
Monday 07.30.12

For time:
21 Front squat or weighted squat, 30-40 lbs
42  Sit-ups
15 Front squat or weighted squat, 30-40 lbs
30 Sit-ups
9 Front squat or weighted squat, 30-40 lbs
18 Sit-ups


  1. First work-out back after being sick for 2 weeks! Still not 100%, but hoping these endorphins will help with that…

  2. 5:24 First WOD since last Monday. Felt good 🙂
    30 lb squats

  3. I'm so slow! 😉 (Only day 5 – I will get there, right?)

    15 lb

    Negative pull ups – 10.

    1. Yeah, those are fine. A full sit-up of almost any kind is good.

  4. first fitcross workout. 50lb squats, full sit ups. time 5:45

  5. New to CrossFit and your website but loving it so far. I was wondering if this is your only workout per day or do you through in extra cardio and lifting?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Cindy 4:00. Also new to you site and wondering of this is your only excercise daily or any running/cardio added?

  7. Anonymous says:

    10 minuets but I was doing it with a 5 and 4 year old so was a bit slower.

  8. 5:03.8 after a day at the beach and with a screaming 9 month old…I think she motivated me to go faster!! lol.

    Day 5 and still loving it.

  9. 5:43
    with my 32 lb four-year-old on my back! 🙂

  10. 5:40 with 30# for the squats
    Abs were burning, but I did it!

    My 9 year old daughter finished in:
    5:21 with 2# for the squats
    She killed it! Even had perfect form and was yelling "Come on mom! You got this!"

  11. Getting better as this is the middle of my second week. Sick today but still did 30lbs

  12. Rachel – I don't know you or your daughter but I love it!!
    I gave my almost 2 year old 2 balls to hold today and we practiced jumping and then squatting. He fell a lot but he was laughing the whole time!! Think I've got a little CrossFitter on my hands too!

  13. 5:00 using a 45#bar for the squats…
    Also, when you say 30-40#s do you mean added to a bar? I've just been using the bar

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