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Wednesday 12.19.12

“Tabata That!”

Tabata Jump rope
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push press, 20 lbs
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Butterfly sit-up

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Write down your reps each time during your 10 second rests.

Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals.

Post Tabata score for each exercise to comments and total for final score.



  1. 33 jump rope, 16 squat, 16 push press, 9 push-ups, 9 CFSU
    Total was 83
    My push-ups were pathetic after yesterday and following push press today. Thanks for the workout

  2. I replaced jump ropes with more CFSU since I can't jump right now.
    10 CFSU, 16 squats, PP 10, PU girlie 8, CFSU 11
    Total: 55.

  3. Subbed jumping jacks for jump rope- 22
    Squats- 13
    Push Press- 6. Seriously. My arms still hurt from yesterday. I lifted a solid 6 for all 8 rounds. Sigh. I am out of shape for REAL.
    Push ups- 6.
    CFSU- 9. These are TOUGH.

    56 total

    This was a super fun workout! Thank you!

  4. 57 (indoor jumprope, the motion w/o the rope–no tripping over the rope!)
    14 (did a solid 15 for every round but that one–arg!)
    8 (killer)
    7 (yikes)
    = 94

  5. Jump rope- 37
    Squat- 20
    Push Press 25#- 19
    Push-up (boy)- 18
    CF Sit-up- 12
    Total: 106
    Great workout! My kids helped me by keeping time and recording! Then they begged for a Tabata too!

  6. 40 jump rope
    16 squat
    11 push press
    7 girlie push ups
    10 cross fit sit ups
    Total score= 84

  7. 35 jump rope
    18 squat
    19 push press
    10 push up (knees)
    7 cf sit up
    Total = 89
    My arms are so shaky – love it!

  8. 40
    = 64

    I must say that my arms gave out for the pushups on the 3rd round. But then again I'm terribly out of shape and have never done Tabata before. I think I like it!

  9. Morning 5 mile run in snow..so pretty! Then…

    50 jump rope
    24 squats
    15 push press
    9 push ups (boy)
    14 CF sit ups

    total: 112

  10. 50 (no rope equals no tripping equals lots of jumps)
    21 squats
    7 pp 25#
    9 girlie pushups with jello arms!
    7 cfsu
    Total: 94

  11. 39 Jump rope
    14 squats
    10 push press, 1st 4 intervals with 22#'s then switched to 12#'s bc my arms are SO out of shape!
    12 push ups (girlie)
    8 CFSU
    TOTAL: 83

  12. 28 (kept tripping this morning)

    total: 80

  13. JR= 36 (couple of trips)
    SQ= 18
    PP= 18
    PU= 6 (killer after yesterday! So sore!)
    CFSU= 12
    Total= 90

  14. I think I had 86 total…I forgot my paper and pen.

  15. Jumprope – 12 (I'm a tripper!)
    Squats – 17
    Push Press w/24# – 20
    Pushups – 8 – this was just MEAN after yesterday's workout! 🙂
    Situps – 8

    TOTAL – 65

  16. This was the first time I've done a Tabata workout (it always looked so confusing) and I LOVED IT!
    70 total

  17. 47 jump rope
    16 squat
    9 push press
    11 push ups
    12 sit ups
    = total of 95! Arms are dying from yesterday and all I had for the push presses were my 15# weights.

  18. JR (without a rope) 40
    Squats 8 🙁 my knees hurt so bad lately doing squats 🙁 could I be doin them wrong?
    PP 7
    Push up (knees) a shaky 5
    CFSU's 7
    Total 67

  19. 24. JJ instead of jump rope
    11 squats
    9 push ups
    53 total…
    Didn't do min of rest and forgot push press..ooops

  20. Jumping jacks instead of rope 27
    Squat 18
    Push press 19
    Push ups (knee) 8 (my numbers went down each set… Pain!)
    CF Sit ups 11
    Total = 83
    Great work out, thanks!

  21. 37 jump rope
    14 squats
    12 push press w/ 30# bar
    6 p/u (boy)
    12 Crossfit sit-ups

    81 total!

    Have been following this blog and WODs for a week and 4 days today (started last Monday, 12/10) but am just now posting! Love this blog and the WODs. Thanks!!

  22. Jump Rope – 50 (air-rope)
    Squat – 10
    Push Press – 11
    Push-up – 7 (these were horrible)
    Sit-up – 6
    Total = 84

  23. 81 🙂
    31 jump rope
    17 squat
    15 push press 20#
    8 push ups
    10 sit ups
    I peed my pants during the jump ropes!!!!!!!!!

  24. 82

    35 jump Rope
    14 Squats
    17 Push Press
    6 Push ups(arms jsut statred to give out)
    10 Sit ups

  25. Jump Rope- 32
    Squat- 9
    Push Press- 8
    Pushup- 4 (collapsing the last two rounds)
    Situps- 7

  26. 30-Jump Rope
    5-Press Push (Every other set was between 8-10, just halfway through it got the best of me.)
    7-PushUps (Arms hurt from Deficits the day before. Ouch!)


  27. 39 Jump rope
    10 squats
    12 push press
    6 push ups
    11 sit ups

    total 78.

  28. 40 jump ropes
    21 squats
    11 push press with 40lbs
    12 pushups
    13 situps

    after brupee wod

  29. A little out of sequence this week, but better late than never.

    Jump Rope: 27
    Squat: 14
    Push Press: 10
    Push-up: 14
    CF Sit-up: 8

    Great WOD!

  30. Jump rope 48
    Squat 17
    Push Press 9 30lbs. total
    Push Ups 12
    Sit Ups 13

    Total 99

  31. 34
    7 (owwww! PP killed me!!!!)

    Total: 76

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