
Friday 09.14.12

Revenge of the Burpees

50 sit-ups
10 burpees
40 sit-ups
20 burpees
30 sit-ups
30 burpees
20 sit-ups
40 burpees
10 sit-ups
50 burpees

Compare to 10.26.11


  1. If I stare at this WOD long enough will it go away?
    Guess I better just tackle it…I. Hate. Burpees. 🙂

    1. LOL! Do you know how hard it was to click "publish" on this one!?! Dread.

  2. OK….Did I mention I hate burpees? Here is why:


    Mod su because of diastisis and the burpees became modified as the work out went on too…

    The last 50 burpees took me 8:40 – JUST the burpees!!!
    I almost walked away and didn't come back and just took a DNF…
    But my SUCCESS today is that I did finish and I stuck with it, regardless of a crappy time.

    That was the hardest physical challenge I had to mentally push myself through in a very long time.

    For the record, I still hate burpees…

  3. WTG Running T!! Time means nothing here! I'm saving this one for the weekend, I can bet I will take as long, most likely longer! Lol
    I second the feelings toward burpees!
    I like the little quote that says "no matter how slow you are, you are still lapping everyone on the couch!" It's my mantra… 🙂
    Keep up the great work!

  4. 28:07 boy PU with burpees, mod su (tailbone injury). Almost changed to wall burpees, but I took it SLOW and finished! Feels like a great accomplishment!
    Thanks for a good challenge!

  5. I am completely new to this and am recovering from a complete achilles rupture (surgery in early May). There really is no way I can do burpees so I'll alternate between squats (10/30/50) and planks with leg extensions (on knees…can't go on toes yet…20/40). Does that sound reasonable? I'll let you know how it goes (and how long)!

  6. 12:58
    With all the comments on burpees, I def have it easy.
    Knee planks not really good alternative. Maybe push ups next time.

  7. 17:06 with competition burpees. ouch.
    Also, I went to my very first CrossFit class yesterday.
    Loved it.

  8. 17 minutes, girl pushups. and now I want to die.

  9. 30:28 with girl pu's and varying sit-up exercises. Did not think I'd finish this.

  10. agreed burpee hell!
    12 yr old son did it with me – 14:07
    me – 16:59 BUT I somehow stopped the clock for 30 of the last burpbees so I'm estimating around 20:00??

    Happy Friday – enjoy the weekend ladies!

  11. I am embarrassed to say… I really did try but could not finish this workout… I am hoping it's cause I am still sore from yesterday. This is only my 3rd day in… I promise to keep trying!

    1. Doesn't matter that you finish, as long as you know you did your best! Your only competition is you!

  12. I really really hate burpees… amazing to hate something so much that I had never tried before today.


    I massively modified and still couldnt complete all of the reps.


    1. You will do this again in a year and look back at this comment and be shocked that you couldn't finish because your time will be so good. 🙂

  13. This is my first time commenting, I wasn't going to do today's because I just finished teaching a spin class but my 10 year old niece wanted to do it with me. Our time was 32:40, tough stuff!!

    BDay is 10/27

  14. 38:50. Girl pushups on all the burpees. It took a long time, but I finished!!

  15. 18:38 did all burpees off my ottoman cause I know I couldn't go down to ground for them all. Armss are still jello

  16. 19:11

    Boy PU for all burpees….which I have a love hate relationship! I love to see them in the workout and how I feel after them but I still hate them!!

  17. 20:03
    Beat my time from a year ago by 2 minutes. I have no idea how that can be done in 13 minutes!! Summer, you must be a fem-bot! 😉

  18. Chris:
    modified burpees- only down to a plank (shoulder injury)

  19. This is my first time posting. I've been doing your workouts a few times a week and this one was so painfully awesome that I decided to finally post.

    26:07 and only did 10 girl push ups!

    birthday: 11/9

  20. 26 min. Finished the last two sets with sit-ups and push-ups. I hope next time to get all the burpee's in. Ughhhh….Don't give up….right?

  21. Thanks Jen Morse!! You are right – sometimes my competitive brain takes over and I get stuck in the "I'm slow" mindset, when I should focus on the fact that I'm at least doing it and doing my best at it. I like the "no matter how slow you are, you are still lapping everyone on the couch!" – I'm going to use that as my mantra too!
    Everybody who even started this WOD and put the effort in to try it deserves a pat on the back, regardless of if you finished, did every burpee, modified, or had your best (or worst!) time ever!! This one was tough!!
    Great job, all! I love this community of support!!

    On a side note though, ANYONE that broke less than 20 minutes on this one is a total XFit Goddess to me!!! 😉 Haha!

  22. Jenni –

    When I woke up and saw all those burpees I thought, really?!! Couldn't she throw us a bone on Friday and have changed it up!? BUT, I'm glad you did hit the publish button and keep it as is – it's that challenge that makes us strong and makes us feel accomplished!

    Thanks again for the awesome blog!!!

    1. Ha ha! I want to pick an "easy" WOD every day but I know I won't progress if I don't push myself. Thanks for all your great comments. I love our community of Mamas!

  23. I kinda cheated. I did from 30. I was working out with a friend new to crossfit, and I'm still trying to heal my shoulder. So for 30 sit ups, 10 burpees, 20 SU, 20 burpees, 10 SU, 30 burpees I finished in 8:47. Full and correct burpees the whole time.

  24. Holy crap this was hell. I did the first two sets of burpees with the pushup, but had to drop that out of the last 3 rounds in order to finish. My Iphone (with timer) died toward the end, so I'm guessing on time, but it was around 28 minutes. Not so good, but I'll have a huge window to improve next time it comes up!

  25. See Running T. I told you you'd beat me!
    The only modification in that I did all girl push ups. Other than that I did it as rx'd.
    Then went for a 10k run. Trying to build my endurance…
    This was a really hard one! WTG everyone!

  26. Still a great time Jen Morse!!! 🙂 And you beat everyone still on the couch! Haha!

    PS – Who else is totally sore today? My arms and back are achy achy!!

    1. I woke up this morning so sore and then I smiled because I knew that meant that I had pushed myself past my comfort level and that made me excited for how my body is changing and progressing! I love being sore because that means it is working! 😉

  27. 20:37 boy pu, while talking with my Dad. Brutal

  28. 26.50..tough!! first cross fit workout!!! birthday July.4th

  29. Decided to give it a try. I like not knowing what tomorrow's workout will bring.

    Age – almost 53 – October 12

    First attempt:

    Sustituted squat jumps for final burpees
    32:30, bu I have not worked out for about 12 weeks due to a back injury.

    Thanks for the blog

    1. I need your name for your birthday WOD. And your welcome! I like not knowing too. 🙂

  30. 21:22. Mod SU with leg lifts and did boy pu until number 13 of the third set. YIKES!!!!

  31. 18:50. Last year was 23:00. I've been dreading doin this all weekend. Glad it's done!

  32. 35:31— I resisted this workout all weekend because I honestly didn't know if I could do it-(- I hate burpees!!!!!) but I made myself today. I knew it would haunt me if i didnt gove it a go. I had to let myself be about finishing with form and drop the competitive nature on time. I have to say I am proud of every second, burpee and situp! I did it!

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