
Wednesday 08.31.11

8 rounds for max reps of:
10, 15, or 20lb kettle bell swings, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Jumping alternating lunge, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds


  1. Totally lost count, but I did all 8 reps as best as I could with 10 lb. For kettle ball swings.

  2. kb-58,jl-138 (or 69 sets of lunges)

    can't say that my form was great on the jumping lunge by the end. i wasn't getting my back knee down very far.

  3. kb-67 (10lbs)
    jl-101 My lack of balance is outstanding! These make me very wobbly. 😀

  4. kb- 84 with 8 lb weight (all we have)
    lunges- 95

  5. Ok, how does every keep count!? Do I just have THAT bad of a memory?! I line up 8 of my son's toys and knock down one at a time to keep track of the reps, but counting 2 different things while alternating? I was lost by the third rep!

  6. I write out numbers 1-8 and during the 10 sec rest right down the number done so in the end I can total them. Otherwise there's no way in heck I'd remember, especially with my 2 year old chatting my ear off the whole time.

  7. my legs hate me! .. I can't feel them anymore.
    kb- 75 (15lbs)
    jl- 127

  8. Jennifer- I use the same method to keep track.
    Mary- I am totally feeling it in my butt! YIPPEE!

  9. kb – 75 (10lbs)
    jl – 101

    it helps to have the kids in bed and the hubby timing you! i keep track of my #s and reps on my white board.

    jumping lunges are new to me….I can always expect Crossfit to keep me working hard!

  10. Linds- We are going to have to get Steve doing CrossFit! 😉
    Jumping lunges were new to me too. First time they were used in a WOD in 5 months. Always something new! 🙂

  11. YES we are! the bum was laying on the couch timing me 😉 He never works out, just prefers to do something active like basketball, biking. And he sounded as enthusiastic as the guy in the video. It was helpful to have him give me the splits, but I was giving him a hard time about it.

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