
Friday 10.19.12

5 rounds for time of:
10 Burpees
10 Knees to elbows
21 Walking lunge steps with two 10 lb dumbbells on your shoulders
Run 400 meters

Compare to 11.08.11


  1. 30:21
    just glad I finished 🙂 phew that was a hard one! can't wait til next week!!

  2. 30:16 with K2E's on the floor, and a 20 lb dumb bell to my chest for the lunges. I sure hope my time looks a lot better in six months!

  3. 28:30
    Knees to elbow were really knees to chest,
    25# for lunges
    Ran outside on a hill, made it a little harder 🙂
    Great workouts this week!!

  4. 36:00 OF HELL…j/k just the burpees. Wow, I have a long ways to go. Thank you!

  5. 21:13
    That was a great workout!
    Starting to bring knees up higher for knees to elbows:)
    Thank you!

  6. 31:58
    Last round I just did push ups instead burpees. K2E on the floor. Did this with my 8 year old daughter since there was no school. She was nice and did things slow with me but I let her run the last 400 meters and she did it in 31:33. She really pushed me on the runs. To bad she's not here every day to kick my butt.

  7. I dont have a pull up bar yet, and i see some of you do knee to elbows on the ground. Could ne body explain how to do that alternative…and do you add weights or do more since they seem easier? THANKS!

  8. 28:30 with K2E on floor. So excited to be under 30 minutes! Definitely couldn't have done that four weeks ago. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  9. 32:52
    K2E on floor and 16 lb for lunge.
    So tired!!! Already sore from all of the PU yesterday!!

  10. 30:55 Hate and love my treadmill for making me run 6mph.

  11. 17:25 without the running and girl PUs on burpees. I'm exhausted! Now off to ride my bike.

  12. 19:28 as rxd plus pushed the girls in the double jogger for the run. That was a good one!

  13. 18:30 minutes. I only did 3 rounds, just feeling under the weather. Thx for a great work out!

  14. day 3…..
    31:46 (KTE's on ground)
    good golly that was rough
    finished with a good streching session consisting of laying in the grass trying to move my limbs

  15. 27:12 with leg lifts for KTE. I can tell i have definitely improved over the past 7 weeks and burpees were so much easier.

  16. 20:50
    As RXed.
    KTEs were a little weak (to the chest).
    Did it 4 minutes slower last November. 🙂

  17. 23:35 as rxed. Tough one but loved it. Did it all outside! Thank you!!!

  18. 23:11, knees no where close to elbows…but I'm determined to get there

  19. 38:46 – Subbed pushups and jumprope for burpees – also did standing knees to elbows – walked 1/8 mile, ran 1/8 mile for every 1/4 mile segment – WHAT a workout! 21:56 of my time was on my treadmill, so not too shabby!

  20. Not going to get to it today. Feeling pretty cruddy. Hoping I can do it tomorrow, if not, I plan on at least getting in some x-fit situps and push ups/burpees. Hoping I feel better/normal tomorrow.

  21. 28:05 KTE on ground.
    This was a tough one for me. I wanted to stop early so bad, but i just couldn't let myself. So glad I kept going and finished! 🙂

  22. 2nd day couldn't get through the whole work out again. I don't know how you ladies do it. Did only 2 rounds kte were done standing, lunges were done without weights ( i don't have any) and substituted jumping jax for the running. Props to all of you

  23. Forgot to post my time yesterday
    KTEs – 1 1/2 rounds were done on the floor. Can't do all on the bar yet
    800 m on bike except round 4- I tried to run the 400. Dr. Said I'm not supposed to run but I wanted to try it!! I don't think I'll try again

  24. Man, i am way slower than everybody today! 37:08. Did these outside, and i will say, my burpees were a little slow cause it was wet, and i didn't want to slip. Whatever, i finishe all 5 rounds and am proud of myself!!! Oh k2e on the ground

  25. 31:34, can't believe I finished that! I was dead at three rounds and took a break, debated stopping there but I kept going and I'm glad 🙂

  26. I am new here. Today was my first day and did 15 instead of 10 Kte on the floor. Raining so slower running. Ended at 29:20. My husband goes to a xfit gym, and loves it so I know I'll grow to love it but def finished feeling discouraged. Was totally stoked when someone on the blogosphere pointed me to your blog. Thanks so much for all the time and effort that goes into this for us! Look forward to watching myself improve

    1. Don't feel discouraged! You did it! And you finished! And that was a hard WOD! Good job Mama!

  27. 33:50 – includes up and down a flight of stairs for each round
    K2E on the floor
    Burpees on knuckles (hurt my wrist)
    DH says my running distance was 500m instead of 400m. Whoops! 🙂

  28. 19:44 as rxd

    Wow! I'm exhausted. A little behind this week because of that neck issue. Thanks for the great workouts and inspiration!

  29. Finally got a chance to do today's workout — 23:46.

    The hanging knees to elbows are killing me, and my knees only make it to my waist. I feel like I've hit a plateau as far as my improvement on them. Does anyone have any tips on how to get better at them? Or is it just a long, slow process?

    1. Long slow process. As your core gets stronger, you will improve. I started out throwing my head back and couldn't progress. Now as o keep my head forward and I feel my shoulders and back push back a bit as my knees come up. Hope that helps.

  30. Haven't worked out in almost 2 weeks and this weekend a bit off paleo so this wod hurt! But feels so good to have it done and am looking forward to trying this site for awhile…another aspiring crossfit mama…my time 29:31 and i thought for sure i would never get below 30 so woop

  31. Did Friday's WOD today….21:34 as rx'ed. My K2E are getting better but are still not near high enough. Progress is progress!

  32. 24:19…full burpees, and 15lb bar for squats…KILLER! Thanks again for these amazing workouts!

  33. 1st day, my 4th baby is ten months old. Time to get going! Only 3rnds 30 minutes. 5pound weights on lunges, knees to hips hanging from an unfinished doorway. Holy cow I hope this gets easier!

  34. 1st day, my 4th baby is ten months old. Time to get going! Only 3rnds 30 minutes. 5pound weights on lunges, knees to hips hanging from an unfinished doorway. Holy cow I hope this gets easier!

  35. 24:29…holy moly. Finally got around to doing it and ALMOST DIED!!! K2E on floor…blisters galore from yesterday's K2E's!

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