Friday 05.18.18

4 rounds for time of:
60-second plank
30 donkey kicks
15 dumbbell shoulder presses, 10-20 lb dumbbells
15 push-ups

Post time to comments.


  1. 16:56- my arms and shoulders were dead that last round. ??

  2. 26:28 20 lbs strict push ups. I was slow… but I did all my reps

  3. 13:48. My core is getting stronger. First time ever I was able,to hold a,60 sec plank with no break since my 2 c sections
    Tina- 13:24
    Mccall- 15:43

  4. 14:50 did 15lb dumbbells

  5. Denise French says:


    Overhead squats with 30# due to shoulder injury

    That was harder than it appeared

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