Wednesday 09.20.17

6 rounds for time of:
24 squats
14 push-ups
24 walking-lunge steps
Run 400 meters

Post time to comments.


  1. Only time for 4 rounds

  2. 16:22
    As rx’d except
    14push press in place of 400 run

    Run 5 miles after

  3. 33:18
    18 boy push ups the rest girl push-ups

  4. Tiffany Baugh says:

    31:38, girl push ups, ran for two minutes for 400m each time bc I couldn’t measure the distance

  5. 31:03
    As RXed.
    Super X push-ups from toes.
    (On your way down, bring one knee to the same elbow, alternating each push-up) With my spine fused and unable to twist, this is the only way I have found to target my love handles and obliques.

  6. 25:35
    Outside runs

  7. 3 rounds
    24 push ups instead of 14. Oops
    No running

    2:42 core work

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