
Tuesday 12.11.12

For time:
30 Front squats, 20-30 lbs
7 Pull-ups (attempts)
30 Front squats, 20-30 lbs
5 Pull-ups (attempts)


  1. 3:42 but pull-ups were assisted. I read that it doesn't matter if overhand or underhand grip. Is that true? Thanks again and have a good day everyone!

  2. 3:32
    30lb front squat
    Pull ups were assisted
    I did 1 pull up unassisted and I haven't been able to do that since middle school. I'm getting stronger

  3. 9:17 but I did push-ups instead of pull-ups, so that was easier. I used 30lbs for the squats.

  4. 4:20 – had to figure out how I was going to attempt my pullups this time 😛 They were really sad…

  5. 2:56, but I did boy pu instead of pull-ups (no bar). Two months ago I couldn't even do one boy pu!

  6. 3:50
    40lb front squats
    Assisted pull ups. A long way to go before I can do these

  7. 5 even. I did push ups and overhead single arm pull downs since I don't have a bar.

  8. 3:14 attempted pull ups using the bottom side of our apartment stairs. They were pretty sorry. 30# squats

  9. 3:14 attempted pull ups using the bottom side of our apartment stairs. They were pretty sorry. 30# squats

  10. About 7 minutes.

    Forgot to start timer. Attempted real pull-ups–could only squeeze upward a couple inches. Did some extra assisted pull-ups, did some boy push-ups too as Rx'd.

    Ran/walked 2 miles.

  11. 2:46 with 30 lbs, pull ups were more jump up/slow down

  12. 3:23.

    60lb squats, assisted pullups…but I am SO close to finally being able to do one.

  13. 3:32-assisted pull ups. 27 lbs squats (1 12# and 1 15#)

  14. 3:48
    0# on squats as I do not own weights yet and learning crossfit style.
    Pull-ups assisted.

  15. 3:48
    0# on squats as I do not own weights yet but good practice in learning form.
    Pull-ups assisted.

  16. 4:42 – 24 lb squats – assisted pullups, coming down REALLY slow (my arms were quivering) – I did 3 unassisted, but I swear I only got an inch or two off of the ground!

  17. 7 minutes
    28.6# front squats then 20# on last 5
    15# rows instead of pull-ups
    20# squats then no weight for last 15 BUT I had good form! Getting better.
    Did 7 rows instead of 5. whoops. Killer.

  18. 3:47 with 45lb squats and a lot of assistance from the chair on pull ups

  19. 4:15 with 40# squats, then incline interval run on the treadmill for 45 mins. Hate the treadmill. Thanks for the great WOD!

  20. 2:37, did the first round of front squats with about 50lbs, second set and push presses (instead of pullups) with 30lbs. James did 1:42, all with the 50lbs. We need a pullup bar!

  21. 5:12 with 45lb bar for front squats and 10 x2 assisted (with very thin band) pull-ups!

  22. 2:50, 35# squat, assisted pull up @ the 2nd level

  23. 3:53 as RX'd
    30# squats.
    Used a turned over stool to help with my Pull ups. Worked well, but still looked horrid!

  24. 2:05 as RX'd.
    I used a small step ladder and beams in my basement for the pull ups. They were a little sloppy but I was impressed since I haven't attempted to do one since HS.

  25. 2:32. Pull ups were sorry, used a hang board so it's harder than a bar.

  26. 2:32. Pull ups were sorry, used a hang board so it's harder than a bar.

  27. 3:41
    Used 45 lbs for front squat.
    Boy push ups for pull ups (set 15 and set 10)

  28. 5.37, 15 kg squat.

    Can't do proper pull ups, so I do an incline pull up on my daughter's monkey bars. And I have also found that I need to have the bar on my shoulders for front squats as I can't get it sitting on my collarbone properly – does anyone else have a problem with this?

  29. 4:18.
    20# squats
    I couldn't do a pull-up to save my life, so mine were so "assisted" it was more like I just did 12 more squats while holding onto my pull-up bar. Oh well, working on it.

  30. 2:20- used 16 lb bag of dog food since I don't have weights lol and did assisted pull ups.

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