
Tuesday 11.27.12

5 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
20 Burpees
15 Two-hand dumbbell Bent over row, 10 pounds each

WOD Demo:
 (make sure you don’t shrug!)


  1. 5:04

    Made it 3 full rounds before I had to get my son. This is my first CFM workout. I'm 5 months postpartum with my first baby.

    Also, since it was super cold I couldn't take my babe outside for the run so I improvised with jumping jacks, high knees, and mountain climbers. So, I doubt my times are accurate but I still got a great workout.

    1. I loved your post. I think we would be great friends. Good luck on your 30 day! Just say no to decay!

  2. Stopped after 3 rounds cause I was short on time. Still great work out. 3 rounds took me 25:05. I'm slow:)

  3. 21:15
    I ran around my house and up and down my stairs for 2 1/2 minutes for the 400m since it was raining outside. I only did push ups for the burpees.

  4. I ran 2 miles with my 12-year old, so I skipped the running. 13:16 for the burpees and deadlifts. Added a push up to each burpee.

  5. 22:28 as RXed
    My husband joined me to encourage me and he finished in 21:08! Great workout!

  6. I'm shaking everywhere…
    (22:13 total)

  7. I adapted this morning's rx. Only did 5 burpees–and that wasn't a pretty sight!!. My time was 35 minutes and I'm happy with that because I am making progress. Jenni, I was happy to see the older man in the today's demo. Motivating for me to keep working. He's probably not as old as me, however. 🙂

  8. Only 3 rounds after my 3 mile run this morning. Had to take my kindergartener to school

    Dislike burpees

  9. First time to post and I have only been doing this about a week.

    My burpees were super sloppy, and I only had 5 lb dumbells, but otherwise it took me 23.43. I am proud of that.

    Also, I liked the video attached since I am new at this. I loved being able to see what it is supposed to look like from my phone this morning (instead of going to the full site) before I got out of bed to have a vision and motivation for my workout.

  10. 27:20
    Those burpees were killers! After the second round I had a hard time getting them done. I rested a lot while trying to complete them. I also did a modified version, no pushup or jump at the end. I don't have a 10# weight so I used my 3# and 5# in each hand.

  11. This was my first time. As RX'd except I had to use 5# dumbbells (time to go shopping!).

    Total time: 23:03

    One question (just to make sure I'm doing this correctly): do you let your timer run until the end of your round or do you pause it until you get started on the next task?

    1. Run the timer for the total time, break down by the round is not needed. (Makes you work harder to get better total time;)

    2. Dasha is right. Unless specified, like yesterday's WOD, let the timer run.

  12. DNF- my shoulder quit after 2 rounds in 12 ish min. Slow elliptical to finish,

  13. 21:55- rough!
    Question: I've been doing burpees for along time now. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Sometimes in the videos it looks like they are going flat to the floor? I just hover over the ground as low as I can go? Am I doing them wrong?

    1. Go down flat then jump up, just like the demo video today. Hovering would be HARD!! 🙂

    2. K thanks. I don't know why it has taken me this long to figure that out 🙂 maybe hovering isn't ye right word. Basically a plank but low to the ground? Anyways. I'll start doing them the right way now 🙂

  14. 21:35
    Subbed 100 JJ for the runs. Otherwise as Rx. My burpees were pathetic on the last 2 rounds.

  15. 37:34
    Very slow step-in and out burpees with rests, but did the whole thing! Thanks!

  16. 28:08 as rx'd. That was rough. This is week 13 for me. No way I could have done all 100 burpees 13 weeks ago. It's still the running that slows me down, but I continue to improve. Have to remind myself this is what I get for smoking for almost 2 decades. Quit in April for good.

    1. Me too! Good job Kasey! Super proud of you for choosing health!

  17. I am gassed!!!! Scaled it down to 3 rounds, walked/jogged the 400 meter part on my treadmill, and only did 10 burpees (step back/step up, did the db bent row as RXed….can't wait until I can do the whole thing as RXed!!!!


  18. i only had time for 3 rounds.


    but did a kickboxing class, too!

  19. 14:45 but with lots of modifications. Subbed 50 jj for running (not as hard by far, I know, but the best I could do today!); 10 burpees for the first 4 rounds, push-ups for the last round; bent row as rx'd. This was tough for me! Hopefully I can hang in there better when this workout cycles back around.

  20. 27:34, I ran…. I ran…. I ran!!!!!!! Super excited and it felt the best it has in a long time 🙂

  21. 20:27

    Each round with:
    2min stationary cardio (jacks, squats, high knees) and only 10 burpees (1/2 of the step touch)

  22. 22:00
    350 meter runs (on accident)

    modified burpees (shoulder injury)
    25 lb dumbbells

  23. 24:10 That was a killer for me, because of the burpees. Ordered my CF Tank today. My husband is jealous!! 🙂

  24. First time joining this awesome club of crossfit mamas. I'm excited!
    Total work out was 19.41
    I did push up burpees the first two sets and then no push ups on the burpees the last three sets.

