Tuesday 04.30.19

5 rounds for time of:

7 left-arm dumbbell rows
7 right-arm dumbbell rows
21 dumbbell bench presses
500-m run

Use 20-30 lb dumbbells

Post time to comments.


  1. 22:30
    #15 for all (14 rows each side, 30 bp)

  2. 22:56
    20# rows
    15#(30#together) bench

  3. 24:33
    20# dumbbells
    Rounds 1 and 2 = 21 BP
    Rounds 3 and 4 = 14 BP
    Round 5 = 7 BP
    I maxed out.

  4. Diana juarez says:


    #25 dumbells

  5. Holly White says:

    24:01. Met in the middle with weights – didn’t think I could do 40# chest press, so did 35# and 17.5# rows.

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