
Tuesday 02.19.13

7 rounds for time of:
7 Push press,  20 lbs
7 Butterfly sit-ups
7 Burpees

no caffeine
no soda
only fruit or veggie snacks
no food after 8:00pm
no alcohol
reduce refined sugar intake
drink at least 3 glasses of water a day


  1. 7:24, 8 rounds. It was so much fun I did an extra round. I just got distracted and started the extra round by accident 🙂
    12 kg, 26 lbs for push press.

  2. 8:30. I started an 8th round too but stopped and said "wait-that was 7 already." I'm blaming the spider I killed mid burpee but i agree it was a fun workout!

  3. 7:49, better form on the burpees today 🙂

  4. 8:10 as RX'd.
    Got up early, kind of nice doing this not tripping over toys and kids!

  5. 8:08
    8 lb dumbells
    Had to modify burpee after 2nd round! Heart rate is still up though! 🙂 good workout! 🙂

  6. 16:35 new to crossfit mama. My girls kept trying to "help" me add extra weight by laying on my chest during sit ups climbing on to my back during burpees and just generally putting toys in my space but hey I did it!

  7. 9:59 can't say I like burpees, but if I have to do them, I like them broken up in small groups like this!!

  8. 12:35 includes trip get water
    12# push press
    All else as rx'd

  9. 13:00 while watching Real Housewives of BH. They were distracting me 🙂

  10. 7:48 Rx – next time heavier on the push press

  11. 6:28
    15# dbs for pp
    crossfit situps tough even 9mo postpartum
    burpees still need to work on form but better with the lower reps

  12. First cross fit workout ever! 🙂

    8:36 did 20 lbs for push press, and even started an 8th round without noticing! Maybe round 2 today when the kiddos are napping!

    Great workout!

  13. New to the site. Question – when the WOD says push press 20 lb does it mean dumb bells totaling 20 lb or two 20 lb dumb bells?
    Thanks 🙂

  14. Katherine, total 20lbs. If I am wrong someone let me know, because that's what I've been doing!

  15. 9:25 as rx'd. Burpees still slow me way down, but I do think I'm getting better at them.

  16. 9:06 did 14 push press with 5 lb dumbells each round since I don't have heavier weights. Everything else as rx'd with 'help' from one of my daughters with the cf sit ups.

  17. Didn't time it today, but did all of the burpees complete with jump backs, chest to floor, and jump at the top. That is accomplishment enough for me today!

  18. Whew..day 2 of crossfit 12:47..I idolize the people in the 8 minute and under! Didn't have weights so I used a huge box of diaper..hey I guess that's better than not doing it!

  19. Phone decided to restart in the middle of this one.. was averaging around 1:10 per round so I think it was under 8:30.. 30 lb push presses!

  20. Fun workout! Just getting back into crossfit after a few weeks off after injury and illness. I did it with my kids today and my 9 year old beat me! 🙂
    12:00 9yr old
    14:51 me
    19:20 6 yr old

  21. 10:45 with a baby and toddler trying to crawl on or under me the whole time!

  22. 9:49 As Rx'd. constantly surprised by the amount of burpees I can knockout! Awesome.

  23. 7:47!!! I agree with everyone else – this was a REALLY fun workout today!

    24# push presses
    "beginner" burpees with an aerobic step and kicked back legs together


  24. 11:30, Day 1 of Crossfit Mamas. I’ve been doing a mix of P90x, running intervals and body weight exercises for past year, and I need something to help me through a plateau/need a new challenge. I found myself going slower than usual during today’s WOD for fear that the workout would be too short…I think I just need to trust the process. I was thinking about adding more rounds, but again, think I need to trust the process (so I added 10 min. of running intervals to the end)! Is this a normal fear as a beginner? I'm so excited I found your blog on Pinterest…it seems to be JUST what I was looking for 🙂

  25. 12:19. You all amaze me! Those burpees always take me forever!

  26. 15:23 no judging 😉 I have a 13 week old and a 2 year old! I'll get there 🙂

  27. 11:00 even. Getting easier! This one was actually fun 🙂

  28. I was hoping for 7 minutes flat, it would have just been too perfect! It took me 8:30. Still wiped out from it!

  29. 6:27. Hmmmm I may have done something wrong. Maybe I missed a around or something. I'll just do it again. 🙂

  30. 6:05. Which seems really low, but you would hope between 3 people we would know how to count to 7?

  31. 10:54
    30# PP

    These little ole' WOD's look so easy when they are first posted. Then… to actually do them… Phew.

    And Yesterday… just 12 mnutes… Again, looked and sounded so easy….

    So curious what tomorrow will bring.

  32. 5:08 with mods (not allowed to work out my right arm), 10# pp one armed, high knee jumps instead of .burpees

  33. 14:07. 10lbs on press. New at this, first time doing burpees & push press.

  34. 5:55 – did this workout on Wed, 2/20. only 15 lb presses
    alarm going off and kid screaming she needs help in the potty. Guess I'm done.

  35. 15:32
    We hate burpees
    Snap crackle pop
    I swear it was the dog!!!

  36. Alison- Ha ha! I love RHOBH!! There is no way I could pay attention to that when I was WODing!

  37. Katherine-
    When the WOD only lists a weigtht, it always means total weight unless dumbbells are specified. Like 10 lb dumbbells.

  38. Broke Carpenter- Don't be afraid to lift 20 lbs. We won't go above 20 lbs here because none of us want to bulk up. I have been doing these WODs for almost 2 years and I have not bulked up. I have built lean muscle, slimmed down, got tighter, stronger, faster, etc. but you have to realize that if you want to burn fat, the more muscle you have, the more fat your body will burn naturally. It feels good to be strong so don't be scared of muscle. Crossfit Mamas will never look like body builders. 😉

  39. 6:49 as rx'd. really pleased with that. 3rd wod of the day. trying to get caught up after the ski vaca

  40. Week 4, doing 2-3WOD/wk, Zumba & Yoga at work now. 5 rounds as Rxed just over 7 min.

  41. 2nd day of crossfit. I have not worked out in a long time and am very out of shape.
    Time is 23:01. There was a time in the middle when I really just wanted to give up, but I pushed through. So proud to have done all 7 rounds. I am determined that I will have an awesome time the next time we do this workout!

  42. 11:49. I kinda lost count… thinking I might have done 8 rounds?

    In addition to WOD, I walked 2.5mi & did BikiniBodyMommy's Ab Workout: 20 bikini twists, 10 pike planks, 10 walking V planks, 20 plank "crunches", and 30 hip lifts.

  43. Did this one after doing the Friday wod.
    12# dumbells for push press.
    Weighted cfsu: 12/12/10/10/10/8/8
    This one was fun! Thanks

  44. 11:26 wow so hard but so easy just back from a lol 4 day vacation and this kicked my butt but at the same time was easily accomplished I LOVE CROSSFIT. Thanks Crossfit Mama, I drank the crossfit kool-aid!!!

  45. 10:21.
    I thought this would be pretty easy, but it wasn't! I was moving so slow!

  46. A week later – 2/28 – 7:25
    40 seconds faster than a week ago!

  47. 10:59.
    I really pushed hard on this one. I like the ones I can push myself through and feel strong versus the ones that wreck me while still in progress.

    Rested and then did some ad/abductor bi/tricep work.

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