1. I'm a wuss and couldn't do nearrr that many pushups! But I did my revised version in 13 minutes. And my arms are pooped. Lol!

  2. 10:15
    with girly push-ups

    40 squats
    80 push-ups
    160 sit-ups!

    not too shabby. 😉

  3. I may have died there for a minute, but I did it in 14 minutes with girly push ups, and my sit ups turned into crunches at the end. But I finished!

  4. Good job girls! You will be amazed how many more sit-ups, squats, and push-ups you will be able to do easily after only a few weeks!

  5. 12:55 – did them ALL! (with girly push-ups) – not too bad considering I've been on vacation all week! Did I mention there was chocolate cake?!

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