1. 12 minutes 8 secs, a third situps, the rest crunches. I am happy though, 33 more than I was doing a week ago 🙂

  2. 9:14
    I did the extra sit-up to make 100 too and did all my push-ups boy style. 🙂

  3. 12:23
    My squats probably looked pretty pathetic, but I'm still totally happy I was able to finish all of them!

    And can I just tell you all how much I'm am loving doing this! I can already tell after only one week that I'm getting stronger. And the best part of the week…the back of my arms no longer jiggle. 😀

  4. 14:29 – at least I finished within my goal…before 15min.

    I've felt crappy these past 2 days, so I'm pretty happy that I even did it 🙂 It helps that I started commenting and now feel obligated to continue, but I need that to keep going!!

    Jennifer S. – no jiggle after only a week!? awesome…I must have a LOT further to go! 😉

  5. Linds, I should clarify…they no longer jiggle while I'm flexing. They still totally jiggle otherwise. I got totally sad when I was pregnant and on bed rest and realized there was no longer a way to even pretend there wasn't jiggling going on.

  6. 9:28 – extra sit up to make it 100 and boy push-ups.

  7. JS – LOL, i "tested" my arms today just to see after reading your comment! ha. i feel like i'm getting stronger, but on the outside still look like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man 😉

    You girls that do "man pushups" ROCK! I hope that one day I can accomplish that too!

  8. K…I couldn't get through the entire routine (I blame it on being over 50 and 50+ pounds overweight…hopefully this will help the latter). Here is what I did: 2 sets of 10 push-ups, 33 sit ups, and 50 squats. I was huffing and puffing and it took me 6:25.

  9. Good job to all of you for doing your own personal bests and pushing yourself to the max! You will progress so quickly that it is highly motivating!

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