. 30:31.
    Couldn't do the last 2 miles, being sick and then having a sick 2 year old really takes it out of you. 10lb squat cleans.

  59. 46:04
    Awesome workout.
    Only 15 lb weights and shorter box jumps.
    Lunges were knee to floor 🙂

  60. Total time 53:03
    First 2 miles 23:03
    Exercises 6 min
    Used 8 lb dumbells
    Did steps instead of jumps (don't have box yet)
    Second 2 miles 24 min

  61. 43 minutes without rests, 15# one armed squat cleans

  62. 52:36 with rests. 30lb SC round 2, 25 on the first. Step ups round 1, box jumps round 2

  63. 47:50. Finally a faster time than last year @ 48:58. Did this one with Melanie

  64. 1:06:04
    Couldn't do it on Tuesday so I did it today

  65. 39:43 compared to 38:22 (not including the 4 minute rests)

  66. 49:10 including rests. Used 30 lbs for the squat cleans, knees to floor on lunges, and tuck jumps instead of box jumps. Happy I made it under 50 mins but my goal was 48.. darn! I definitely run slower on these long runs than on my 800m runs, they had me thinking I could average an 8 min mile but it was more like 9:30 each.

  67. Had to save the workout for the weekend.
    50:54 as rx'ed
    set 50 minute goal…barely missed it 🙁

  68. 54:02 I didn't run fast, but I ran the whole thing!

  69. I had planned to get up early and do this wod yesterday, but a 2am ER trip for the baby with croup kind of killed that plan. And she was not happy at all yesterday, so a long wod was out of the question. I finally got in a 2 mile run/walk after the kids were in bed last night, but that was all I could muster.
    23:33 Next time will be better!

  70. Cheated a little on this one.

    Ran 2 miles down hill
    Ran 2 miles up hill
    Then drove home to finish the exercises in between because I was too embarrassed to do the exercises on the side of the rode.

    Total time: 53:43 (time does not include 4 minutes of rest because it took me 10-min to get home)

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