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Wednesday 02.27.13

Hero WOD

3 rounds for time of:
Run 1000 meters
50 Butterfly sit-ups
Run 1000 meters
50 Push-ups

Post time to comments.

In honor of U.S. Army Specialist Adam Hamilton, 22, of Kent, Ohio who died died on May 28, 2011 in Haji Ruf, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when
enemy forces attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device.

no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce refined sugar intake
drink at least 3 glasses of water a day
no fried food


  1. Not sure I'll have time for this today so I'm subbing 100 squats for now and hoping I can get the run in between errands and activities today.

  2. DNF. 26 min completed after 2 rounds. I will have to do this another day.

  3. saving this one for this weekend when my boys can go with me.

    1. Dang Jen Roe! I just killed myself and you still beat me by 10 minutes doing boy push-ups!!! You inspire me. Give me one more year….. 😉

  4. I just did the following workout.
    5 rounds for time
    9 dead lifts
    6 hang power snatches
    3 front squats

    I could have sworn that this was the for today but now it is different. Maybe in my early morning sleepiness I went to an old workout?

    I will save this one for later today.

    1. There were two posted for today. So the one you did today will show up tomorrow. Just do this one tomorrow.

  5. 40 minutes…all boy pushups

    Had a little incident with my water cup and the treadmill, but made it thru all 3 rounds! Great workout! Have a great day everyone.

  6. I'm obviously no hero yet, but next time around I will kill it!
    first round as rx'd (GPU)
    second round cut to 500m runs (GPU)
    third round 500m runs and 25 per set of GPU and situps

    Still took me 51:40

  7. Holy cow. This was tough. 1000 meters intimated me. I did 1000 meters round 1, 800 meters round 2, and 600 meters round 3. 45:45

  8. 53:07; rowed 5000 meters, ran 1000; 60 sit-ups, 90 crunches; 30 girl pushups, 120 counter pushups.

  9. Question from someone who just stumbled upon this blog through pinterest. Do you need to be in fairly good shape to start crossfit? Or can anyone do it? I've reached a point in life at 31 where I know dieting is stupid but I hate conventional exercise. Crossfit seems to be exciting enough to keep me interested.

    1. April, I am a 27 y/o who has not worked out regularly a day in her life. I started from couch potato and I've been doing alright. I'm slower than most, and my form is a little wonky, but I've managed to keep up alright. This has been the only workout plan I've come across that I actually enjoy doing. It's tough, but it's different every day, which keeps it from getting boring. Good luck! You can do it!

    2. You can start this no matter what your fitness level is. You're only going to get stronger by doing this and you're only competing with yourself and your previous times.

  10. 48:24
    As rx'd
    I do love these running wod's!

    Jen Roe, you are crazy fast! Do you do long run's, marathons etc? I assume you are a long time runner?

    1. Jen M.

      I do run 6 days a week for mental health (4 busy kids). I do local 5k, 10k and the occaisional 1/2 marathon or triathlon. I was a college distance runner a VERY long time ago.

    2. Jen R. Thats great! Running is def good for mental health! I have 3 kids who stretch my patience daily 🙂
      I may catch you someday, I've only been running for around 5 years now… But I love it 🙂

  11. To April Burke…anyone can start this program at any fitness level. You can adjust the prescribed weights to suit your fitness level. Its so nice to wake up and have a workout waiting for you. Good luck!

  12. Kelli A, that is what I saw too early this morning! I was a bit surprised when I was ready to do it and the WOD changed… odd.

    50:29. That was a good, tough one. The pushups slowed me down a little.

  13. Sorry about the mix up this morning everyone! I had accidentally used today's date for Thursday's WOD so they both posted this morning. I fixed it but some did Thursday's and they can just do today's tomorrow. My bad.

  14. First day for me! Wow, I thought I was in mildy decent shape with at least some stamina after running 3-4 miles per day 3-5 times per week, but this kicked my butt! I guess that's the idea. I completed all of the workout as written but it took me 1:19:30 🙁
    Hope to see some improvement in the future!

  15. 54:00 as rx'd
    Will I ever be a runner? lol I didn't feel my h like a hero but I did complete it..there were points when I was unsure I was ever gonna make it back home! definitely a good one!

  16. 47:48 all boy pushups with my son in honor of our fallen hero. We are grateful. Thank you!!

  17. 45:28 .6 miles in first round, .4 mi in second round, .25 mi in third round

  18. 44:18
    As RXed.
    Deficit girl push-ups.
    Finished everything but the last push-ups in 40 minutes but then took 4:18 for 50 stupid push-ups.

  19. 24:13.
    Managed to catch myself a cold and couldn't bring myself to do the runs so did 200 jump ropes in place of 1000m run. Did girl push ups.

