
Monday 09.10.12

8 rounds for max reps of:
20 pound Hang power clean, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
20 pound Push press, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds

Post total hang cleans and total push presses to comments.


  1. First time posting. 53 cleans, 79 presses. Great site! My birthday is March 10. – Liza

  2. First time doing both of these type movements; I was very concerned about form so I didn't push the # of reps goal too much.

    56 cleans, 75 presses.

    Presses were fun. Cleans felt awkward! 🙂

    Thanks, Jenni!

  3. Agreed, the cleans feel very awkward.

    Still working with light weights, 13 lbs, so my reps were high.

    69 cleans
    91 presses

  4. Ok I'm thinking I did something wrong. Was this timed?? I just did as many reps as I could each round without timing then rested 10 seconds. REally feeling like I messed up somehow
    202 cleans, 124 pressses

    and yes! awkward on the cleans

  5. Sarah – Yes, it was timed: 20 seconds of Cleans, counting how many reps, then rest 10 sec. Then 20 seconds of Push, counting how many reps, then rest 10 seconds. End of set. Repeat 7 more times.
    Your #s do seem high to me, but I am VERY new to this still and s-l-o-w. So you may have done it fine. Regardless, you got a good workout in!!! 🙂 Nice job!

  6. Running T thanks for the clarification! I'm very new as well so I'm still learning! I just KNEW I was doing something wrong 🙂 I just reread and now I see the 20 seconds – how could I have missed that?!

  7. 112 cleans
    134 press
    Arms are hanging – cant lift them at all!!!

  8. 59 cleans
    53 push press

    slow but only my second crossfit day 🙂

  9. 57 cleans (as rxd), 103 press (30# first 4 rounds, 20lbs last 4)

  10. Are Power cleans, and "hang" power cleans the same thing? I'm still new to this and not sure of what everything is.


    1. Hi Sarah! Welcome!
      A clean always means a movement where you are taking the weight from the floor to your shoulders. So a squat clean you add a squat to the movement and a hang clean means you start from a standing position with the weights "hanging" from your arms and then "clean" them to your shoulders with no squat. There is a video demo on the full site. 🙂

    2. Hi Sarah! Welcome!
      A clean always means a movement where you are taking the weight from the floor to your shoulders. So a squat clean you add a squat to the movement and a hang clean means you start from a standing position with the weights "hanging" from your arms and then "clean" them to your shoulders with no squat. There is a video demo on the full site. 🙂

  11. 48 HPC
    80 PP

    Worked hard on form, not so great at getting many reps.

  12. 89 clean
    63 press
    Had a lot more trouble with press than cleans!

  13. Thanks so much for answering Jenni, I'm really enjoying the workouts so far, even though I could hardly walk all weekend. It's a good thing. 🙂

    1. No problem Sarah. I love seeing all of your comments. 🙂

  14. 44 on power cleans and 64 push press both with a 44 lb bar.

  15. 48 cleans
    48 presses
    as rx'd

    Question: is it normal to feel your mid back working during these exercises along with your arms?? Cause I'm feeling it in my legs, arms and back. Just want to make sure I'm getting the proper form down. 🙂

    1. I would say that you should feel it in your legs and arms the most but not too much in your back. I try to avoid feeling it in my back.

  16. im confused…not quite sure what to do. Do I need a giant weight thing?

  17. 20# weight, but used 10 #dumbells. That probably makes it easier somehow.

    87 Hang Power Clean
    97 Push Press

  18. 45# bar (all I have or else I'd done less, hate starting off with such a high wgt since i might hurt myself and DEFINITELY feeling it! ouch! anyhow)

    49 cleans 55 presses

    cleans are awkward to get the motion right.

  19. I used a 20 lb. bar and did 46 cleans and 64 presses. This is my first time doing these so I was focusing on form, only my 2nd cross fit workout. But loved it and will do more next time around! 🙂

  20. No excuse not to do the workout named for me!
    HPC – 74
    PP – 76
    As Rx'd

  21. 45lb for both
    Forgot to count. Duh!
    Then did Friday's WOD and forgot to time as well. Great workout though

  22. 22#
    54 cleans
    69 presses

    Followed dilligently starting in July then started marathon training in August…now trying to do both! Love the blog!

    February 5th!

  23. hang cleans: 58
    push presses: 58

    my arms are going to be DEAD tomorrow!

  24. 55 cleans, 50 presses. 35 lbs the first 3 rounds, 30 lbs the last 5 rounds. Bday is 3/4!

  25. 15# db's. 84 HPC's and 157 PP's. 10 seconds goes faster than you think! 🙂

  26. 67 hangs,82 presses – hope I can lift my kids tomorrow.

    Love the blog! Just found it… I have been looking for something like this. My bday is 5/16 (Erica)

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