
Thursday 08.25.11

5 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
10-40  pound Overhead squat, 15 reps

*if you can’t hold the weights over your head, you can rest them on your shoulders


  1. Is everyone else having a hard time squeezing in a workout? My kids and fussy baby don't seem to be cooperating with my schedule today.

  2. 20:26
    5 sets of;
    580m run (that's one lap around my block)
    15 over head squats with 30lbs
    … felt really slow. still sore from Tuesdays WOD!!!

  3. 13:16 – 6 rounds (because my street is 400 meters and I had to get home! 😉 – 1.5 miles. 90 squats with no weights (because I was outside) – and yes, a couple of cars drove by and saw me doing squats! : /

  4. Yes, Jennifer! I have a 2-year-old and a 3-month-old and my work- out had to wait until my man was home! Hang in there!

  5. I should know never to compare my time to yours if there is running involved! you smoke us all!

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