  20. first day at this. So glad i found crossfit mamas! time- 42:48

  21. Finally back from whole family flu, invasion of the in-laws, whole family stomach flu, and hockey tournament… Or, as I decided today to call it, too many excuses-get back to it and stop being lazy:-(

    50:15, and I skipped the last run because the kids needed to be tucked in. Did all the cfsu and push ups, though. Girl push ups.

    Feels good to be back at it. I missed feeling awesomely miserable 🙂

  22. 45:15, girl pu – love the running days!

  23. 1:14:58. Killer! I get so motivated by the "hero" work outs. I even got an unexpected text from my hero ( AKA boyfriend) during the workout who's in basic training right now! made my day 🙂

  24. 51:55. Didn't think I could do this but am so proud of myself for completing it! I definitely notice so much improvement in the past 7.5 weeks! Thanks for doing this for us.

  25. 49:32
    Running as rx'd but only 25 sit-ups/girl push-ups per round…not able to do 50…yet!

  26. 30:35 2 rounds, all I have time for today, modified pu on treadmill due to bicep tendonitis

  27. Hello! I'm new here and i have some questions (wasn't sure where to post this). I read the faq page but can you please let me know what the VI Shake is and where could i buy it? Also, i have been sedentary for the past 7-8 years…and i mean no work out at ALL. I feel that my body is starting to fall apart so have to do something about it. I am 30 years old, i have a 17 year old baby, 5'6 and 138lbs. What would be a good starting point for me? I know you said to do the WOD if we are new here…but i can barely do 3 push ups…that's how out of shape i am!! I appreciate your help!

  28. Rough day..
    43…only did 2 rounds GPU
    Didn't runas much as I should have….but I just couldn't make myself move.

  29. 46:40 with all regular push-ups! I started it anticipating having to drop to my knees at some point and was so proud I managed to not have to 🙂

    I've been doing these for a few weeks but having been posting my results. Love these workouts; looking forward to them actually gets me through my day!

  30. 47:47

    not gonna lie, i've been dreading this wod all day long…frist i wasnt gonna do it at all, then i was just going to do 25 ea su&pu for each round. then this evening after dinner i got on and read through the comments and you ladies inspired me, yet again, with your times & determination (thankyousomuch!) and in the end i threw all caution to the wind and just went for it-with (not great) but better results than i expected.

    mpu and slightly msu

    only time will tell if i will be able to drag my body out of bed in the am for tomorrows wod-already feeling a bit stiff…

  31. DNF (yet!) did 2 rounds at 30:25. Really tough for me today. Hope to finish later

  32. 48:53. Did jump roping instead of running (7, 7, 6, 5 1/2, 5, 5) and did crunches instead of sit ups. Girl p/u

  33. 51:43

    Only ran about 850 meters each time instead of 1000 though.

    Did more than half of the pushups against the wall each round… those are so hard for me.

    SO glad this is done…. before I even started I thought I would quit about halfway through but I'm so happy I didn't!

  34. 45 mins 2.5 miles 100 PU 100 situp broken down to 25 of Each at a time

  35. 43:46 The last run I did 1400 m to make a total of 4 miles! Girlie pushups… bummed shoulder! 🙁

  36. 57:53

    I'm still nursing a pinched nerve in my right arm-shoulder. So on each round, I did 25 push-ups on the floor then 25 using a wall.

  37. 40 minutes,
    as RXd.
    Ran on a very slippely snow in pouring rain. The guys going to an d from hockey practice were asking about my sanity when I did the situps and push ups at the hall entrance.

  38. That was great! Took me a lot longer than the rest of you, but I completed it all, proud of myself for that…. 60 min….

  39. 46:36 Can you say Jell-o arms and quivering gut? Or maybe it's quivering arms and Jell-o gut?!?!?! Wonderful feeling when I was finished with this one!

  40. Did not have a great measure for how far 1000 meter run would be…ran 7 laps around a track (basketball court) which is WAY more then .6 miles (1000 meters). Did the workout in 72 minutes…rough workout!

  41. I have truly never run so far in a single day. My push ups may not have been very low but I did it!
    77 and a half minutes!

  42. 52:00 as rx'd. Battling terrible heel pain, run was VERY hard for me today.

  43. 49:44 as rx'd with terrible girl pushups! My pushups have been getting much stronger lately but when I have 50 to do, they get weak!!

  44. 1 hour and 15 minutes- holy long workout, but did the whole thing : ) !!!

  45. 57:40
    Those push ups took me forever. I also had to walk a bit on the last 2 1000 meters.

  46. Only made it one round. 🙁 Not feeling so great. 18:23

  47. 28:21 but subd the 1000 meters for 10 flight of stairs if I ran it would probably be double but still kick my butt!!! Fell out at the end in pure sweat exhaustion!!

  48. 1:01:26
    All knee push ups (usually I try to do at least 20 or so military pu but I wanted to pace myself).
    All CFSU with daughter sitting on feet for half of them.

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