
Tuesday 09.18.12

5 rounds for time of:
15 Walking lunge steps, carrying 10 lb dumbbells on shoulders
60 Jump rope


  1. Was it 15 lunges each leg? That's what I did, with a 12# dumbbell on each shoulder. subbed jacks for jump roap. 10:53.

  2. 7:32.
    Liza, it was 15 lunges total for the round. You doubled it. Good work, though!

  3. 9:06 but with a backpack full of books maybe 10lbs and I added 30 sit-ups

  4. 8:11 First time doing the rope since elementary school! Glad it was dark out! But I did 'em all.

  5. 9:40
    Those jump ropes kicked my butt since I couldn't get a solid rhythm going. But so worth it.

  6. 9:08.9 I didn't have a jump rope so I went through the motions…guessing my lack of jumprope coordination would have slowed me down! New to this site. Great compact workout!

  7. 10:43, Jacks instead of rope. 15 per leg right? So 30 total each round?

  8. ok, im not sure what to do with the dumbbells? ive tried searching youtube and google…but how do i hold them? i see videos of people holding them to the side but nothing about them being on the shoulders? sorry, i just want to do this right.

    1. Jen- just hold the weights like you are about to press them or you can hold them like your at the top of a curl. This way you engage your arms and shoulders too.

  9. 7:20, 30# bar. I wanted more weight and I only have 10lb db's. With a jump rope. 🙂

  10. Forgot to add that I had 15 lb weights in each arm. 🙂

  11. New to this 6:47. Do you guys think you can lose weight doing just this or do I need to add more cardio? I just had a baby a while ago and needing to lose some weight.

    1. Thanks Meag! I was going to say the same thing. You will build muscle, no doubt, which will burn fat and if you are pushing yourself, you will be doing cardio, trust me. But it depends a lot on what you are consuming, of you are nursing your body will hold onto some fat for healthy milk production (each time I quit nursing after 1 year, I would immediately drop 10 lbs). If you want to get a jump start, there is nothing wrong with adding a run AFTER the WOD. 🙂

  12. Jessica, if you eat clean and give each work out 100% you will definitely loose weight. Muscle burns calories long after your workout. Keep with Jenni's workouts and you are sure to see results!

  13. 5:08 – 8 lb dumbells (all I had at my parents' house)

  14. 23:30

    Added to each round:
    400 meter run
    30 situps

    Felt GREAT!!!

  15. 5:51 but only used 5# weights since it's, uh, that time, you know? Didn't feel like doing anything, so it was a success for me!

  16. 5:38 – 15 total, jumping jacks – if I had done it with a jump rope it would have taken me three hours…:P

  17. 6:08
    As RXed.

    6:18 (I beat him!!!! Too bad he was using 30 lb dumbbells!)

    1. ….and my butt is aching!! YES!!!!!! 🙂

  18. 5:44!!! I say that was a pretty good time 🙂 I had to do my workout outside since I did not have space for the lunges. The wind and rain were blowing in my face!!!

    btw I used a 15 lb bar

  19. New to crossfit and this blog. Time was 8:03 with 15lb dumbbells.

  20. AH! I overslept this morn and was gonna do this tonight but now it's like hurricane out there (and getting dark)….gonna do what I can indoors (prob lunges only)…or may have to skip today and come back to it Sat. Holy, Auntie Em, it's crazy outside! LOL. Great times, ladies!! Something to push for when I get to it!!

  21. 5:30 as rx'd

    anyone have any fabulous, simple, kid-friendly clean meals they'd like to share? I'm getting BORED and need some new ideas. message me on facebook if you don't mind sharing!! sarah erny moyer

  22. just realized i picked up the wrong weights DUH. i only had 8lbs in each hand

  23. 8:05. An I used an old extension cord for my jump rope. Ha!!!!

  24. Still only have 3lb hand weights, really need to invest in some better equipment. Good thing payday is in a couple days. 😉

    8:25 with the 3lb weights, but did every last jump.

    And I *think* my photography account just says MHP as my name, so my name is Meg. 🙂

  25. I did 15 lunges per leg per set. 14:08. But my kids did interrupt me once for a minute. I love this site and these irk outs! Can't wait to see results 🙂

  26. bleh today wasnt a good day. kiddos kept interrupting me…i did all but 2 rounds. time = 8:04. Im hoping since they're going to bed right now I will be able to get in those last 2 rounds…

  27. Something about a WOD being named after you, makes you want to do it even better! After all the junk food and cake I've eaten today this was exactly what I needed 🙂 8:42 as rxed

  28. im such a slow poke today…i finished the last 2 rounds in 4:02 i really didnt want to..all 5 rounds total was 12:06. i feel sluggish today. but i got it done

  29. 6;16, but had to do 6.6 lb dumbells, as that is what i have!! Now going for a run!

  30. 10:56 I think… forgot to start timer until half way through so I doubled my time. trying to catch up.

  31. First timer posting, started following Monday 🙂 9:12 subbing jumping jacks for jump rope

  32. 6:57 with weights hanging at sides (oops) and jump rope motions

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