1. 15:34
    I remember the first WOD I had with you was on dec 9th it was a hard workout, similar to this except it was as many rounds of this in 21 min and we did like 4 or 5 so am feeling great about this one!!! 🙂
    Thanks for letting me be a part of your group!!!

  2. 14:47 (9 mph, 8.6 mph, 8.4 mph last 3)
    Happy Valentines! Feeling the love from working out after eating the valentine cake my husband made! 😉

  3. 12:11
    My legs are still sore from Monday's overhead squats (and I'm doing this on Wednesday since I took valentine's day off!)

  4. Okay, I am really likin' your blog! I really wanna get started & start doing this! I'm 23, 5'6'', 122 lbs. I haven't had any kids either. I was a slacker on P90X lol which meant I skipped over what I didn't want or couldn't do. I would like to get toned & strong so that when I do have children, I'll be able to lose the right weight between each kid & be able to keep up with them.
    What do I need to do to get started!!! Sorry this is a forever long comment 😉 Thanks for your help!

  5. Hi Danielle! Welcome! You are going to love CrossFit and you don't have to be a Mom to be a CrossFit Mama! These workouts are tailored towards chicks who want to work out fast at home and get super fit and toned. It just works out even better for us Moms because we don't have a lot of spare time! 😉
    To get started, check out the suggested equipment list on the right toolbar of the full site page. Try to get as much of it as you can and improvise for the rest. Then just jump on in with us for the workout of the day (WOD) and time yourself so you can chart your progress! We are excited to have you! 🙂

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