
Wednesday 10.17.12

For time:

21 deadlifts, 40-60lbs
21 push press, 20lbs
50 squats
15 deadlifts, 40-60lbs
15 push press, 20lbs
50 squats
9 deadlifts, 40-60lbs
9 push press, 20lbs

Compare to 11.10.11


  1. 6:07 with 40 lb deadlifts.

    I love the short workouts that make me huff and puff like crazy

  2. Sarah, you are a beast. Wow, great time!

    Mine was 13:09, 50lb deadlift

    i don't have a bar bell so i used dumb bells for the both deadlift and push press.

  3. My favorite workout thus far!

    Chris: 5:18 — 40# deadlifts and push press

    Lori: 6:28 — 30# deadlift and 20# push press

  4. 6:25 – 50# dead lift, 30# push press. Added 50 more squats to the end.

  5. 10:09
    70# deadlifts, 50# press first 2 rounds,
    60# for deadlifts and press last round…
    squats as rx'd

  6. 10:54
    25# deadlifts
    25# press
    thanks for the company Jen! It was fun 🙂

  7. my first day….
    5:47 40#dl 20#pp
    love a short workout,even if it kills! I still had time b4 my kids woke up,jogged a 10 min mile.
    Thanks so much for runnin this blog, Im gonna b a regular 🙂

  8. 8:16
    45# deadlift
    15# push press
    with the whole family–even my husband today!

  9. My first day. It took 13 mins. Thanks so much for doing this blog.

  10. 5:42. 40lbs dead lift, 25lbs push press. Legs are on fire!

  11. First day back. 11 min.
    30# total dumbbell for deadlift
    20# for push press

  12. 6:15 with 60# dead lifts and 25# push presses. The push presses were WAAAAYYYY too light, but with my shoulder injury gotta just wait it out. :-/

  13. 5:03. My dead lifts were done with a 35lb bag of popcorn kernels with a 5 lb dumb bell balanced on top. The only way I could grab the bag was by the top, so I didn't have to squat as far. That may account for my faster time.

  14. Oh my gosh Jodie…smokin!
    I had 9:37.
    60# for deadlifts(it was the lightest of our heavy weights…ouch)
    20# push press.
    all as RX'd! Loved it. Even got the hubs to do it and he hates squats!
    Thank's Jen!

  15. 6:11
    30lb dead lift
    20lb push press
    I don't have any weights higher than 15lb dumbbells

  16. 7:15 32# (12# bar and 2 10# wts) for both dead lifts and push press. 5 mile trail run before this work out. Beautiful and fun!!

  17. 9:15 and I know have the wobbles!

    50#, 44#, 44# – deadlifts
    44# (I goofed), 24#, 24# – push press

    Squats were Killa!!

  18. 6:50
    40 lb deadlift
    30 lb push press on the last to sets

  19. 20 min. jog/walk then:

    8:04 w/ 10lb. hand weights for dead lifts and 5lb. hand weights for push press

  20. I needed this quick workout today!! 5:49 with 50 lb dead lift on bar, the rest as Rx'ed.

  21. My first day… All I have are 15 pound weights so I used those.


  22. 4:57 with 30 lbs. on both dead lifts and Push presses. I've been a slacker his week! Now to go back to Monday's WOD to start to catch up for the week 🙂

  23. 8 m
    53 s
    20 lbs for both.
    Super sweaty and love it!!!

  24. 5:51 20 lb for both. Used a bench to make sure I was getting all the way down in my squats.

    A quickie but goodie!

    1. Ha ha. That's what she said! (sorry, had to do it)

  25. 4:56 40# dead lift, 15# one arm push press after yesterday's WOD

  26. 7 mins-30lbs for both push pulls and dead lifts

  27. 8:00 flat yesterday. Had to use 5 lb handweights for everything. Added 120 calf raises at the end. Going to have to invest in new weights.

  28. Didn't get to it yesterday, so did it this morning and going to do todays WOD tonight – at least, that is the plan. 😉

    DL – 30# with bells, that's as heavy as I have
    Push press – 30# first round (too heavy), went to 20 next rounds

    Fun and quick!!

  29. 4:47. 65lb deadlift, 35lb push press

  30. 12:02 today I needed this. I'm emotionally drained from many things going on in my life. I didn't want to workout today but I forced it knowing I'd feel better.. I was right.

  31. hard to time because only 1 weight bar and need to change wieght between, but less than 10min

    95# dead lifts, 45# push press, and added 50 squats at end

  32. 2 days late, but…
    5:12; 45# deadlift, 25# push press, squat jumps. Started with 15 min of spin, and ended with 15 knees to elbows and 12 hanging side crunches. Mastery, baby!

  33. 4:46
    30lbs for all (didn't want to change my weights)
    compared to 5:31 on 11.10.11

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