
Friday 10.12.12


10 rounds of:
13 Jump rope
 7 Thrusters, 20 lbs
12 sit-ups

Compare to 10.13.11

Happy Birthday to my sister, Britta, in Texas!! 
 She is making 30 look fierce!
Britta is the Mom to a 3.5 year old son and 1.5 year old daughter
 and has been a Hiit Mama for 1.5 years and it shows! 
Proud of you Britta!
PS Next year I am changing your WOD to a running one since you run faster than Bolt. 😉


  1. 18:02
    Subbed jax for rope and 25# thrusters
    Great week! Thank Jenni for all the great WOD can't wait for next week.

  2. 13:00 should have added weight to the thrusters . . next time!

  3. Chris: 13:29 — 40# thrusters
    Lori: 7:15 (5 rounds)
    Both sub'd jacks for ropes

  4. 11:47 done while on vaca @ the Ameristar in Black Hawk, CO

  5. Thanks for the birthday shout-out! I love it!
    11:05 as rxed
    Crossfit sit-ups take so much longer, but definitely worth it!
    Used Cheerios to track my rounds – the definition of a crossfit mama! 😉

  6. Fun Friday WOD!
    9:06 for 12 yr old son
    9:52 for me

    Happy Bday Britta – I want to look like you when I grow up =)

  7. My son cleared the stopwatch during my 8th round, so the only time I have is 3:23 for the last two rounds. I'd like to think that the first few rounds were faster, but I did this after running a 5K and the crossfit sit ups are definitely my strong point, so maybe not. 🙂 Thank you for the workouts!

  8. 6:43!!! I absolutely loved this WOD!!!

    I used a 30lb. bar for the thrusters and substituted jj for jump ropes 🙂

  9. Another question, Mamas. We've been doing lots of sit ups, which is awesome, but I am getting a serious bruise on my butt right at my tailbone. I am using a yoga mat on top of carpet, but still getting it. Any ideas??

    1. I, by way of accident, found a nice towel is better than a yoga mat. I have the same problem if I just use a yoga mat. Fold it in half then in half again. That should do it.

    2. Ha. In the military, it is called the red badge of courage, from doing sit-ups on the cement. I still get it all the time but it doesn't hurt. I don't even notice it until my hubby teases me. 😉

  10. 15:14 Did CF sit-ups for the first half. Had to switch back to my old kind to finish.

  11. 18:40
    40# thrusters
    I guess I was slow today!
    Oh, my first round of thrusters was 50#, but that was to much for 10 rounds! :/

  12. As RX'd with a JUMP ROPE!!! First time, kinda excited.

    Haooy Birthday Britta, you look AMAZING!!!

  13. 16:00 with 20# for the thrusters. Started with 40# but couldn't do it. I need to get more equipment… This is awesome, loved the WOD! No kids at home so listened to Kanye West who I don't like but sure is great for pumping me up!

  14. Meant to comment earlier… Happy Birthday Britta. You sure look like a cross-fitter! Enjoy your day.

  15. 9:59 with jumping jacks, 20 lbs, and situps that more closely resembled crunches, as I am SO SORE from the last two days!

  16. beau (my husband) did it with me today. 9:15 for him with 50# thrusters

  17. 11:28 Happy Birthday Britta! Have a great weekend everyone!

  18. 15:55 first cross fit ever! thanks for the link jenn morse 😉

  19. 15:55 first cross fit ever! thanks for the link jenn morse 😉

  20. I'm taking the day off today so that I can run tomorrow and Sunday. Happy birthday, Britta! You look amazing!

  21. 11:30.. 13 jump rope..45lb thrusters and 13 sit ups..

  22. 26:49 – as rx'd, but with 24 lb dumbbells with thrusters

    First time as rx'd – YAY ME!!

    I use a fitness mat for situps – it's way thicker than yoga mats.

    Happy birthday, Britta!

  23. Ran 3 miles than WOD 15:04 sub squats for thrusters

  24. 9:57 with 30# thrusters. I can't wait to get more weights! I was up to 45# at my Box, but here I am so limited in my weights. 🙁

    Happy birthday Britta! My posting is going to be pretty sporadic the next few weeks as we gear up to PCS. This week has been an "off" week, and though I did WOD every day, it wasn't the workout posted that day. lol 🙂

  25. Right around 10:30. Those situps really slow me down! But I can tell I'm getting better 🙂

  26. 13:30, the situps just slow me down terribly. Also, pretty sure it was 10 rounds, but could possibly have been 9 or 11 (ok, not 11, that's a little optimistic!) Pretty sure I did 10, though!

    Catching up on the week- I got behind!

  27. Happy (late) BIrthday, Britta!!
    Had a rough week with babe being up early and not feeling great at night…no XFit for me, but I wanted to wish you a happy!!

  28. Probably around 10ish minutes. I use the stopwatch on my phone and a friend texted me, which apparently turns it off!

  29. Didn't get the workout in yesterday because we were busy celebrating my 1 yr old and her daddy's birthday a day early(daddy is a cop and on duty for his birthday..boo)…so I opted for a modified version a day later.
    I did the day of 13's in honor of my daughter, she was born on 10-13-11 at 13:11.

    10 repeats
    13 jacks
    13 un-weighted squats(sore legs)
    13 x-fit SU for first 5 and reverse crunches for last 5.
    Looking forward to Monday! Loved this week!

  30. 13:13 😉
    With 13 Crossfit sit-ups each round.
    Feel slow at 8:30pm after a day of GO with 4-5 kids.

  31. Just curious, what did Britta look like before she started Cross Fit Mamas?

  32. 11:42 as Rx'd….might need to try with more weight on thrusters next time

    I am curious what Britta looked like before as well! She looks amazing now! Way to go Britta!

  33. Oops, forgot to post on Friday! 14:57 16# thrusters

  34. 13.10 with only 5 situps each round and five pund dumbells for thrusters (need yo get heavier weights!)

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