
Tuesday 01.03.12

For time:
Run 2 miles
Rest 2 minutes
20 Squat clean, 20-30lbs
20 Box jumps
20 Walking lunges
20 Box jumps
20 Squat cleans, 20-30lbs
Rest 2 minutes
Run 2 miles



  1. 52:47
    Kicked my hiney today.
    CAn I blame it on congestion…or has all the holiday eating caught up with me?

  2. 37:55- was only 20 seconds slower on my second 2 miles than I was on my first… So surprising since the last half of the work-out felt so much harder!

  3. 48:56. Ok Britta, give up the secret. Do you have prosthetic legs or something???

  4. 38:22 (not including the 4 minute rest)
    20lb cleans

  5. I wondered if we were supposed to include.the 4 min rest! I did, another reason i put ” ish”. Lol!

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