  25. 22:39
    Didn't do the little hop up on the last round of Burpees. Other than that as Rx'd.

  26. 18:07 3 rounds as rx'd.
    I've been dealing with a stomach bug since Thanksgiving; apparently I wasn't as ready as I thought to get back into things. I almost threw up after the third run so I took a minute (included in time) and then very slowly finished that round. Goo. Hope tomorrow is better.

  27. 28:20 – During each round I assured myself that we would quit after this round. Told myself that 2 rounds was good enough, or 3, or 4… but somehow after the row-things, I was ready to run again. That is how I was tricked into doing all five rounds.

  28. 31:49 – I ran the first round, but still recovering from chest cold and thought I was going to cough up a lung! SO…I biked 400 meters at 10 resistance and no less than 15/mph for the last 4 rounds. Burpees w/no jumps at the end – used 2 12-lb dumbbells on bent over rows. OH – did I mention I "ran" down the stairs afterwards? Not by choice, my legs almost gave out! lol 🙂

  29. 19:20 as Rxed………felt good during workout then a couple hours later I could barely walk bc of pain in the inside of my left knee……not sure what is going on.

  30. 39:57. That includes having to run up/down the stairs before and after every run, which takes about 30-45 seconds each time. Next time there's a run with the strength moves I'll stop the timer and see how much that improves my times.

  31. 26:10
    No pushups on burpees last 2 rounds but I did crank up the speed to 7mph on last round. Feeling good!

  32. 30:17 subbed burpees for 50 jumping jacks each round and only had 8lb dumbells 🙂 great workout

  33. 25:24, damn burpees. I do like doing them the way that is shown in the video though. I had been doing them the "long" way – jump back into plank, pushup, then jump up.

  34. couldn't run today, so I subbed each 400m for 2 mins of running stairs (sucks!!) – I am spent!


  35. 25:03

    12.5 lbs in each hand
    half girl puchups, half boy pushups

  36. 16:16 as RXed


    Did full plank style burpees; hate them but love them. Having a great time with these workout. This is the end of my first week :).

  37. 1.25 m warmup then


    I did it with 8#s.

    I hate burpees!

    Thanks Jenni!

  38. 21:00
    20 x 16# rows and push-ups for burpees (since I'm on 6 day work weeks until the end of year.)

  39. 19:50 – with mod for 2 min each round of jump rope or jacks since it was super cold and windy outside and I didn't want to run in it 🙂
    Great workout… thanks for the WOD!

  40. Kate: 19:53 with 15 lbs each dumbbells.
    James: 19:21 with 15 lbs each dumbbells and doing pushups/ mountain climbers instead of burpees.

    Feeling exhausted but already seeing transformations! Thanks Jenni!!

  41. 19:15 as r'xd
    I didn't push the runs since I did the WOD after work and dinner!

  42. 30:16

    I feel the more WOD I do the slower I get sheeesh!

    I googled 400 meters to miles and it said .25 miles

    So I did a total of 1.25 miles, 20 burpees in sets of 10, and didn't follow directions and did 10 bent over rows with 15 lbs 🙂 for all 5 rounds.

    Question: is it cheating if you don't do a complete push up during burpees? One CF video I saw for burpees they did the standing jump to the "plank" like position but no full push up. It still hurts either way 😉 JW! Thanks

  43. Oh and just to make myself feel better 😉 I ran on tread mill so that adds some time from getting on and off right?! Wishful thinking.

  44. 37:23 – 15 lb. dumbells

    That was tough. Especially the burpies. Then I realized I've been doing the wrong. I've been hovering like Ian and Amy, and yes it is Very Hard!! That took most of my time. Great workout though!

  45. 39:48 brutal..
    I subbed 600meter rowwing for run
    I am soooo sore after yesterdays WOD..keep them coming and thank you

  46. 22:48 with 30 rows each round instead of 15. HATE burpees…especially after runs. Good workout!!!

  47. 33:19 it was cold outside so my lungs were burning,took plenty of rests during the burpees, those were tough!

  48. 38:25. I'm very disappointed in myself. I had to do it on a treadmill and I had to walk mostly bc I'm healing from a broken tailbone. My burpees were a slow process as well.

  49. 21.56 total

    Ran a mile before and did 11/30 work out also

  50. 27:12, 15lb db in each hand for rows, and boy pu for burpees…these are so killer!!

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