
Tuesday 10.09.12

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
20 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
80 Jump rope


    1. Bottom of feet together knees strattled hands reached out in front full sit up

  1. Picked Jodie D….alternated sets of.push ups with sets of pull ups. Completed 5 rounds, plus one more set of pull ups and 14 sit ups. Awesome way to start the day!

  2. Six sets of Sam plus one extra set of sit ups. Did boy pu for the first set and a half

  3. Did amrap Sam for 10 minutes (after doing yesterday's WOD). Did 2 rounds plus 20 push-ups.

  4. Jodie B…4 complete rounds with an extra set of pushups. I really focused on form for those sit ups, it sucked! 🙂
    Brittany, a cross fit sit up is when you splay your knees out and put the soles of your feet together instead of knees up and feet on the ground. It makes you use all of your abs and not have your hip flexers engage like the way regular sit ups do. Hope that helps.

  5. Jenelle and Kimberly (in CO) are you interested in getting together with more mamas in northglenn? We saw you're close and thought it might be fun to meet up 🙂 you can email me if you want Fredellicious {at} gmail -Lauren

  6. Sam- 6 rounds, plus 20 girl push ups and 20 squats. Other PU were mostly boy with a few girlies thrown in.

  7. Sam for nearly 8 rounds, just missed the last 43 jacks. Did boy pushups for the first 6 rounds.

  8. Jodie D – four rounds with an extra set of pushups.

  9. ps, thanks Running T for the info. I knew my abs separated during my first baby (had my fourth a year ago), but never had heard that there was anything I could do about it (except surgery to stitch them back together), agreed, wish I had known earlier!

  10. 5 rounds of Sam plus one extra set of pushups. All boy pushups except for the last 10 of the last 2 sets.

  11. Sam – 5 rounds plus 20 push ups
    Alternated between squats and sit ups for each round

  12. Jodie. 15 jumps shy of 5. Wow those sit ups don't get easier!! Wish I chose the squats 🙂

  13. I did Sam, 6 rounds as RX'd. Gonna through in some situps and a short run later.

  14. Northglenn mamas:
    Shawntae 5 1/2
    Meghan 4 1/2
    Kristin 4 1/2

    Lauren 5 1/2

  15. Split it:
    10 minutes Jodie D – 3 rounds (cf sit-ups)
    10 minutes Sam – 4 rounds plus push-ups and squats on round 5

  16. I completed 9 rounds of Sam with 30 seconds to spare…I just could not get my arms to do more than 1 push up in a row after I completed 9, so I just stopped 🙂

  17. 3 and 2/3 rounds of Jodie. Those crossfit situps are brutal (this is brittanycorinne from yesterday just changed my name) day 2 of these workouts! Bday workout tomorrow!

  18. "Sam" 7 rounds + 14 push ups (mixed half and full push ups)

  19. Did 3 rounds of Sam and added the 40 sit-ups to each round. (So I did a combo of the two WODs.)

  20. 5.5 rounds of Sam. I cut everything in half for the last round, but then still had a little time left. I guess I should have tried for a full sixth round.

  21. Sam's 7 RDS + 12 pushups. Jump rope instead of jacks. Phewww.

  22. My very first cross fit work out..did 4 rounds of jodie d + extra round of push ups. Felt like i wasted a lot of time figuring out those sit ups. They seem so unnatural to me…probably takes some getting used to.

  23. Sam: 7 rounds plus 20 push-ups and 22 squats. Then I was a little ambitious and did Jodie. Subbed 20 lbs wall balls for push-ups and made 4 rounds! I'm going to hurt but hurt so good 🙂

  24. 6 full rounds of Sam with a few seconds to spare.

  25. I did Sam, but did jump rope. Jacked round 4 then doubled up the jump rope for my last 2 rounds, cause its a lot faster than jacks…
    Did 7 rounds, last round I didnt get to the jump rope is all, did 10 boy and 10 girl pu's for each round…

  26. Did Sam, 7 rounds plus an extra 10 PU, squats, and jacks. Little by little feeling better about those PUs!

  27. Jodie
    5 rounds + push-ups and 17cf sit-ups. I'm spent.

  28. Did 5 rounds of Sam, those jump rope's kick my a**. Had 30 seconds left but just laid on the grass!

  29. 20min. Jog/walk pushing 2 of my kids in the jogger

    Then "Sam" with girl push-ups
    4 rounds

    Sweating buckets!!
    Feeling a little stronger – LOVE IT!

  30. 7 rounds of Sam, with itty bitty round of sit ups added.

  31. I did the "Sam" WOD… 9 rounds and 20 pushups… First time crossfitter (Is that the correct term?)

  32. WOW – Samantha Heaton! I'm almost embarrassed to post mine – but will anyway because I am proud of myself!!!

    Almost 3 rounds of "Sam", minus 40 jumping jacks.

    Proud to say – after 2 weeks of CrossFit, I've lost a total of 6 inches – 3 of which is in my waist! 🙂

  33. 5 Rounds of Jodie, alternating between girl and boy p.u. Should have done Sam, squats work me harder!

  34. I goofed – I've actually lost 7 inches! I added my numbers up while posting my updated measurements on my blog and discovered my mistake. Woo-hoo!

    8 workouts (I missed last Thursday and Friday) = 7 inches gone!

  35. Ok.. I messed up!! I did 20 push ups (50/50 boy/girl) then 40 sit ups then 80 jacks

    5 full rounds
    Push ups + 2 sit ups

  36. Sam
    12 min AMRAP… 4 rounds
    Ran 3.8mi prior to the WOD

  37. Sam, 5 full rounds and an extra set each of pushups and squats

  38. Mix of both: 10 pu, 40 situps, 40 squats, 80 jump rope. All but 20 situps of 5th round (which i finished after the timer)

  39. 58 jacks shy of a full 7 rounds of "SAM"

    Hard to get motivated but I did it!!!


  40. Sam
    6 rounds plus pu's and 26 squats of the 7th round.

  41. Sam – 4 rounds with a few seconds to spare. I couldn't bear more pushups so I did squats to finish the workout off.

  42. Did "Sam" but with jump rope instead. 6 rounds in 17 min. Had to stop because someone showed up at my house.

  43. Sam- 10 jumping jacks shy of getting 8 complete rounds in. I went ahead and finished the 10 jumping jacks just to prove I could! haha I did the first 1.5 rounds with boy pushups and then modified to girl push ups from there!

  44. 4 1/2 rounds of alternating between pull ups and push ups..I really love these workouts everyday!

  45. Jodi D. Did 5 rounds then half way thru situps time ran out.. Tough! Lots of girly push ups!

  46. Traveling so behind a couple days—Sam 8 complete rounds

  47. Jodie D.. 5 rounds plus 20 pushups and 15 sit ups. Mostly girl pushups

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