1. 20:23. Did this after completing yesterday's WOD. Also did 30, 40, 50#'s for presses…thanks to Liz for idea.

  2. 24:16 Which is I think close. I accidentally stopped my time as I was starting the last 800 meters. One of these days I'll actually be able to run the whole 800 without having to walk a bit of it.

  3. Right at 20:00, give or take a few seconds. I accidentally stopped the timer, but quickly fixed it.
    Good WOD!

  4. 29:00…omg, I am sooo out of shape!! Felt good though. The running part killed me. 35-45-55 on bench.

  5. Somewhere around 21 I think….we had major technical difficulties today. lol.
    20,20,30 for bench
    run with 60#'s of kiddo's in the double jogger.

  6. 20 20 30 BP
    only 400 meters on rounds 2 & 3
    Forgot to take my supplements and I am dragging butt.

  7. 18:02 woot! I think my runs were a little longer than 800 meters, but I had to do a loop that would bring me back home at the end of it, so an exact distance was not possible.

  8. 22 and change. My son reset the stopwatch and all I remember is 22 min
    1600 bike

  9. 21:00…Need to invest in a jogging stroller. The double sit and stand is not a good jogging one. Although my 2 1/2 yr old loves going faster in the stroller now. 🙂

  10. 24:16. Although its one of the slower times of the day, I am proud of it cuz I didn't have to stop jogging once! I don't know how you women go soo fast! 🙂

  11. 17:10
    30 lb bench
    900 meter runs at the pace of my 4 year year olds first day without her training wheels riding along side me. That is where the Mama part of Crossfit Mamas comes in. 🙂

    1. Took the whole family on a 7 mile bike ride right after. 🙂

  12. I did the bench's and back extensions right after yesterdays workout, didn't have time for the runs because I had to go to work.
    50# bench
    I'll get a run in later 🙂

  13. 36:12 – I'm really surprised I finished – my thighs are still recovering from yesterday!

    Benchpressed – 50, 36, 24 – I only have adjustable dumbbells

    I ran 1/2 of every .50 mile segment, except the last one. I just couldn't run anymore, but I did walk and I did finish!!

  14. Ran a 5k and did push ups instead of bench press 45:55 – yes, I run very slowly!!!

  15. 16:48, 15# dbl for one arm bench press, arm screaming from a steroid injection for bad tendonitis in my shoulder.

  16. 21:09, 30# bench press.

    Ran 6mph which I thought was fabulous, for me, until I saw much faster times.

  17. Catching up from the week. The way my apt is set up, i cant easily run intervals between other stuff. So this is my mod:

    Bench preas (40 lbs) and back ext 3 rounds 5:03m
    5k- 33:49

    Exciting news, i hot new equipment yesterday!!!

  18. I think I forgot to put my time down…from last week…16:58 as Rx'ed

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