Wednesday 09.05.18
Saved By The Bell
3 rounds for max reps of:
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of wall-ball shots, 10 lb ball
1 minute of deadlifts, 55-75 lbs
1 minute of med-ball sit-ups
1 minute of hang power cleans, 45-55 lbs
Rest 1 minute
Post total reps completed to comments.
12,11,10 burpees
33, 29, 29 wall balls 10#
29,30,30 DL 30#
23,24,24 sit ups 10#
25, 26, 26 power clean 24#
burpees 41
wall balls 10# 101
deadlift 75# 52
med ball situps 10# ball 78
hang power clean 45# 43
94 total everything in one round. Did all with a 20# kb, so some modification in movement
295 total for all 3 rounds
(100, 100, 95 for round breakdown)
14lbs wall ball
55 lb deadlift
44 lb hang clean
Modified sit-ups to accommodate baby bump.
This one was a good burner ??????
I have NO IDEA what my numbers are. I get distracted by kids easily. Haha. But it was hard and good! ??
256 total (85, 83, 88 per round)
Modified burpees
30 lb deadlift
Used 10 lb kettlebell for everything else
Great workout! Still figuring out the different exercises and need to sort out equipment, so this was a combo of dumbbells etc.
197 for everything. did thrusters instead of wall ball shots because of the gym I go to. The burpees KILLED. they were by far the hardest part.
13:38 for my mile run.
286 total. Had to change locale on the third round so I upped weight a tiny bit and subbed thrusters for wall balls.
1st two:
Burpees—22, 21
10lb wall ball—21, 21
65lb deadlift—19, 19
10lb mb su—15, 19
45lb hang clean—13, 14
20lb thrusters—25
70lb deadlift—18
10lb db su—17
50lb power clean—12
10,12,10 burpees
20,19,28 55 pounds deadlift
10,10,10 8 pound ball sub for wall throws
15,12,15 sit ups
10,12,12 hang clean 45pounds
Total- 231
Each round: 81/ 76/ 74
#10 wall ball & med ball sit ups
#76 deadlift
#36 hang power cleans
Also ran 6 miles:
Warm up
5 x 1k @race pace
400 m recovery between sets
Cool down
Total reps 312.
Burpees: 15, 12, 13
Wall balls 10#: 18, 20, 18
Deadlifts 45#: 16, 20, 19
Band assist crunches (diastasis): 26, 45, 40
Hang power cleans 20#: 16, 17, 17
81 – 89 – 97 = 267 total
Modified burpees and sit-ups
82, 88, 92
20lb thruster instead of wall balls
40lb dL
No weight on sit ups
40lb hang clean
All I had were some dumb bells.
Super fun workout
10:30 Mile run
193 reps total!
80, 65, 50 total each round
135 for deadlift
105 for hang power clean
30 lb wall ball and med ball sit ups
213 total reps
45 lbs on deadlift and hang cleans.
Burpees- 11/11/10
Wall ball shots (10lbs) 18/18/18
Deadlifts 55lbs 19/17/18
Butterfly sit ups 10lbs- 13/13/13
Hang power cleans 12/13/13
1mile hill run 10:00
Total Reps 275
14,13,14 burpee
36,34,38 walk ball 10bls
22,19,20 deadlifts 60 lbs
15,16,17 10lbs med ball
22,22,20 65 lbs