Wednesday 04.10.19

5 rounds for time of:

35 ft. bear crawl
35 strict push-ups
35 donkey kicks

Post time to comments.


  1. 17:20
    Took awhile to get all those push ups right…still had to sub a few wall push ups here and there otherwise all real push ups

  2. 22:35 with girl push ups

  3. 13:53
    Switched to GPU on round 3. Oh man that was hard on the wrists.

    1. Diana juarez says:


      Boss push ups
      35 donkey kicks each leg

      1. Diana juarez says:

        ??‍♀️sorry, didn’t mean to comment on tours

  4. Diana juarez says:


    Boss push ups
    35 donkey kicks each leg

  5. 24:09. Gpu and 35 donkey kicks per leg each round.

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