Tuesday 07.11.17

For time:
5 strict handstand push-ups
50 double-unders (sub: 200 single)
4 strict handstand push-ups
40 double-unders (sub: 160 single)
3 strict handstand push-ups
30 double-unders (sub: 120 single)
2 strict handstand push-ups
20 double-unders (sub: 80 single)
1 strict handstand push-ups
10 double-unders (sub: 40 single)

Post time to comments.


  1. 7:21
    Feet on wall

  2. Stephanie James says:

    PU on 6 onch ledge

  3. 10:40
    1/2 DU one at a time
    1/2 tuck jumps
    Struck pull ups unassisted

  4. Just shy of 16 minutes, I think. Forgot to turn off the timer. Handstand push-ups with knees on couch, put did a practice handstand in my alley…could only hold it for about four seconds :/

  5. 17:08
    Feet on 18″ box

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