
Thursday 03.08.12

5 rounds for time of:
40 Jump Jax
30 Box jumps- 12-18 inch box
20 Kettlebell swings (use a dumbbell- 15lbs)

Compare to 08.23.12


  1. 11:55 but with single leg for box jumps 18" step.

  2. I'm On vacation with no weights so I will have to double up next week.

  3. I did a 30 second wall sit instead of box jumps; 10 push ups and 10 squats for kettle bell swings. time 9:01. I was screaming during that last wall sit it hurt so bad! I'm definitely feeling the effects of crossfit already!

  4. Does anyone know an accurate website that will calculate the amount of calories these workouts are burning?

  5. I hope next time I am faster 🙂 The box jumps made me a little slower because the first 2 rounds I was still scared of falling on my butt, which I did a few times. But I got it down.

    Final time: 17:40, dumb bell swings.

    20 minutes on treadmill.

  6. – I did 80 jumps with a jump rope (cause that's what I did last time)
    – 15lb kettle bell
    – 11:40

    – 18:17 was my time back on 8.23

  7. Jump jacks
    box jumps on stairs!
    15 lbs dumbbell
    Time 8:18

    Ran 3 miles earlier

  8. 13:40

    and atleast 10 of those seconds were spent on my face on the ground after I fell from the stupid box!(You shoulda seen my husband jump up super fast to make sure I was ok!) 😛

    12in box
    10lb weight

  9. About 10 minutes
    800 Meter walk in snowboard boots
    Carrying 2 snowboards and a 40lb 5 year old in full snowboard gear on my back. 🙂

  10. Ran 3 miles before and for whatever reason, thought it was 3 rounds instead of five. So I did 3 rounds in 8.45 (thought my lungs were going to explode)

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