
Wednesday 10.24.12

For time:
Hang cleans, 20 lbs
50 One-legged squats, alternating, 25 each leg
Run 2000 meters (1.25 miles)


  1. Idk bout these one legged squats… hmmm… good luck ladies!! 🙂

  2. 19:20 including a 2 min walk warm up before the run. My one legged squats were pretty sad though…20# a bit too light on the cleans. THank you!

  3. I only had 10 minutes this morning, so I did the cleans, squats, and then subbed 250 jacks.

  4. 17:34. Running after one legged squats is just mean, Jenni!

  5. 24:20
    Walked the 1.25 miles since I don't have a jogging stroller yet. (Hoping to get one for Christmas.) All I have is a sit and stand double right now and it doesn't really work for running. But I did get a good sweat on.

  6. 21.16 Holy crap those one legged squats r a killer! I walked/ran the 1.25 miles.. 25# cleans..how about NO more running!! lol

  7. Oh yeah, must as that my one legged squats SUCK!! 🙂
    I also did an Insanity workout right before this…

  8. 19:26
    This was my friend, Crystal, first WOD, so we went at her pace. The run was slower than I would normally do, but it is nice to have someone to workout with. I am loving all the running WOD.

  9. 14:45
    35# cleans
    3.88 km on bike

    Are we doing general one leg squats or the crossfit pistol squats b/c I did the regular old one legged ones 🙂

    I tried running last week (dr. says ill never run again – I now agree. ) my knees felt like they had lead in them and I could barely move them for 2 days 🙁 So glad I've started the bike riding. Wish I was running with you mamas though

  10. 14:50
    30# for cleans
    Pushed the double stroller uphill with 90# of kids! Finished my 1.25 and then turned around to run downhill home. Much easier and a nice cool down.

  11. 14 mins….
    ran / chased my 4 yr old on his bike…helped my time 🙂

  12. Somewhere around 18 minutes. Both stopwatch and GPS were being dumb

  13. 20 minutes .. I had to do the elliptical because it's raining buckets out and my kid already has a runny nose and I don't have daycare to hit the gym . My squats… well they sure wouldn't win an contest but I did them with 10 lb dumbbells ( all I had ) .

  14. 21:19

    those pistol squats are hard, I had to hold onto a pole with one hand to keep from falling over……LOL

    I don't think I will be able to sit down tomorrow.

  15. 16:35 with 45# cleans, nowhere near full range of motion on the squats though. Is it better to just barely do them or modify at end to get full ROM?

  16. 24.00; 20 min on elliptical since it is SNOWING outside! This is my second time and I really didn't want to do it today since I'm still sore from two days ago!

  17. 15:13
    not sure i did the cleans right? it's my first time doing them.

  18. Haven't done this workout yet but wanted to give you guys a tip my SIL passed along… if you do pistols on a box or step you don't have to hold your leg as high. 😉

  19. I am really frustrated. I was so looking forward to getting through week 3, but it feels like everything is against me this week. Yesterday it was a sick baby who kept me up all night and today I woke up with some serious pain and my body telling me I need to rest and take it easy. I am so dang mad at my body/life right now. I will get this week done, even if I have to do doubles tomorrow/Friday through the weekend.
    On a positive note, I am ordering that tank today!

  20. Not posting times yet. I am 69 and not in the best of shape and still learning all the exercises. 🙂 But after working at the Crossfit Mamas wod for a few weeks, I am noticeably getting stronger. I am finally getting the "hang" of the Hang cleans and they didn't look too bad today! No one legged squats–am working toward that but did 50 regular squats which is progress for me.. Did the walking –not running. Maybe as I strengthen my legs I'll be able to do more running. Appreciate the challenge, Jenni, but I have to admit, I like today's WOD because I could actually do part of it.

  21. 21ish minutes. Pushed 85# of kids in the double jogger; also with my 4 yr old climbing in and out the whole time trying to run with me.

  22. 24:06 – 16:06 on the elliptical. Rest is an estimate because I read wrong and did double the one-leg squats (50 on each) and was interrupted several times. I think I did the hang cleans right but I only have 3lb hand weights and my squats are not very deep. Better than nothing – not to mention I'm not sure I'd make 30 with the 20lb weight anyway 🙂

  23. 28:25 – walk/run 50/50 – I did the run first 'cause it sounded like 1 legged squats were killers! – hang clean w/24 lbs – I did the 1 legged squats but could not squat very deep – those things hurt!

    Forgot to mention on Monday that I have lost 12.25 inches after 4 weeks of CrossFit! Thanks for doing this blog, Jenni – LOVE IT!!!!

  24. Ladies, thanks so much for your helpful comments yesterday! I live in an apartment and the complex has a treadmill, but I don't always think to use it once my husband gets home. We do have a park close by, so as soon as my baby wakes, my handy dandy new little app and I are off to the park for the running portion for today!

  25. Not too happy about my time today. Running is my nemesis! 22:07. I need to run more each week.

  26. I'm out today ladies- sorry, migraine, headed to bed after the dishes. . .

  27. 8:55 Modified to 30 clean hangs with 10# bar 50 1 legged squats 100 jumping jax and 200 jump ropes.I don't have a treadmill and when I get home its dark

  28. Ow! I can hardly walk this week! My time for today was 22:02. I did the hang cleans pretty well, I think, but those one-legged squats? Yeah, I didn't get very far down before my legs started complaining. Running after that was really hard. I did most of it at 5 mph, walked for a minute or two and then finished the last 1/3 mile at 6 mph. I'm excited to start seeing changes in the mirror!

  29. 17:34, squats were definitely not pretty or perfect, haha, but it was a great workout!

  30. 15:30 22# cleans BB after todays WOD. Thanks! Feels great!

  31. 9:27
    2.15 kilometers
    Then ran the rest of the way home- 450 meters in 2:21
    My legged squats didn't get very low.

  32. 12:56 My one legged squats were pathetic and didn't go very low. I think I need to do more weight on hang cleans next time.

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