
Tuesday 10.23.12

Run 1600 meters
Rest 3 minutes
Run 1200 meters
Rest 2 minutes
Run 800 meters
Rest 1 minute
Run 400 meters


  1. 1600m – 8:20, 1200m – 6:00, 800m – 3:55, 400m – 2:10. I warmed up for a minute, walked during the rest intervals, and cooled down until I reached a full 3 miles. I love WODs with running!

  2. 38 minutes … pretty dang proud of myself I must say .

  3. you guys are awesome!
    where do all you mama's run, by the way? if you use a treadmill, how do you measure the distances? it's raining outside, i'm not near a track, and i have four children in tow, any ideas?

    1. Do you have a park you can run around while the kiddos play? You might get dizzy, but you could get the runs in 🙂

    2. I run outside and have a garmin, but if u have a smartphone, there is an app called Endomondo that measures your time and distance, might be helpful:)

  4. 1600- 7:27
    1200- 5:23
    800- 3:31
    400- 1:37
    total time-23:58
    And I only dry heaved after the 800 and the 400.

  5. 1600m–8:00, 1200–6:03, 800–4:00, 400–2:02
    Used a treadmill, various incline just to keep it interesting. One mile warm up half mile cool down

  6. Kirsten – if your treadmill measures miles (Did you say you had a treadmill?), then it might be helpful to know that 1600 meters is approximately one mile. From there you could break it down and get pretty close to the right distances.

  7. As near as I can tell, about 33. I took my son to school and estimated running/resting periods, then walked back and had to approximate that time. Treadmill is certainly more accurate, but not as pretty as the fall color in the mountains!

  8. 1600-8:49

    Pushed the girls in the double jogger for the runs

  9. New to Crossfit Mamas and am feeling the pain today! I finished in just under 40 minutes.

  10. I've been out of town/jetlagged so I did a modified and very easier version (but specific to my goals). I did a 10 min mile on a treadmill (I'm just not a runner never have been so I struggle bad) then did a quarter mile sprint in 1:40. I can run at a fast pace on treadmill but I struggle once I'm on real ground (I only do treadmill runs at work 3 days out of week).

  11. 2nd day here. LOVED this one!

    26 minutes total – on treadmill
    3:00 rest
    2:00 rest
    1:00 rest

  12. Having tight schedule issues today and not feeling very well so dnf'd, will do the whole thing and post another day, but did get in a 1600. running is not my forte, but this was my personal best since the girls have been born. 12:08

  13. 1600m – 8:12
    800m – 6:01
    400m – 3:59
    200m – 1:56

  14. I started yesterday (YAY!) I did Monday's WOD and today was my second dWOD ever! I really like this blog! I'm not a runner so, I am proud to have been able to do the whole thing!
    1600m = 10m
    rest 3m
    1200m = 7m
    rest 2m
    800m = 4m
    rest 1m
    400m = 3m

    Total 30 minutes + strech!

  15. 23:45

    1600: 6:42
    1200: 5:27
    800: 3:14
    400: 1:40

    For everyone that was talking about how to measure the runs, I have an app on my iPhone called "map my run" and it keeps track of how far you go. I'm sure it's not completely accurate but is nice so that you can do the runs in the neighborhood .

  16. 1600- 9:27
    1200- 6:13
    800- 4:13
    400- 1:55
    Pushing 30+ lbs in jogger.
    I use Map My Run too.

  17. First – let me say…I am SO impressed with all of you and SO jealous of your times! I am NOT a runner, but I did alternate running and walking. This is the farthest I have ever ran – which was 1/2 of the workout distance. SO proud of me!! That being said…don't laugh at my times! 🙂

    1600 – 17:38
    1200 – 13:11
    800 – 8:49
    400 – 4:26

  18. Can't run yet but did the intervals on the elliptical. Just under 40 minutes total. Took some figuring to get the meters into steps, but I got it figured out. I like it!

  19. I did this wod with my bff Gina Tate, we went at her pace.
    Our times were:
    Not to bad I'd say! Considering she thought she was slow.
    Just so you all know, Gina is 18 months cancer free, after spending 2 years fighting for her life with stage 4 cervical cancer.
    She is one of the strongest people I've ever known and I want her to know how very proud I am of her for doing this!! It's been a hard road to recovery and this run was hard, but she did it!!! And that's the very best part 🙂

    1. Aw thanks Jenn! I'm so happy I finished this..this is by far the hardest wod yet! although I've been saying that every day since I started last week! keep the great workouts coming..I'm having so much fun 🙂

  20. 1600: 9:34
    1200: 7:17
    800: 4:28
    400: 2:15

    Total 29:43

    This was hard- I pushed myself. Usually I run 6 1/2 minute KM's, and these were just under or at 6 minutes. I'm really proud of myself!

  21. 1600. 8:34
    1200 6:46
    800 3:47
    400 2:34
    Loved this workout!!M

  22. 26:28 total, took my hubby and our two dogs with me. The hills were killer!

  23. 27:29, 9:00, 6:20, 4:13, 1:55, on the treadmill, walking the breaks

  24. 9 min, 6.22 min, 4.06 min, 2 min. Am I the only idiot that has to convert it to miles every time and can never remember what is what? Lol…

    1. I use Map My Run and it does either miles or kilometers. 🙂

  25. I'm a day behind…my time was 26:12. Loved it, and ordered my tank top! Can't wait to get it!

  26. I'm a day behind…my time was 26:12. Loved it, and ordered my tank top! Can't wait to get it!

  27. 29:24 as Rxed. Ran outside, still beautiful fall, but feel like snow is coming. 🙂

  28. I have had an off week so I had to take a couple of my weekend rest days during the week. I did this workout yesterday and will continue throughout the weekend to catch back up.

    26 min flat including rests….I think I probably could have pushed my first mile a little faster

  29. My stopwatch died half way through the WOD, but I ran all of the meters 🙂

    #1 9:19
    #2 7:24

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