
Friday 12.14.12

5 rounds for time of:
7 Deadlift, 60 lbs
30 Squats
7 Push-ups



  1. I found this blog yesterday and am very excited to start! I will post my time when I get off work this afternoon! I am already doing the body by Vi shakes and love the way I feel on them with energy and fullness! I would highly recommend them to anyone who has not tried them!

  2. 6:47 as rx'd.
    Did a leg workout yesterday instead of the run because it was raining all day, but I plan on doing the 5k over the weekend!

    Have a great weekend everyone! 🙂

  3. 7:18, 65# deadlifts

    What a great week, thanks!

    Plan on doing the 5K tomorrow (couldn't do it with kids in tow)–which is something I've never EVER done before! excited and a little scared!

  4. oh AND I did all boy push ups! Couldn't do that two months ago when I started! Thanks!

  5. 7:01 used my handy dandy 16lb bag of dog food again. Buying weights this weekend!

    Thanks for a great workout!

  6. 8:31
    Only had a 25# bar for deadlift, so did double each round. Also all boy push-ups.
    Then ran 2 miles to end another great week of workouts.

  7. 8:11 Only had 20# so I doubled the deadlifts each round. Ended up taking my daughter in for an emergency orthodontist trip yesterday afternoon, so I'll be doing the 5K tomorrow, too. Happy Friday!

  8. 7:38 I did squats with 20lbs and got in a few boy pu I couldn't do that a few months ago!

  9. 45# DL
    All Modified Push Ups

    Hey – Wendy P, great job on the Regular Push Ups! I need to work more toward Regular Push Ups rather than the Modifieds I have grown to love and depend on!

  10. 7:13
    As RXed
    Pretty sure I accidentally did 6 rounds.

  11. 6:25, 52.5# deadlift, boy p/u. Was hoping to do the 5k from yesterday, but still nursing a leg injury 🙁

  12. Sure missing this site and the workouts. I fell on the 4th while doing the box jumps and broke my humeral head into 5 pieces. Had surgery & 11 pins put in my arm this past Wednesday. Anyone still using a step-stool for box jumps, get a real box, be safe! Can't wait to come back & start over once my pins are out & I'm cleared to exercise again (hopefully in Feb.)!!

  13. Feeling slow after the run yesterday
    15:33 as rx'ed
    And actually did girl push ups instead of wall push-ups, they were pretty sad and slow but definitely an improvement for me! 🙂

  14. Just found your blog! My first time so I am a weakling but I did 2 rnds at 7:02 with 10 lb DLs. I aim to beat that next time!

  15. 25lb dl
    Box squat
    Wall push-up
    12 minutes
    Knees feeling better daily though!!!

  16. LZAng – I knew there was a reason those box jumps scared me! I hope you heal quickly. Good luck!

  17. 6:14 as RX'd, that was after I ran the 5K from yesterday! Very fun, but I timed each individual round:


  18. 6:50 – 30lb deadlifts. Love the workouts. I use them when I can't get to the gym for my crossfit-esque classes there and on weekends. You ladies rock!

  19. 10:52
    I was on vacation, so I did this one way different than rx'd.
    No weights, so I used my 22lb "baby weight". I held him for the deadlifts and squats, which was less weight than rx'd for deadlifts and more than rx'd for squats. To compensate, I did more reps of deadlifts and fewer squats. So for each round, I did 15 deadlifts, 15 squats and 7 push-ups. And he crawled away during every set of push-ups, so then I had to run and get him to start the next round. It was fun!

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