
Tuesday 09.04.18

3 rounds for time of:
25 dumbbell push press, 10-20 lb dumbbells
50 double-unders (sub: 200 singles)
25 weighted step-ups, 25 lbs, 18 in box
50 double-unders

Post time to comments.



  1. Shellie Brooks says:

    19:30 single jumps

    1. me too! Then 2 mile walk.

  2. S. Wright says:

    20:20. 100 jumping jacks for 50 double unders

  3. S. Wright says:

    20:20; 100 jumping jacks instead of 50 double understand; 8 lbs push press

  4. 25 minutes. Single unders

  5. Ronna James says:

    Ran 6x400m first.

    10# dbs for push press and step-ups

  6. Jessica Olsen says:


    35 for push press
    Single unders
    20lbs for step ups

  7. 19:39, single jumps. Then 2 mile walk.

  8. 31 mins. That included a phone call and stopping several times to entertain my toddlers!!

  9. Katie Loveland says:

    I used my bra to hold my phone and my boob paused the stop watch. ? But singles and used two concrete stepping Stones and a stump because all of our stuff is in moving boxes. ? Still counts, right?

  10. Haha I must have missed something or somehow counted wrong! My time was 14:46. Which guessing I missed a round or something? It’s my first HIIT workout here so still figuring out the ropes! 🙂

  11. Haha I must have missed something or somehow counted wrong! My time was 14:46. Which guessing I missed a round or something? It’s my first HIIT workout here so still figuring out the ropes! 🙂

  12. Anna Young says:

    Singles and then a 12:51 miles!
    Feelin the grogginess from the crap I ate this weekend!!

  13. Traci Jordan says:


    Single unders
    Started with #12 dumbbells and dropped to #8

  14. 20:25, single unders, 13 step you each foot. Were we supposed to do 25 each, does anyone know? Not that I had ime today haha

    1. Jessica Olsen says:

      25 total. BReak it up however you want between legs 🙂

  15. 49:27. Nothing to write home about, but first time I could do double understand (one at a time)!! Did she for first of the set and double understand for the second. 20# step ils and push presses.

  16. 17:00:58 and 12:51 mile!
    Single unders!
    Feeling the grogginess of the crap I ate this weekend!

  17. 26:18
    10lb dumbbells
    Single jump ropes

  18. 21:08
    10lb dumbells
    Single jump ropes

  19. 21:29
    10lb weights
    Single jumps
    16in step w 10lb weight

  20. 23.13 single unders , whew

  21. 19:55.04
    10 lb weights
    Single unders
    15 in step

  22. 19:18
    Push press 75 lb barbell
    Step up 24” box with 35 lb barbell

  23. Cyndi Neumiller says:

    Did the workout on Tuesday a little behind on posting
    25:09.85 15 lb DB and single jumps
    1 mile 9:19

  24. 17:40 had to wait for my awesome new jump rope to get here to do this one. 20ln dumb bells with push press. 20lb in step ups. I gave up my coffee today but I had a cup of green tea to stay awake enough to do my job then I ate donuts and pizza… I think maybe caffeine would have been better

  25. 23:08 … single jumps

  26. Diana Juarez says:

    19:20 with singles

  27. Linda Anderson says:

    I did not time it but it was over an hour. I did step ups 25 each foot which took forever. I also cut the jump roping down to one set an it still took me forever. Ran a little at the end.

  28. Stephanie says:

    20lbs push press & step-ups

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