
Monday 08.29.11

5 rounds of:
20 Sit-ups
10 Burpees

I can already tell this is going to suck! But we love it don’t we.  😉


  1. 10:51 – I did the first 2 sets of burpees with man push-ups and the last 3 sets with girl ones. Oh man, my last 5 burpees were in slow-motion!

  2. 10:58 yes, this sucked! i my burpees were comical by the end.

  3. 10:05, half crunch/half situp and girl pushups.

  4. 8:01 and can't breath 🙂
    Man, if feels good to be back. Can you believe that the crossfit.com WOD today was 5 rounds: 5 ceans, 20 BURPEES!!!!
    So glad I am a chick! 😉

  5. i felt like i was starting from square one!
    last week my to-do list got the best of me….major deadlines i couldn't put off any longer. so this was my first WOD since tuesday & i really missed it!

    13:45 w/ modified burpees, one day i'll be able to do them right!

  6. 11:01 – did all burpees with boy push-ups!the last couple were definitely in slow motion.

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